How to keep an Idiot busy...150DD

Figures your already growing the sticks lol

I threw a sacrificial green slimer in the qt I set up in Feb and it lived so... What else would I do?

Now that looks good. Can you pot some details about te main parts used for this lift? Thanks.

Sure. I bought a few lengths of unistrut and made some framing. I got some drawer slides for a filing cabinet rated to hold the weight of the canopy and lights. A 150lb firgelli actuator pushes between the two pieces and an end switch stops it at 23". Much easier than I thought it would be. I wasn't gonna actually buy it but my wife insisted saying "of all the stupid things you'd spend $300 on don't you think this would be worth it?" So A hold on a 3rd mp40 for now and I can work in the tank when I want to:thumbsup:.

The pvc is an issue for me and the first side you see when you walk in the room. I didn't think about that when setting up. I'm debating about what coral to grow on it and maybe rock to hide the bottom half.

I read and reread the thread on aquascaping. Steve Weast's tank is probably the best ever done. I decided to go with his style and have a trench to the back. This also helps accent the depth of this tank and won't disappear as the coral grow in. I wanted to have more stick out with the rest of the rock work but am going to do that with the sps instead.

Sump room behind the wall. Well as soon as I redo the sump.

All pics shot with my new 10-18mm wide angle lense.

Welcome Back!!! Looks great .


Is the water height going to come up? Is the sump off that would bug me

You got it. I didn't fill it all the way because I didn't plumb anything yet. We bought the house in Jan and I thought for sure I'd have the tank done in Feb. I've learned that I hate building tanks, I just like feeding fish. I removed the corner overflow in favor of having the mp40s on the edges and having a gyre/whirpool roll around the tank. Long pulse anti sync. It kinda works I'll have to see how the polyps move. I'll get good surface skimming at least. I want a different layout in the sump this time so I have to redo the baffles in the 75. I added enough water to cycle the rock but that's it.

Here's a pic of the frame to help with the above explanation. It's basically the same thing on the bottom.

That is awesome!!

Thanks Bob!


It's gonna go slow now. I got my dendros and NPS back from Rob which is awesome and they've grown some too. But now I feed the fish and feed them and don't work on the tank. The sump is flowing finally I had to redo all the baffles. I wanted a area for my 2 bulb T5 that was unfiltered water for frags so I'm not tempted to put them on the sandbed. And a large return pump section to hold days worth of evaporation in case of ATO failure on vacation. And I put a wall close to the pump but not all the way across to create high flow for dosing. The basement rooms are getting really warm with the boiler, tanks and dehumidifiers running like 75- 80 degrees. So I may have a problem when I plug the lights in:worried:

Also the minimum focus distance on my lens is 12" and my QT tank is 12" deep so there's not gonna be a whole lot of pics from that. I was Lucky enough with help from Kris and Marc to pick up a maricultured tenius that looks like it could be the same as jacksons tenius. If I don't kill it.
Patrick, did you get back a specimen of your PM yet? Is it still alive over there?

:sad1: No unfortunately I did not and they lost the colony. But I don't blame them I've lost plenty of sps suddenly without a chance to save them. Some of the employees have frags of it and they offered to frag it for me. If anyone has it they can give me a frag and get store credit. I'm going to post a thread asking for it once I get the nitrates in my QT controlled.
I am having a tough time taking pics. Part of the problem is the shallow QT tank and having to shoot handheld. And I can't get the white balance right under the bulb combo of 2 B+ 2 C+.

Do you have anything in the tank yet or is it still cycling, and how are the clowns doing?

The DT is cycled and running well. I was a bit too optimistic about what I could stock in a 45 gallon QT and was lazy about testing N03. Then the schooling bannerfish got popeye. After a 40% WC it still tested at 65ppm I had to prematurely dump the 5 bartletts anthias into the DT which already had a diamond goby, red and purple firefish, radiant wrasse, and banggai cardinal. I did not heed your advice about the clowns being weak swimmers and the smaller one got sucked into a pump which my daughter was really upset about. And I felt awful, poor fish. The other clown is in a plastic box in the DT until he gets bigger.
The DT is cycled and running well. I was a bit too optimistic about what I could stock in a 45 gallon QT and was lazy about testing N03. Then the schooling bannerfish got popeye. After a 40% WC it still tested at 65ppm I had to prematurely dump the 5 bartletts anthias into the DT which already had a diamond goby, red and purple firefish, radiant wrasse, and banggai cardinal. I did not heed your advice about the clowns being weak swimmers and the smaller one got sucked into a pump which my daughter was really upset about. And I felt awful, poor fish. The other clown is in a plastic box in the DT until he gets bigger.

Give me a call when you get the chance.
Here's the a pic of the maricultured tenuis the day after it came in. You can see hints of red that I hope I can bring out like Jackson did on his piece. It was labeled rainbow tenius on the list also.

And here it is now all blue but growing and encrusting.
