dvanacker's 200g SPS tank......

I moved this one up and I gotta tell you, it is just blowing me away. Crazy....has no idea what colour it wants to be .....purple, pink, blue and green. It's a wild coral that RTN'd on me like 3 or more years ago. I saved the base and it was a brown rock for about 2yrs and I almost threw it out multiple times. boy Im glad I didnt. Anyway it was just blue when I bought it but it sure has morphed. I've tried a few names but I think I like Northern Delight. :)


Sorry I meant to take more but I only got this one picture before the lights went out.

Thats a beauty! These corals must be loving your system to be able to produce such beautiful colours! Look forward to more photos. :spin2:
looks like some orange in the base aswell. Could just be my monitor... Now my feet are cold cuz my socks just blew off.
I'm glad everyone seems to be as impressed with that one as me.

Darryl, the colors are amazing. Can you do a close up of the one above it? That one looks cool too.
Thanks....that is my pearlberry here is a pic I took a few months ago.

Looks like it's ready to be fragged! I'll take one! Very nice piece.
If only you lived in Canada...haha. I actually fragged it tonight and it's on hold for someone.


and since I spent practically a whole day cleaning the algae from my frag tank I think I will show it off.....

It's just a 36"x18"x10"....with two sureflow maxijets and 24xLED and 3xT5HO for lighting.

Amazing thank you for sharing!

Do you still use wm ultimate snow?
thanks....I havent used the snow in about a month or two. The cyano returned but what I do is just use my hand and stir up just the very top of the sand where the cyano is....I do this once or twice a week and eventually the cyano goes away.
Darryl, you have one of the nicest tanks I've ever read about. You win all categories of outside and inside aesthetics.

I've read your thread many times, however never straight through so I'm not sure you addressed my question. I'm fascinated by your basement. I see your insulation is covered in plastic in the pictures. I'm curious, as you live in a northern climate that gets pretty cold. During the winters your house gets closed up tight and with a large volume of water you must have issues with humidity. How did you integrate this issue into your build? Do you have an automated exhaust fan in the basement?

By the way, I'd never get tired of looking at your tank. It's truly amazing. When do we get to see the rest of the house?
Thanks for the compliment...there are many great tanks around though.

yes it gets cold here but being in New York your climate is probably pretty similar.

The plastic is called vapor barrier. Do they not use that on new home construction where you are? It is protection from draft and moisture. I finished the basement with wood studs and drywall after the fish room was set up but obviously I couldnt drywall the fish room.

To fight the humidity I have an HRV that I use in the winter months. This is a Heat Recovery Ventilator. Similar to an ERV but more for colder climate. It's tied into the whole house but there is an inlet in the fish room as well. They only work well in the Winter months when there is a large temperature difference between outside and inside.

During the summer months I use a dehumidifier. Since dehumidifiers work better when run in warmer temperatures and HRV units work better in colder temps this works out good. Also to exchange air with outside in the summer months is quite useless here because it gets so humid outside.

Hope that helps.
ha...well it didnt look like that the day before. After I cleaned it I put the frags all neatly back in rows. Soon it will be a mess again I'm sure. The middle one is mostly palmers blue millepora and a few tort frags. I find the blues go crazy in the frag tank because of the higher kelvin and its brighter as well.

snapped a few group shots last night...


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Do I detect a LARGE, somewhat encrusted firefighter fuchsia frag aka "Red Dragon" front right side of that frag tank?????
Thanks again everyone. Knowing the quality reefers around here the compliments are much appreciated.

Hello Darryl,
do you run a calcium reactor ? or balling ?
colors look better and better ! simply amazing.
thanks. BRS DIY 2part on dosers. I cheap MG once a month and adjust then if necessary.

Do I detect a LARGE, somewhat encrusted firefighter fuchsia frag aka "Red Dragon" front right side of that frag tank?????
That is a true veteran for ya....haha. I don't know how you noticed that but you are correct.