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Not new but back

Not new but back

Hello everyone. I'm not new but its been awhile. I had moved and finally just got a tank up and running so im kinda new. I think i attached a pic of my tank. Anyway i moved to Gardnerville,nv. and man it is much harder finding other reefers. Well its good to be back. and if anyone has any good deals on corals that wanna help stock my tank that would be way cool.


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Hey All ! Finally getting back into the salt water life after being MIA for about 2 years. Looking at purchasing a 40g innovative marine fusion tank this month. (Dont have space for my 120g)
I'm fairly new to Reef Central, but I've had saltwater tanks for a while. I started with a small 29g in Pittsburgh (with some larger freshwater - I miss my Oscars and angel fish!), moved to San Antonio in 2005 but had only a 75g saltwater. I just recently upgraded from that to a 125g with a bunch of new equipment. All the live rock and fish from the 75 went into the 125 and sump and things are running well.

I love all the new things you can find in a saltwater tank (large bristleworms for one thing http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2380208) and all the interesting coral you can get.

I plan to do more corals than just the current leathers, zoos, star polyps and mushrooms. I think I want to try a clam, more zoos and mushrooms, and some other interesting, but not too terribly difficult, things.

I do this in my 'spare' time as I'm a college administrator and triathlete. Obviously, my wife and I don't have children - except for two retired racing greyhounds. Hoping to learn tons here and also discuss some things I've learned!!!
Hey gang, Jeremy here from upstate ny been in the hobby for a while but just now getting into bigger systems. Started off with a 29gal and went to a 40b and then added my 29 for the sump. Built the stand myself and have been tinkering with the idea of a DIY led array.
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Hello Hello Hello

Hello Hello Hello

I'm getting back into the hobby in full swing since taking a hiatus since 1996. I'm starting a RSM250 tank that will be dominated with SPS. Picking up where I left off, and man has the technology changed!

Excited to be here! My name is Bryan and I live with my wife and three children in Northern Virginia.

Cheers all!!

Hello everyone! Not really a complete newby but new to RC. I am based in UK and have 150 litre mixed nano reef.


I have been reader of this forum for a while now and must say big thank you for helpful information you have provided me with.
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Hello, Name is Doug. I'm from Ohio and a huge DIY guy, love building everything. I've been researching saltwater tanks for quite some time and we'll be moving into a bigger house shortly so I've decided I really want to build a tank as I think I and my kids will greatly enjoy it.
Hi, I'm Chelsea. I work in a pet shop but we only sell freshwater stuff. I have just set up a 70 liter tank which will be FOWLR (although they never seem to stay that way do they). At the moment I'm being patient and letting in cycle though. I have a certificate in Finfish Culture and am studying towards a certificate in Advanced Aquatics this year
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Hi all, new to RC. Not a newbie but I am starting a new build. 60 gl cube (24x24x24).
sump, skimmer,live rock, mp10, 2 hydors (800, 1500). lighting AI Hydra 52 w/ Director.
Just started to cycle. Im planning sps dominate w/ few lps and a few fish. Oh yeah...bare bottom.
New Member, Would appreciate any advice.

New Member, Would appreciate any advice.

:uzi:I've had FOWLR tanks before, but this is my first time with a Reef Tank.


-75 Gal. Glass
-70 lbs of Fiji & Marshall Island Live Rock. (Adding 50 lbs more shortly)
-(Two) 48 inch 1W white 6000K LED's, and 12 blue 500mW
-(One) Finnex Ray II HO 10K LED w/lunar lights
-(Three) Powerheads
-Coralife Protein skimmer 100g rating (sucks)

Live Stock

-Three Juvenile Yellow Tangs
-Seven Cardinals
-Two yellow fin damsels
-Two Clown fish
-One Black cap Jawfish
-One Watchmen Goby
-Two Zoanthids
-One Mushroom
-One Star Green Polyp
-Three Flower pot corals
-One Acan
-Undersized Cleaning Crew

I'm looking at 3 protein skimmers right now to choose from. I made another post in the equipment forum if someone can help. Basically it's between 3 different types of Reef Octopus HOB's. BH2000, LX2000 or LX1000. I'm Leaning towards the LX1000.

I just don't want to purchase something that will be overkill for my tank/bioload. I'm also not intrested at this point of time in a sump.
Hey everyone, new to RC, semi-new to the hobby. I love big tanks, but I don't want to keep them myself. My main interests are picos and nanos. I am a microbiologist and am very interested in the microbiology of a reef (maybe why I like small tanks?). I tend to over think and over analyze, I love to tinker and design new tank builds in my head (most of which will never ever happen).

My current set up (I'll make a thread later) is a 5.5g deep blue mixed reef tank that's been going for a few months. I've only had livestock for a bit over a month, so it's still going through the uglies and is still pretty empty.
Dropping leds and going back to MH w/ t5's

Dropping leds and going back to MH w/ t5's

KeJust purchased a 125g rr tank. Looking to get a trigger sys sump 36x15x16. Confused on lighting. Read alot on ReefBreaders led lights and am leaning towards (2) 32" Photons. Then ran into a thread talking about dropping leds and going back to MH w/ t5's

The confusion comes in where previous reefers using mh &t5 lights then went to led lights and felt there was no growth on leds.

But then I have read reffers using the Photon by Reef Breeders mentioned how the colors poped and growth and health of corals was excellent.

The skeptics on leds did buy quality led units but were NOT happy.

I plan to start off growing different corals, and if what is true with what some members have reviewed positively on the Photon with good growth that is what I want.

If all is crazy talk because they like what their eyes see and growth is exaggerated then I want something tried and true. I was tring to prevent additional heat sources.

Please advise you opinions from the experts.

Hi all. Just getting into saltwater tanks. have wanted to for years and have had many freshwater tanks. Currently have a 40b with just two clowns and some snails in it waiting to upgrade lights and such to start corals.

and....yes I did cycle first. lol read a lot before I stated to make sure I did make an expensive mistake.
New 2 the game!!!!

New 2 the game!!!!

Hello guys and gals.... I'm new to this part of town and doing a lot of research about the saltwater setups and ect... I had all types of exotic fwf and now I wanna switch it up... Any info as to me being a beginner would gladly appreciate it... Looking towards a 90g setup...
100-120 gallon tank in the near future

100-120 gallon tank in the near future

Hey all. I am new to the saltwater hobby, been reading up on the forums and discussions for a couple of months now, getting educated in the process. Thinking about going with a 100-120 gallon rimless tank, possibly custom built or one of the all in one tanks in the next few months.


I'm considering getting a reef tank. I'm still learning about everything I want/need to get started and am still trying to decide on the size of my first tank. I'm still not sure if I will make the plunge but reading everything I can get my hands on.
Thinking of jumping into the salt water

Thinking of jumping into the salt water

I have been in the aquarium hobby for as long as I can remember. Twenty or so years in the freshwater, fish only and recently as a freshwater planted aquarium.

I have always loved saltwater but stayed away due to not having the equipment or the funds.

I now have most of the equipment and most importantly the time to properly start a salt water tank.

My wife and daughter have always gravitated to the saltwater section in LFS that we visit, so I would have the support with the time and money that this endeavor would entail.

So I will be pretty active and asking for advise as I make the leap.

Thanks in advance.
I have some extra time on my hands and have been missing my last fish tank full of cichlids... I have been a long time dreamer of owning a reef tank and have started reading everything I can get my hands on in preparation for this new, advanced, hobby. I am looking at a 75-90 gal reef tank with soft corals and a few fish. :)

I'm located in wet, Victoria, BC, and I was lucky enough to find a link to your site from our local Aquarium Association's site and am super excited to read through the articles in the New to the Hobby section. Looks great! Thank you for all the effort of putting it together.

color me EXCITED to get started.
