Hi my name is Joy. My husband and I have had fresh water tanks for a year. 100 gallon cichlid tank and a 100 gallon discus tank. We have mastered those pretty well! We have now jumped into saltwater. Here is what we have. 200 gallon starfire glass tank, ehopps 30 gallon sump, octopus skimmer 1 hp chiller and a dart hybrid pump. Our levels have been spot on and salinity is running between 1.024 and 1.025 with refractometer. Please forgive me I am not good with the names of the fish yet. We have crabs, turbo snails, a figi devil damsel (which needs to find a new home) tang blue hepatus or hippo tang? Maroon/gold clownfish, black and white clown percula clownfish?, orange and white percula clown, 3 strip damsel, fox face, cardinal. There is one fish in there that I do not know what he is. He is black with brilliant fine lightening blue lines 3 of them on his body with a white spot on either side of his top fin on the body. This was a tank already running that we purchased and all seems well.
What I want to know is this. We are looking into getting a ro/di system from spectra pure. Is that a good choice? We have a ton of flow with the koralia pumps in there but want to switch to EcoTech Marine VorTech MP60wES Propeller Pump w/ Wireless EcoSMART Driver but not sure whether we will need the 60's or the 40's. What is recommended? We also have 7 Fluval Ultra Bright LED Aquarium Strip Lights but 4 were sent out today because the ballasts took a dump and they were just purchased in Sept. Is this good lighting or should we consider something different? We are not looking for do corals just fish, rock, anemones. Also what is best to feed these fish? I have been feeding them what the guy gave us but he just has cheap flake. OH one last thing obviously after we get the ro/di water going what do you use to dispense your calcium etc do you use a dosing pump if so which one? I am also wondering if there are any other chemicals I will need to worry about. I always hear GFO but not sure why it is required. You can imagine what I think GFO stands for
I am guessing I went over my question limit for one day

If there is anything I forgot please let me know. This seems like a great system but I am completely new at this. I think we got it all for a steal! I look forward to learning lots from all of you!