Newbie Aquarist
Reefing is my middle name
Wait. Is this about my tank? So now I need 2"x10"s instead of 2"x12"s? I think he is using the 73" where I can roll my sump in and out.
Wait. Is this about my tank? So now I need 2"x10"s instead of 2"x12"s? I think he is using the 73" where I can roll my sump in and out.
Originally Posted by TheFishMan65 View Post
Rocket, would you mind posting the formula [for caclulating the amount of deflection (bowing) of different sized horizontal frame pieces]
Where W is the load, L is the length of the span, and Ixx is the area moment of inertia for the beam. The 10^6 is the minimum modulus of elasticity for the lumber typically used in these stands and comes from page 16 of Mechanical Properties of Wood Chapter 5 and page 13 of Mechanical Properties Of Wood Chapter 4. The first one has a short list of properties while the second one has many different species. The author of the first link is one of the authors in the second.
To calculate Ixx I use the formula for a rectagular member which is 1/12*b*h^3 where b is the beam width and h is the beam height.
Two Questions:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there is already a safety margin built into this formula, so there's no need to be afraid that, for example, 0.0945 is "too close" to 0.1 to be safe.
According to this formula, I could use 2x2's (1.5" x 1.5") beams on a standard 65 gallon tank (36x18x25 tall) (Deflection of 0.0916").
Is there any reason not to trust this formula for a beam smaller than a 2x3 or 2x4? Does the modulus of elasticity change for lumber in that range?
I should have looked it up (my memory stinks) so thanks for the correction. My estimate of 11 lbs per gallon instead of 10 makes my version of the formula a bit overly conservative (but still useful). At a SG of 1.026 (grams/liter) you can calculate that out tank water weighs about 8.5657 lbs/gallon. Figuring in the submerged weight of glass, sand, live rock (3 lbs/gal), and assuming a canopy, I think 9.6 lbs/gal is an accurate estimate of total tank weight, so RE's nice round estimate of 10 lbs/gal is fine. If we call it 9.856 lbs/gal, the constant in my equation becomes 4.5 (in stead of 4.032) so lets use 4.5 in my equation instead of 4.032 (I wish RC would let me edit/correct my earlier post!)C-Rad,
Do you have a reference for the weight of salt water. I think (i looked a couple places) it is closer to 8.5. RE used 10 lbs to account for sand/rock.
Right again (nuts!). So the cutoff should be a deflection <= 0.125 (not 0.1 like my post said)RE original design criteria was less than a defection of 1/8 of an inch. That IMHO that should be the standard for this thread. I believe it was stated in the first post.
I didn't want to clutter the thread with all the steps, but if you can use RE's version of the equation, just plug the same numbers into both versions and notice that "my" equation always gives the same results as RE's equation (using the assumptions I described). This is math - no faith is required - just verify.While that equation may work. I sure have a hard time understanding it. I see nothing about 11lb for the weight of the water. I think I will stick with the original, but what ever works for you.
I don't believe in increasing an already conservative safety margin, I just remembered wrong when I said the deflection should be <= 0.1, I should have said <= 0.125. Thanks for correcting me.There is definitely a safety margin in this design. Most of that comes from using the values of green wood vs kiln dried which is stronger. The reason for this margin is to account for any defects in the lumber (anyone looking at box store lumber knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about). And for when I run the numbers, anything below .125 is my limit so working for .1 is even safer.
I'm surprised to hear that; maybe it's a regional thing. In Southern California I often find nice kiln dried 2x3's at HD, and while the 2x2's are often warped, and contain knots, untreated ones are easy to find (here). If go to HD with a tape measure, and a list of exactly what pieces I'll need for my stand, I can sort through and find long 2x2's that contain knot-free sections that are straight and long enough for the pieces I need. Then I have the HD guy cut the good pieces I need out of the junk I bought, and I take home straight, knot-free, untreated 2x2's to work with. Personally, I hate moving unnecessarily heavy stands, and sometimes the extra inch (or two, or four) of clearance inside the stand is important, so for me smaller is better. That's why this equation is so valuable, because it lets me use smaller lumber, but still know for sure that my stand will be more than strong enough (assuming that I only use good straight lumber of course).finding a clear 2X3 is almost impossible and most 2X2s I have found are for railings and are therefore pressure treated (not good). For this reason, the minimum size of 2X material that I recommend is a 2X4. For smaller tanks, a 1X4 which is .75 wide will be a better option as you can find clear 1X4s fairly easily.
I wanted to make what I think is a very useful formula, accessible to as many people as possible, but I suspect they'll be afraid to use it until you check it, and tell them it's kosher, so please do that when you can, and thanks a lot for posting the formula, and for putting time into this thread. I suspect there are fewer tanks falling off stands because of the time you've given here.While I have yet to back out the formula, its good to see someone simplify things for the average individual.
I want to build a stand and canopy for a 20g long(30X12X12) and i'm trying to decide what kind of material to use. Was thinking about plywood but i'm not sure how i would attach it. Pocket screw jigs nowhere to be found around here![]()
Would a frame of 1"X2" covered with a 1/4" plywood work? I'm trying to make it so that i have enough room inside to put a 30"X12" tank without making the stand much larger than the DT. Any ideas? And anyone that has a plywood stand please post a picture of how it is braced if you can.