history of lunar's reef

This tank and its entire story is so great. Hearing the journey and seeing the colors and corals you are able to keep is really inspiring for us who are really just starting out and only been doing it a couple years. One day I hope to be have kept my reef for this many years and have something half as beautiful to show for it.

Thank you, Michael, that's very kind of you.

I want to buy you a beer!!!

I think you and I are much alike. I have been struggling this summer as I have a new hobby of racing cars, but I do not want to give up my love aquariums. The result is I have been doing the absolute minimum I can on my tank, and yet my tank is doing very well. My primary focus has been and continues to be "stability". I'm just maintaining the tank without worrying about how many new corals I have or whether my tank is becoming "TOTM" worthy, but in so doing the corals I have are thriving, and I even have a clutch of Cardinal fish that were born in the tank, ran down the overflow to my sump (300 gallons) and are growing up in the sump with no attention. All this to say "stability" is something you learn and not so easily reproduced.

I'd love to drink a beer with you :-) We are really alike, I love cars too.

Don't give up reef tank! If you have more hobbies, your life is more interesting. Good luck :-)

Is it possible to take a pic with the wave maker please ?

Sorry, but I really don't understand. You ask me for a picture with pumps switching on? I don't switch my pumps off when I take a photo. Sorry, my English is so .... :-(

Krzysztof - your tank is wonderful.

Thank you a lot.

Krzysztof - Love the tank indeed.
Sorry to ask this, what do you do to control the all in one bio pellets? The effluent water usually contain a fair bit of brown stuff that gets into the sump floor.
Are you putting any filter sock over the output or is your reactor water plump into your protein skimmer?

I always use mechanical filtration together with AIO - a nylon filtersock below the reactor outlet.


How do you run your carbon? In a reactor or in a bag next to high flow?


In a mesh bag.

Sorry if you have already mentioned this, but how much biopellets do you use on this tank?

Thank you

About 2 liters.

Hi Krzysztof, Very nice tank. One of the tanks that made me adicted lol.

I want to buy a pasific sun Diuna 10x80w bulbs to my big coral farm in Germany. I will not use Pasific Sun bulbs, I will use ATI. What combination do you recomend for only SPS from ATI or other brand like KZ and Fauna Marin.

Also do you realy recomend the Diuna? I like the software but I dont know if I will have the same efect Like ATI Powermodule.

Now we have LED and SPS corals are not doing good. So, I am going back to T5.

What are your parametters and which test do you use?

Are you still with the Zeovit Method?

What aditives do you use?

thanks sorry for my many questions and bad english.
Go back and read previous posts...
Lunar no longer uses the zeovit method but "all in one pellets" being used in a reactor his company builds.
Only products he uses to my knowledge are:
*all in one pellets
*fauna marin colors
*fauna marin calcium and alk
*DVH biogro 123
Thanks :) I would like to know the t5 compination with the brands ATI, KZ or Fauna Marin for SPS tank only. I live in germany and this are the lamps that I want to use. Also I dont have any expirience with t5 only MH and LED.

What would be the on/off hours for the Diuna or any T5 only lamp for SPS (not dimable)

I will see all the other posts to see if I can find.

Hi Krzysztof,

Your tank is amazing and is a great inspiration to me. After reading through your thread, I'd just like to confirm if my understanding is correct: are you running what I may call a hybrid between the Fauna Marin Zeolight system and All in One Biopellets? It seems that you run all components (with some off-brand replacement ) but replace the ultralith stones with the biopellets instead.

This is what I think you run:

1. FM Colour Elements
2. FM Ultra Carb
3. FM Reef Vitality
4. FM Coral Balance
5. Salifert Amino Acids (equivalent replacement for FM Ultra Min S)

The above are all the components of the FM Zeolight system minus the stones

6. Biogro 123 bacteria (equivalent replacement for FM Bakto Blend/Bakto Therapie)

Bacteria is recommended but not essential in the FM Zeolight system

7. All in One biopellets

Reason I'm asking is because I'm running FM Zeolight on my high bioload system now and find it isn't as good in maintaining low nutrients as a carbon based system. At the same time I can't notice any tangible benefits in using the Ultralith stones. I am considering switching to a similar hybrid system using the AIO biopellets to keep nutrients low while keeping the coral enhancing benefits of the rest of the Zeolight products.
Colors still amazing and the contrast and placement works well. One day would like to see this tank in person.
Colors still amazing and the contrast and placement works well. One day would like to see this tank in person.

+1, one of the most impressive tanks in the world. My brother goes to Poland many times every year. Next year I'd like to visit and photography this tank. Thats if Krzysztof will invite me. :lol:
Hi Krzysztof,

Your tank is amazing and is a great inspiration to me. After reading through your thread, I'd just like to confirm if my understanding is correct: are you running what I may call a hybrid between the Fauna Marin Zeolight system and All in One Biopellets? It seems that you run all components (with some off-brand replacement ) but replace the ultralith stones with the biopellets instead.

This is what I think you run:

1. FM Colour Elements

2. FM Ultra Carb

3. FM Reef Vitality

4. FM Coral Balance

5. Salifert Amino Acids (equivalent replacement for FM Ultra Min S)

The above are all the components of the FM Zeolight system minus the stones

6. Biogro 123 bacteria (equivalent replacement for FM Bakto Blend/Bakto Therapie)

Bacteria is recommended but not essential in the FM Zeolight system

7. All in One biopellets

Reason I'm asking is because I'm running FM Zeolight on my high bioload system now and find it isn't as good in maintaining low nutrients as a carbon based system. At the same time I can't notice any tangible benefits in using the Ultralith stones. I am considering switching to a similar hybrid system using the AIO biopellets to keep nutrients low while keeping the coral enhancing benefits of the rest of the Zeolight products.

You can easily solve nutrients problem raising doses of balance and vitality .. If you dose 3 spoon every 100 gallons /week of CB you will have problems of HAVE nutrients..addinf RV also the bioload will burn fast.. Take care OD can starve corals..
It wouldn't be Christmas without one of your greetings Krzysztof! Everything is really growing in beautifully. Anything new to report on your tank?
It wouldn't be Christmas without one of your greetings Krzysztof! Everything is really growing in beautifully. Anything new to report on your tank?

New: Anthias bimaculatus - I haven't thought that they are so superb, so vibrant, so voracious and so hardy ... I love them!
