Englishrebel's 260 Gallon System Build

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Easy - Joe might be monitoring your thread. Purportedly, he saw you having to throw your tongue over your shoulder to leave the store!!!
Revenge?...no chance - I am driving...but you can ride with me from Culumbia if you wish - Of course you might make Frank jealous.....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15405741#post15405741 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EnglishRebel
I have to admit that I let that one fall through the cracks. I have prazipro in my cupboard but failed to use it. Dumbo :mad:

if I start of with a container say with a gallon of water that came with the fish and I drip acclimate it by adding tank water and removing water as the container fills up, what strength do I start with??

I take a 5 gallon bucket (Used bucket from reef crystals), put it on top of some cardboard to insulate it from the cold floor and acclimate into that. I drip acclimate till its 2/3 full, nearly empty it, then acclimate back to 1/2 again. This takes about 2.5 hours. Sometimes 3.

Take that half bucket, call it 2.5 gallons. I then treat it with 1/4 teaspoon for 2.5 gallons. Adjust upward if your bucket is full. MAKE SURE YOU SHAKE THE BOTTLE! The stuff clumps to the bottom of it.

I've accidentally put in 1/2 teaspoon per 2.5 gallons and teh fish had no ill effects.

The interesting part is I had a fish literally drop dozens of not hundreds of flukes. It was so bad I thought the fish was going to bleed out. Luckily he made it... It was my Emperor angel. I do this procedure before I put them in quarantine. I then watch them in quarantine to see if something else develops. Once I had ich develop which I treated with copper (Tang). Besides that, the prazipro seems to knock off everything else. I have a whole warchest of medicines I've (luckily) have not had to use yet :)
Normally I avoid the use of antibiotics in the display like the plague. That said, I am getting good reports from people I respect that is can be used for the purpose that you intend. I guess try it.

I would hold off on that Mandy for awhile until you tank is stable and has a healthy population of pods. Often we see them in large numbers but when a voracious "pod eater" is added it may reduce the numbers in short order and the Dragonet ends up starving having eaten himself out of house and home.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15415119#post15415119 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WaterKeeper
..........and the Dragonet ends up starving having eaten himself out of house and home.
That's what the fish I have are doing. :p
The Pearly Jawfish are always out swimming around (not too far from their homes though).

The pearlies that I have are much more gregarious than the blue spots. That said, the blues do come out quite a bit. I do have a blue that spends a _lot_ of time hiding. I'm starting to wonder if that's an indication of sex with them. With the male starting to display, maybe it's because the hider is female?
I have noticed that also. The Pearlies are always out and about in front of their burrow. In fact right now the smaller one is in front of the larger ones burrow and spitting mouthfuls of sands at him. It's funny to watch. They seem to be out more since I added the two Firefish as they tend to swim around the Jawfish's area. Maybe they think they are white Firefish :p.
I have started spot feeding the Blue Spot as he was not coming out (except for his head). I used a turkey baster to blow some mysis shrimp his way and he darted out and grabbed a couple. The Pearlies did that when I first got them.
PH Update

PH Update

As you probably know I have been battling a low PH problem from day one (7.59 was the lowest). I re-started dosing SeaChem PH buffer about three days ago (four teaspoons at a time). My last dose was yesterday and this morning my PH is at 7.8. I haven't seen 7.59 since I started dosing again. I don't know what has changed in the tank that has kept the PH up with the use of a PH buffer (maybe the disappearance of the "snow" that I was getting that some thought was some sort of bacterial bloom).
If you remember that when I started dosing the buffer a couple of months ago I could only get a small increase in PH and it wouldn't hold.
Yesterday I pulled out about six clumps of red cyano that was on my sand bed. I'm still battling GHA but the Mexican turbos are keeping it in check. I also got three more lettuce Nudibranch to add to the three I already had and they do a good job (at least the crabs don't eat them like they do the snails). :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15436647#post15436647 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ksalt
Big fan! and have followed your thread for some time. Thanks for sharing it.

Just read a article (blog) on Ph and thought it would be worth sharing with you. :) hth


Thanks ksalt for the link but I have brand new fixtures. BTW

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>
Alan and I can meet you in Columbia and leave my car at one of the lfs's and ride with you to GA. I'll just hang the barf bag around my neck for easy access !!! :lol:
Well I think we have a threesome going with the Jawfish. Oscar had moved out of house with Felix a couple of days ago and was digging bomb craters in the sand. Then he set up home under the same rock as Felix but round the corner. I got up this morning and guess what..... Oscar was back living right next door to Felix (actually I think it's the same hole but with two entrances) and now the Blue Spot has moved all the way from the other end of the tank and has taken up residence in Oscars recently vacated temporary residence.
Of all the fish in my tank I love these Jawfish the most. They are so entertaining. :rollface:

I think I need to drop some more building materials outside their front doors. :p
One of My Anthias Died

One of My Anthias Died

Well, I just lost one of my female Anthias. :( They were all perfectly fine yesterday and I was looking in the tank this morning and didn't notice that there were only three females out and about as I was more interested in the Jawfish antics. Then a few minutes ago I saw here laying on the sand bed. I think she was the smallest of the females -- the one that wouldn't come out from her hiding place in the rock until quite recently (I've had her since May), so maybe she got stressed and died, as the male does tend to chase all the females. Do they do this? :confused:
Hope it wasn't something I introduced with the last batch of fish (I didn't take my own advice and QT them or dip for parasites). WaterKeeper will have something to say for sure. :)
I'm moving this thread back to the Newbie Forum! :mad:

Ouch, sorry about the loss. At this point it may only be that the lost fish was so intimidated by the tankmates that it was not able to get enough food. Was it fat and heathy looking or was the belly narrowed?

Do be especially observant right now and keep a sharp lookout for any outward signs of disease or erratic behavior that would signal a disease problem. Otherwise just QT stuff from now on in so that you don't worry about wiping out what you have.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15443276#post15443276 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WaterKeeper
I'm moving this thread back to the Newbie Forum! :mad:

Ouch, sorry about the loss. At this point it may only be that the lost fish was so intimidated by the tankmates that it was not able to get enough food. Was it fat and heathy looking or was the belly narrowed?

Do be especially observant right now and keep a sharp lookout for any outward signs of disease or erratic behavior that would signal a disease problem. Otherwise just QT stuff from now on in so that you don't worry about wiping out what you have.

No please Tom don't do that to me. :D The female Anthia was the smallest of the four and when she first went in we were worried that she wouldn't make it as she hid under a rock for days. Lately she had been coming out and feeding but she was a little thin. I guess she just didn't get enough food. The male is a right SOB, always chasing the females -- not overly agressive, just enough to let everyone know that he is the boss. I have lost sight of my Blue Spot Jawfish. As I said in an earlier post he had moved down to where the two Pearly Jawfish are. I see that the smaller of the two Pearlies (Oscar) has now taken up residence again in the larger ones (Felix's) burrow so maybe the Blue Spot is also in there.
I can't keep up with all of this falling out, moving out, moving back in. It's like watching a soap opera. :lol:
I found him. :rollface: He was under the same rock as before but he must have been down deeper. He popped his head out when I put food in the tank. That'll do it all the time. :lol:
Well I lost him again. After he came out and I spot fed him he went back under the rock and I haven't seen him in two days. I'm getting worried. :( My other Pearly Jawfish has taken up residence under the same rock and if I look closely I can see a little pile of rocks like he's barricaded himself in for the night.
Blue is back!!! :dance:
I found him poking his head out of a rock in the back of the rock pile that the other Jawfish are occupying.
Before the Blue Spot Jawfish moved again (where he's difficult to see) I snapped a shot of him. When he just has his head poking out of his burrow you don't get the full beauty of his coloration.

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