New member
New guy
New guy
My name is Eddie and I am still green behind the ears with saltwater aquariums. I have a 29g FOWLR tank that is getting better but not there yet. I recently setup a 125g drilled corner flo tank. Right now it has only a couple of pieces of live rock in it. I have an eshoppes wet-dry 200cs. Something is not right with it but I'll save that for another post.
Hello all!
New guy
My name is Eddie and I am still green behind the ears with saltwater aquariums. I have a 29g FOWLR tank that is getting better but not there yet. I recently setup a 125g drilled corner flo tank. Right now it has only a couple of pieces of live rock in it. I have an eshoppes wet-dry 200cs. Something is not right with it but I'll save that for another post.
Hello all!