If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

New to the hobby

New to the hobby


Hi everyone! My name is Amanda, I am 1 month into the hobby. I purchased a 16g Nuvo Nano tank. Still trying to tweak things, need a different light and some LEDs. And looking into purchasing a protein skimmer. My boyfriend has been in the hobby a couple years he has a 30gal and we are hoping to build a 125g soon.
Hi everyone, I have tons of questions lol

Hi everyone, I have tons of questions lol

I've had a Red Sea Max 130 D (34 gallon) that has been running w/coral and fish for four years now. I just recently purchased a Nuvo SR 60, set it up last Monday, added my sand, my live rock from the RSM along with new live sand and live rock and liquid Stability. Placed Frozen fish food it in hoping to cycle faster. Now being the fourth day shouldn't I be getting off readings on my ammonia and or nitrates?


Hello all, Russ here.
I am about to start a 75 gal reef project and am still in the early research phases. I have a 75 Gal main with a 40 gal sump project. It's turning out to be quite overwhelming with all the products out there. I cant even get past which skimmer to choose for my equipment list. I look forward to reading and searching here and hope to find answers to my the growing list of questions growing on my notepad. TIA and I look forward to your mentorship.

New to saltwater

New to saltwater

Hello all! I have had a freshwater tank for years now but always wanted a reef tank. Finally took the leap to salt water. I now have a 125 gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump/ reffugium that I am in the process of cycling. I am exactly 1 week in. I have been all over this and other forums for the last 3 months reading about everything trying to get a good understanding of everything. It has been really helpful :)
My name is Kris and i just joined yesterday. I just moved from Dubuque Iowa to Alta Vista Iowa a few months ago for work and decided to start a 150 gallon tank. I still have a 55 gallon back in Dubuque with a snowflake eel, 1 year old lunar wrasse and 1 damsel that will be getting transfered over. No fish in the new tank yet (just CUC and 2 test damsels) but my Ausie Tusk should be here in a week and will be the first real fish in the tank. Will follow up with a volitan and then transfer my old tank over. Im obviously into the aggressive FOWLR scene but i do have 50-60 heads of random soft corals that somehow reproduced like crazy (assuming came from the liverock)
Hi everyone!
My name is Eric, I live in the not-so-coastal state of Indiana. I'm completely new to the hobby, so please excuse the "stupid" questions that I'm sure I'll ask.
A little about myself:
Married-10 years, hopefully will make it to 11, after all this gets going.
Daughter-16yrs old going on 28
Dogs- a boxer and a chihuahua, quite an odd couple
Just picked up a sick 180RR off of Craigslist for a good deal.
And I do mean sick. Very bad algae problems. Got it home and started cleaning the tank up with vinegar and noticed a bunch of fine scratches that seem more like cloudy spots rather than scratches. It's my understanding that nothing can be done about that.
I chose the 180 over the smaller ones because I'm sure I'll need the added volume to help keep my mistakes to a minimum impact wise.
So, all you experienced reefkeepers, I'll thank you now for advice that I'll be bugging you for in the not so distant future.
I plan to keep fish and corals, taking my time to get things right.
New but not too new

New but not too new

Hello everyone, I started this hobby out with a 75g glass tank filled it with 60 lbs of live sand and 70 lbs of of live rock, at the time i was using a Fluval canister filter that i didn't mind cleaning twice a week. I have a 6 year old son so needless to say the first fish that was introduced to the tank was a clown fish, then dad read up a little (not enough) on clowns and thought it would be cool to have an anemone so went to LFS bought the cheapest anemone (Condy) furthered my research to late and found that that type clown doesn't host them FIGURES. so we then bought a pair of Clarkis they love the now two anemones (we bought another no spliting yet) we have. But after two months i wanted more space in the tank, so to CL i went, found a 135g SUNSUN rounded front corner tank that we loved brought it home built a new over kill stand and also bought a used 55g tank for the sump. We just got the new tank up and going over the weekend and are loving every minute of it.
New to Saltwater

New to Saltwater

My name is Doug and i just took the leap setup a biocube 29 with 20lbs live sand and 30ish lbs of live rock. It is going to be a mixed reef setup.
Hey my name is Derrik im just cycling a 25g tank going to use as a fowlr/qt tank... in the midst of setting up a 90g dt. Nice to meet you all.
Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone

Hi, name Eddie. New to the hobby. Started three months ago.

Tank: 20g
Powerhead: Aquaclear 20 x 2
Filter: Marineland 200 BioWheel
Heater: Marineland 100w
Lighting: 42 Bright White and Blue LEDs
Live rock and sands
1 bubble Anemone
2 hermit crabs
1 emerald green crab

I recently lost two perculas to marine ich, four days after buying the fish. Having a hard time keeping fish alive, not sure what to do anymore. Water parameters are fine, but still having issue. I have heard great comments about The Reef Central. Looking forward to getting some good information.

Thank You,
New to the board and new to saltwater reef hobby.

I have had fresh and brackish water tanks in the past. Now it's time for the real deal.

Currently, I am building a 60gallon TruVu Cube with reef and fish.
Hey all, reef newbie here. I've been keeping fish (mostly FW but did have a FOWLR tank for a while) for about 20 years at this point. I was given a complete 60 gallon reef setup that has been running for 5 years. I have a general idea of what I'm doing, but always looking to learn from others. Here's my reef tank...
I'm Shawn from Minnesota. Been doing fresh water for 20+ years and just started SW. I've got a 36 gallon bow front my wife and I started in mid February. Looking to turn it into a reef, we hope.
Hi new to the hobby...

Hi new to the hobby...

Hi all, i'm new to the hobby just picked up my tank today in fact...25g Perfecto Reef Ready cube...very excited.
Hi! I am new to saltwater

Hi! I am new to saltwater

I am Ryan from Ontario. I have been keeping freshwater fish for most of my life, but I recently decided to give saltwater a go. I have a 90 gal tank with 40lbs of live sand, 40lbs of rock and a Squirrelfish. I hope to make this into a Caribbean reef one day (or as close to it as possible). The tank has been set up and running now for about 3 months, so far no major issues (fingers crossed).
water changes

water changes


Names adventure, Bobby adventure

I am new to thisHobby and communicating through a forum
my question is about water changes I have a 26 gallon soon to be reef tank...I have a 26 gallontank with 22 pounds of live rock, a marine land C 220 filter,a CPR backpack skimmer, as well as a CPR backpack refugium all three are rated for 55 gallonsI want to know if there's a formula to figure out how much and how often water changes should be done, or if anybody has a similar setup how do they approach water changes I also have 2 clownfish to mushroom corals.

any insight would be greatly appreciated thank you. hoping for lots of new friends and good detailed discussions