i give up on freakin montis! help


Active member
i just dont get it!

i can not keep a monti of any kind happy for a period of time

ive tried all kinds plating encrusting brnaching and all hate my tank!

what the heck is the deal here!?!

i currently have a 180 with all types of corals from LPS to softies to clams to sps and an anemone all are happy.... with the occasional thing here and there....

as far as sps go i have the following that are doing great.... some kind of yellow stag.... a. valida, blue milli, red milli, blue prostata, some wild yellow acro bush, a wild pink poccilopora, a wild yellow and pink acro, a branching green stag of sorts, a. tenuis but i can not keep a monti at all!!!!

and NO its no Nudis!

i have checked screened dipped in an effort to look for them....

basically the coral is fine and within a 2 week period starts to bleach and loose color.... then slowly over the next 2 - 3 months it will slowly fade away less and less color and less PE....

whats the deal here?!

i run Phoenix 250W 14K HQI's on my PFO HQI ballast and mini pendants and all my other corals are happy i can keep acros happy from the sand bed to the top....

i start the monti low to acclimate it and then ill either A. move it or B. just leave it there and either way they bleach and fade away....

my readings as of today are....

SG 1.025
Ph 8.3
Na 0
Ni 0
PO4 undetectable using a salifer kit and running a PO4 reactor
Ca 400 using a calcium reactor so its stable
Alk 8 dkh same as above
Mg 1350-1400
Temp 79-80 on chiller
flow is 40x's and all have been in good areas
lights on for 7.5 hours

im going crazy here only other thing i can think of is that some chemical warfare is going on in my tank and montis are the losers

cuz i do have a large yellow singularia fiji finger leather and a large colt but other sps are fine and i run carbon 24/7 in the baffles of my sump

any help would be appreciated?
Are all the monty's you've tried from the same place, or different places? When you get them are they premounted or loose? This is weird, they are one of the easiest corals to keep
all different pieces....

from loose to mounted to aqua cultured from the wild and from other reefers

tell me about it....

ive lost probably 8 -10 montis over the last year plus and all do the same thing....

seems like if i keep them shaded they last longer but even then 14K Phoenix's shouldnt be too much and even at the bottom ....

no matter what i do how i place them what flow where i get them from or any otehr factor they slowly fade away like they are getting burnt or bleached and they just hang in there for a few months then finally gone

yeah tell me about it.... i do not get whats killing them or what they are not liking cuz they are supposed to be the easiest ones out there
I seem to have the same issues with Montis and my Tri-Color Acros (and only these) any time I run phosphate remover. My phosphates were .01 (Hanna Colormeter) so I recently discontinued the use of phosphate remover and the color in these seems to be slowly returning. May want to try this also.
Running carbon or phosphate remover too actively can cause problems for sure....not sure if that is your problem but its something to look into. Everything else seems to be inline for you. My montis have been VERY happy since day one in my tank and I have not always had perfect water levels. My nutrients have always been low, but my alk/ca/mg have done some fairly large swings and I have not had any problems. I have also had them under both T5 and 14k Phoenix (my current setup) and they have done well under both.
very stange yeah im not sure whats going on here....

i only recently setup the PO4 reactor.... my montis have been unhappy before this as well

as for carbon i only use 2 lil baggies of the chemi-pure carbon which is rated for 100g and mines a 180 so i know im not over using carbon.....

ive used carbon since day one in fear of my leathers releasing toxins but all otehr corals are doing fine....

man i can not figure this BS out!

:mad2: ;)
If you really want to try again, then I think your first step is to remove one, or both of the softies. This seems to be the only possible problem at this point. Or you could try increasing the amount of carbon and change it weekly.
yeah but which one do u think could be the culprit and how come they wouldnt harm the otehr sps.... very very strange....

i like the look of a mixed tank thats why i was kepin the 2 softies cuz ive had them 2 years and they look awesome....

hmmm maybe ill just have to do a monti free sps mixed reef tank lol

but i really like montis :(
Hmm... heard this from my friends too.
He cannot kept montis and it always either TN or bleeched.
Although i do have good success on some but not all.

In fact, i heard reefers here said that montis are easier to keep than Acro. I do not think so. Its more difficult IMO. It depends on the origin of the Montis. Tonga and Fiji.. are the most difficult ones, either bleeched or browned out and the former is very common.

Some monti need high light, some need low light, some need moderate current, some dont. It all depends on the place of collection.
i think the last ones i tried were from fiji acualqultured

its just wierd cuz i can keep wild acro colonies in my tank but not a freakin monti
I think you ansered your own qwestion.

im going crazy here only other thing i can think of is that some chemical warfare is going on in my tank and montis are the losers

the softies might be giving you problems its strange that it is only montis and you can keep acros from what i have seen normaly montis are harder than acros.

though i think some phisphate removers have metal in them can remember what kind of metal and to much carban to qwick can bleach sps but i amagin you now that.
I have several softies in my tank, includeing a couple devils hands and all my montis (i have a ton of them) are all doing great. I would like to note that my digis absolutely LOVE the light. They are all up high right under the halides/T5 and they colored up and grow quite well. Not sure what yoru problem could be really. Like I said before, they were the first corals in my tank and have done well since day one.

Actually my avatar is one of my pink digis.....freggin awesome coral IMO!
hey Horace....

do u run carbon in your tank since u have softies and acros??

im wondering if i should pull the carbon out or not.....

the montis acted up long before i added the PO4 reactor thats for sure.....

i just cant figure this crap out cuz ive tried them high ive tried them low and all with the same outcomes bleaching and tissue dying off slowly until the monti is finally doomed

im wondfering if the colt could be the main problem

any other ideas?

Colt coral is pretty aggressive. Who's upwind in the flow?

I couldn't even keep zoos without problems. The only two soft corals I have now are gsp and xenia, and the montis are growing like bandits under an mh 250 10000.

The metal in phosphate remover, btw, is iron.
FWIW - I've pulled the carbon from my tank for several weeks now. No change for the worse anyway. Get rid of the colt and see what happens. HTH.
Well.. for me it turned out to be a flow issue. I just had to much in my display.

For quite some time, I couldn't keep montis for the life me, then I set up a frag tank plummed into the same system which orignialy was for LPS.. but.. I recieved a couple monti frags from a friend.. I put them in my main tank.. all started bleeaching.. so i took them up and put them in my prop.. They all healed, coloured up, and have been growing.. I since turned my tunzees down a little bit and I put a couple frags back in the main tank, so I can see if that was it.
I am following this thread really closely.

Hate to sound like a broken record but I really really need help to save my montis. Same problem as murphreef, stay ok for a few days, then start to bleached, tissue thinning, algae growing and eventually gone. Acros are doing perfect.......only the damn montis..
I dont think it is the flow. I have a tremendous amount of flow and I have over twenty some different montis in my system and never lost one. I dont have any softies either. Do you dose iodine? Does your pendants have a hqi shield? Are you getting wild montis like your wild acros?