Active member
Thanks for the encouragement to keep posting updates. (Worth the effort if someone is reading them).
And Big Thanks to everyone pointing out my Low Nutrient problem. ( I actually wasted months watching corals fade, one by one ).
Special Update: (Some Comparison Close Up Photos, before and after changes):
First want to note. Something is changing with chemistry Load.
My Alk & Calc is dropping (a little) with the dosing that I have been doing for last 3 months to keep stable.
(Never needed to increase dosing). No kidding, nothing was growing to use up more.
I'm working on increasing dosing to stabilize.
Not much, however it appears the corals are needing more A/B for the first time.
I hope this means a sign of growth to come.
It's not the "wet skimming/RO TopUp" that is lowering Alk, since I am replacing skim with (Alk/Calc) matched Salt Water.
I actually like the "bucket skimmer-cup-overflow" thing.
It's like doing mini water changes throughout the week, but not removing good water (Instead nasty "skimmage water").
Here is a comparison of my _______ Coral.
Perhaps someone can give me a name.
I'm not great with Coral names, since I could only identify 3 kinds in my tank (in the past).
The "Brown Coral", the "Pale Coral" and the "Bleached White Coral".
May 9th is approx. when I made first changes, to temp. Started feeding fish more and corals nightly fed OysterFeast.
May 29th could be considered the starting point of a new fish (the Angel).
For reference (in between, May 17th, was the start of additives, CB, CV)
The last two photo's above are under same lighting, and same camera settings.
(Pardon the blury one, it's all I could find with matched setting to compare properly).
Since things are improving, I'm going to take an top down photo of my tank, which I've never done before. Will help compare things in the future.
I understand I may need a box with a glass bottom get a clear shot.
I'll end this post with one more comparison....
BTW, I am not altering my images with any photo Software.
Shots are with a Canon Rebel SL1 that I am still learning how to use.
Plus I store my Photo's by Lighting (MH Shot, MH+VHO Shots, LED Shots) and always shoot 400 ISO. To ensure like to like comparisons.
I also take Photos a few times a week, so someday, if I get growth, I'll stitch them together a post a time lapse movie on YouTube.
As suggested by (brad65ford) in a previous post.
Once I get all my corals back to good colors & Health.
I'll start working on growth. (Probably start lowering lights and increasing PhotoPeriod)
Till next update. Wally
And Big Thanks to everyone pointing out my Low Nutrient problem. ( I actually wasted months watching corals fade, one by one ).
Special Update: (Some Comparison Close Up Photos, before and after changes):
First want to note. Something is changing with chemistry Load.
My Alk & Calc is dropping (a little) with the dosing that I have been doing for last 3 months to keep stable.
(Never needed to increase dosing). No kidding, nothing was growing to use up more.
I'm working on increasing dosing to stabilize.
Not much, however it appears the corals are needing more A/B for the first time.
I hope this means a sign of growth to come.
It's not the "wet skimming/RO TopUp" that is lowering Alk, since I am replacing skim with (Alk/Calc) matched Salt Water.
I actually like the "bucket skimmer-cup-overflow" thing.
It's like doing mini water changes throughout the week, but not removing good water (Instead nasty "skimmage water").
Here is a comparison of my _______ Coral.
Perhaps someone can give me a name.
I'm not great with Coral names, since I could only identify 3 kinds in my tank (in the past).
The "Brown Coral", the "Pale Coral" and the "Bleached White Coral".

May 9th is approx. when I made first changes, to temp. Started feeding fish more and corals nightly fed OysterFeast.
May 29th could be considered the starting point of a new fish (the Angel).
For reference (in between, May 17th, was the start of additives, CB, CV)
The last two photo's above are under same lighting, and same camera settings.
(Pardon the blury one, it's all I could find with matched setting to compare properly).
Since things are improving, I'm going to take an top down photo of my tank, which I've never done before. Will help compare things in the future.
I understand I may need a box with a glass bottom get a clear shot.
I'll end this post with one more comparison....

BTW, I am not altering my images with any photo Software.
Shots are with a Canon Rebel SL1 that I am still learning how to use.
Plus I store my Photo's by Lighting (MH Shot, MH+VHO Shots, LED Shots) and always shoot 400 ISO. To ensure like to like comparisons.
I also take Photos a few times a week, so someday, if I get growth, I'll stitch them together a post a time lapse movie on YouTube.
As suggested by (brad65ford) in a previous post.
Once I get all my corals back to good colors & Health.
I'll start working on growth. (Probably start lowering lights and increasing PhotoPeriod)
Till next update. Wally
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