dvanacker's 200g SPS tank......

thanks guys...ya my daughter is 2 ...she just adds to the work. I actually prefer that stage though...:rollface:

Beautiful tank. Love what you have done.

Do you feel the 400watts over your tank as opposed to 250s is a big factor in your corals coloring up as well as they have if not the biggest reason? I have 250s in my tank and have not been able to achieve coloration like yours except for the corals I have kept close to the surface on my frag racks which I have on either side of my tank. My tank is the same depth as yours...24" and I have an option to go up to 400 with my next bulb replacement. Do you feel I may be in danger of burning if I do? Do you feel you would get the same result in your tank with lower wattage?

Beautiful tank. Love what you have done.

Do you feel the 400watts over your tank as opposed to 250s is a big factor in your corals coloring up as well as they have if not the biggest reason? I have 250s in my tank and have not been able to achieve coloration like yours except for the corals I have kept close to the surface on my frag racks which I have on either side of my tank. My tank is the same depth as yours...24" and I have an option to go up to 400 with my next bulb replacement. Do you feel I may be in danger of burning if I do? Do you feel you would get the same result in your tank with lower wattage?

Beautiful tank. Love what you have done.

Do you feel the 400watts over your tank as opposed to 250s is a big factor in your corals coloring up as well as they have if not the biggest reason? I have 250s in my tank and have not been able to achieve coloration like yours except for the corals I have kept close to the surface on my frag racks which I have on either side of my tank. My tank is the same depth as yours...24" and I have an option to go up to 400 with my next bulb replacement. Do you feel I may be in danger of burning if I do? Do you feel you would get the same result in your tank with lower wattage?
Thanks. IMO sps and especially certain acros love tons of light....so no I dont think I could get the same results with less lighting. I even recently added some LED to the sides of the tank where i think it could use more and I have seen an improvement there.
So then, can I ask how high are your bulbs from the water's surface? Mine are about 10" above. I also have 2 80w T5s and 2 24w actinics around the perimeter of the tank which are probably around 6" above.

I'm wondering how my LPS on the sand will react.
So then, can I ask how high are your bulbs from the water's surface? Mine are about 10" above. I also have 2 80w T5s and 2 24w actinics around the perimeter of the tank which are probably around 6" above.
I'm wondering how my LPS on the sand will react.
Well....foot print is important in this equation too. My tank is 4.5' x 3' x 2'h. My lights are about 8" or 10" from the waters surface. LPS seem to do great on the sand and it a little shade in my tank. :)
colors look awesome.Love the sunset millepora
Thanks...I think I'm just following your lead.
Congrats Darryl!
Thanks buddy:beer:
Thats great news!
those corals have amazing colors, you must paid a lot lol
I don't like to think about that. I've learned over the years that you have to pay a bit more for quality. It's all about the coral genetics....:hmm5:

Since I've had so many responses lately I made some time tonight to take some pictures. Please ignore the green cyano.....I usually clean it up before pics and Im working on resolving the problem.

Kryptonite Torch

Flame Tip Anemone

Supernatural Cap

And it's been a while so here is a FTS....Before anyone asks the red dots on the right is the reflection from my christmas tree...doh. And its a bit foggy cause I fed mysis right before I decided to take pictures.

You've achieved the coveted, "I can no longer see my rock" phase! That is an accomplishment all by itself.. Awesome job Darryl, your tank is quite spectacular.. I'm trying to get to this point with my tank and it is NO easy task!

Been thinking about an RBTA for some time now, but I'm a bit afraid... your thoughts?
Looking very nice Darryl, top quality sir :thumbsup:
Thanks Tony.... wish you where closer cause I'd be buggin you for a piece of your abrotinoides stag. I can't seem to find one that will take to my system. Seems you have the magic touch there.

Been thinking about an RBTA for some time now, but I'm a bit afraid... your thoughts?
Do it! Hahaha. I was afraid as well but I've gotten a little braver recently. Of course he did move.....trying to find a spot with lower light and flow than right in front but I managed to wrangle him into the spot I wanted. part of that might be luck though. And of course this hasnt been long term yet.....only a few weeks. I suggest making a bit of a cave for one if you want it out in the open. They like to attach in a hole a bit and feel secure.

I don't think he would move up my rocks and mess with the majority of my sps though....seems they want to go hide somewhere more than anything....probably because of the high flow and light we keep in an sps system. They may take a bit to adapt.

very good colors. are you still with GFO, GAC and pellets?
Yep.....when something works for you in this hobby....you stick with it.
Ok.....I took the camera last night thinking I was just going to get a picture of my highlighter coraliniana but I went a little crazy.

Deepwater corals anyone???

Highlighter Coraliniana






Awi Bottlebrush

Purple Monster

More coming tomorrow....
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