history of lunar's reef

Your tank and reefing history is amazing.

After reading all the negative post about biopellets it got me concerned since I am only 8 weeks into using it. My P04 is currently at 0 with a hanna checker.

Do you recommend heavier coral food feeding when levels are that low?
Amazing tank Krzysztof. Nice colorful corals. Maybe its just my feeling, but the current setup of your tank looks a bit more natural than the old one. ;-)

As I see, you got Achilles tang. Very nice fish. Congratulations. How long do you have this fish in your tank? No problems with acclimatization?
Perfection :beer:

Thank you, Jeffie.

HI Krzysztof,

GREAT tank ;)

Do you use again BALLING?

Thanks. Why again? I have been using balling, rather - two part kH/Ca dosing for several years.

Hi, great corals Kryzs, perfect. Can you shown to us picture of your sump? Please, I would like to see it :)


Thank you, Stenopus.


Your tank and reefing history is amazing.

After reading all the negative post about biopellets it got me concerned since I am only 8 weeks into using it. My P04 is currently at 0 with a hanna checker.

Do you recommend heavier coral food feeding when levels are that low?

Thank you, Tek.
I don't know your tank, but try to have PO4 about 0,03, not 0,00. You can increase your livestock or feeding. And check K level from time to time. Don't add K if you don't know its level!

Amazing tank Krzysztof. Nice colorful corals. Maybe its just my feeling, but the current setup of your tank looks a bit more natural than the old one. ;-)

As I see, you got Achilles tang. Very nice fish. Congratulations. How long do you have this fish in your tank? No problems with acclimatization?

Thanks Zvejkus.
My Achilles has swimmed in my tank for about a half year. He hasn't had any problems with acclimatization. However I have had problems with him. He spills out water of my tank onto floor continously.

LOL, your achilles spills water out of tank? It could be funny to watch him do that. Except for cleaning saltwater from carpet. :-D
Amazing work the thckness of most of those acros is impressive... great coloration too

Thanks, small_polyp.

Looks nice, noticed it's now bare bottom and new skimmer, any reasons for this?

Thank you, ryanrid.
As you perhaps know, I used to have db earlier. Then I stated to vacuum sand gradually to replace it with new sand - very thin sand layer providing an aesthetic look. There's still a bit of old sand, mainly under rocks.

My friend gave up reefkeeping and I got almost a new BK skimmer very, very cheap. That's all.

LOL, your achilles spills water out of tank? It could be funny to watch him do that. Except for cleaning saltwater from carpet. :-D

It's really not funny. He destroyed my cabinet partially. Furthermore, I can't keep a side glass clean, because he's very warlike. He fights with his mirror image all the day. Fortunately, he isn't aggressive towards other inhabitants of the tank.

Thanks Zvejkus.
My Achilles has swimmed in my tank for about a half year. He hasn't had any problems with acclimatization. However I have had problems with him. He spills out water of my tank onto floor continously.


Must be a common trait ;-) My achilles will splash water out of the tank at my husband when he walks by...LOL.
Thank you, ryanrid.
As you perhaps know, I used to have db earlier. Then I stated to vacuum sand gradually to replace it with new sand - very thin sand layer providing an aesthetic look. There's still a bit of old sand, mainly under rocks.

My friend gave up reefkeeping and I got almost a new BK skimmer very, very cheap. That's all.

OK cool, have you noticed that the colors are starting to pale with the BB and the more aggressive skimming? Is more dosing of enhancements required than prior? I found personally with BB and carbon dosing the color would fade after a few months no matter how much phols extra etc I would add.
Thank you, Sahin.
No, I use neither zeospur nor b-balance. I add FM color elements and bacteria Biogro 123, the best of all.


I don't think that there's more aggressive skimming now than prior. Red skim I had before is also quite strong skimmer. I set up both skimmers this way to have neither wet nor dry skimmate but halfway.

Hi Krzystof, thx for the picture. Please, what media is inside of smaller and taller reactor?
is that po4 remover? How do you measure K+ level? what test? What about RO water what you are using mb 20 at the end? Thx !
These pics and this tank in general are stunning. I love it. Inspirational tank, my friend.

Thank you.

Hi Krzystof, thx for the picture. Please, what media is inside of smaller and taller reactor?
is that po4 remover? How do you measure K+ level? what test? What about RO water what you are using mb 20 at the end? Thx !

In the smaller reactor there are Npreducing biopellets, in the taller one PO4x4 Phosphate remover.
I use Salifert Potassium Reef test, it's very easy to read.
Yes, RO/DI with Mb20.

After watching your latest video my jaw was on the floor from the beginning to the end!
Very inspiring!

Sorry, I hope your jaw is ok now ;-) Thank you.

Very beautiful tank...from beginning till now..glad to see youre still here..

Thank you. I love reekeeping so much that hope to be with you for a long time. I wish the history of lunar's tank were the neverending story :-)

One of my favorite tanks since you ran it on zeovit to present day:beer:

Thank you. I like this emotikon :beer:
