If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

New Person

New Person

I'm new! Had a beloved cichlid (freshwater) that died due to an error on my part :'[
Decided to switch to saltwater and working on a 29g FOWLR and 90g reef. Glad to be here at RC :celeb3:
Hi guys.... I'm new to the hobby... I really love Reef tanks, their colors and all life in it.
I haven't had reef tank yet... I'm in "thinking about" stage. :)
I'll read this forum in next few months, and after that, maybe I'll be able to start my own tank :)
Btw. sorry for my english I'm not native speaker... I'm living in Czech republic

Hi everyone.

Been lurking for a few weeks and finally signed up the other day, this is now my first post.

The Wife and I have recently decided to start getting into the sw hobby. We have had many fw tanks over the years and wanted to try something new.

We have been reading the forums like crazy and have already become regulars at the local stores lol.

So far, our setup is as follows;

26g Fluval Bowfront
Fluval C3 Power Filter
Fluval M100 (100w) Heater
Aqueon Circulation Pump 500 (for 50g)
Coral Sun 15w Actinic Blue Florescent (on a hood, i know D:)
30lbs Live Sand
22lbs Dry Rock (Picked this up last night from a local store, was advised to try the dry rock as it was easier for a noob but that it would take longer to cycle and that it was significantly cheaper then the live alternative)

I havnt put in the dry rock yet as I'm still trying to figure out the aquascaping. Im hoping to have it done tonight and then I will post a picture.

Hoping all goes well and we can get a bigger tank within the next 6 months.

New member from north central Louisiana. I attempted a reef tank about a dozen years ago and while it wasn't a complete disaster it wasn't the most successful either. Made a lot of mistakes in the setup which made the ongoing maintenance a major hassle. New kid along with life in general had me a bit overwhelmed so I donated all the stock but kept the tank vowing to try again later. Now, is later. Here we go again!

I'll have lots of dumb questions along the way.

Thanks in advance.

Hello everyone,
My name is Ben, I bought a tank that was already setup and running. I love the hobby...
I have a 34 gal for now will go bigger next year. I love the color and being able to build somthing beautiful.

Also quick question... The store sold me a sea grass Wrasse, a green leaf wrasse but I can find almost no information on it. the store told me it was a regular green wrasse but the marking are that of the other type of wrasse. Can someone give me more information.
Hello.. I'm Bryan from Kansas City. Started back into reefing about 2 years ago after a 18 year break. Kiddos took all my time and money for a while :-)

Kept saltwater fish and softies in the early 90s.

Currently have a 75 gallon reef with a freshly delivered 8' 300 gallon tank in the garage ready to be water tested and moved into place... Once I get the extra support in place where it's final resting place is.
New to Reefing

New to Reefing

Hey all, I'm new to the hobby and just about to start a nano tank. I live in Shanghai, China and am wondering if any of you reefers live in China or used to live here? I could use some leads on suppliers of legit equipment in Shanghai.

Big thank you to all the vets that post detailed info/articles for us NBs. I've read until I've gone blind and bored my wife silly re: reef chat as I sort out the facts & the myths (built my DIY BS-O-meter).

New to This Site

New to This Site

Good morning all. I am rather new to SWTs and new to this site. I am looking forward to spending time with fellow reefers. :dance:
hi, My name is Matt Reed. I have been in the hobby for over 18 years but I am new to this site. This site is a great resource!
Hey! Thought I should finally say hello. I've been lurking for several months now, so probably hitting creep factor �� lol
Anyway, I'm slowly building up my tank. I have a 65 gallon FOWLR until I get lights for coral. I just bought a 20 to build a sump so we'll see how that goes :)
Hi everyone im new to saltwater.had a freshwater tank for around 18 months. I just took it down and im about to start setting up my reef tank. Will be starting a build thread. Been reading a lot on this site . Made a couple of posts. Starting my tank now. Hope you will all chime in with some advise thanks.
Hi, I'm joe. I'm setting up a 10 gallon nano reef tank. This is my first salt water tank but I also have a 55 gallon fresh water. Started salt about two weeks ago.
New Guy

New Guy

Hi. I recently purchased a home with an existing 90 gal reef tank. Have no prior experience keeping fish or tanks, but would like to learn, and definitely don't want to destroy whats here. I was not able to get any info from previous owner. My first problem is determining what I have exactly. Most information that I have seen only details how to set up a new system, not how to maintain an existing one.

I believe I've identified a protein skimmer in the sump, but I dont think its working correctly. There is an urchin, several snails, a crawfish of some sort, and live rocks. Testing with strips from the pet store showed nitrates a bit high, but nothing in alarm levels. I cant seem to find anyone local with saltwater experience to help me get started. Located in the Knoxville, TN area.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I could probably send or post some pics if someone would be interested in helping me identify parts of the system. So far, Ive only added water to replace what was lost due to evaporation, (after de-chlorinating and adding appropriate salt to it of course.)
New with Nano

New with Nano

My name is Shari and I am from North Central Iowa. I've owned my own pet shop for 5 years and worked in one for 9 years before that. But, I am new to corals and I am new to nano. So much to learn! I posted a question about the filtration system on my new Aqueon Nano tank (21 gal) as I have been unable to get the protein skimmer to collect anything. And, I know there are things to collect in there! :) . Looking forward to reading here.
Hi I'm Mike. I'm not really new to RC just got out of the hobby for 5+ years ago and forgot all my login info. I created this account last year when I dove back in to the hobby. My current tank is a 75 Gallon Lameer 3 sided starfire SPS dominated tank. I'll try to be more active here as I can but I'm generally a busy person.
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Hello all, I'm finally coming back to the hobby after a ten year hiatus. I used to work at a aquatic specialty store and I used to have 55, 180, and 320 reef tanks but now things sure seemed to have gotten better for us hobbyists. Currently have a 45 half Cylinder reef tank and a 14cube reef tank. HOPING to get a 92gal corner. Just call me Zen :)


hi guys my names ed and im new to this very addicting hobby. i have a coralife biocube 29. i have a sleeper goby and a mated pair of clowns that ive had for 3 years. im recently findin some problms with my coral keeping. my male clown is pickin at them! he already killed my duncan and is having at the zo's. now my trumpet seems closed all the time. has any one experinced this? any help would be great thanks
I'm Tina and live in Wisconsin as a homemaker/student. I started a saltwater tank 3 months ago. I didn't realize how much money this was going to cost me. I love watching and taking care of what little I have, but not having enough funds have been taxing. I have started looking for a job jus to support my saltwater tank. I feel like a aquarium drug addict. I don't know if I could live without it. At this moment I have:
1. Green Candy Cane with 2 1/2 heads
2. Two Sand Sifter Starfish
3. Five nostril Snails
4. Xenia Tree that no longer open and close
5. Long Tentacle Green Tip Anemone
6. Two Turbo Snails
7. Kenya tree that's not growing
8. Feather duster that poops a lot
9. Polyps
10. Fish have died