If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey everyone,
Name is Carlos, been living in Allentown buffalo for about a year now, and decided to finally set up a saltwater reef tank. Have a small space here so I decided to go with a coralife biocube 29gal tank. New to the hobby but have been trying to read up and watch as many videos as I can before I start. I pretty much have gotten everything I need besides live rock, sand, and water. If anyone in the area could help with any info or anything it would be very appreciated! :-) thanks!
Hi, long time lurker, first time poster!

Hi, long time lurker, first time poster!

Hi there, I'm new to reef central, and also new to the marine scene in general. I have decent experience with tropical fish and recently made the move over to marine, I got a large part of my information from this site whilst setting up my new tank so thought it only right to become a member :)

So just saying Hi.
Hey everyone,
Name is Carlos, been living in Allentown buffalo for about a year now, and decided to finally set up a saltwater reef tank. Have a small space here so I decided to go with a coralife biocube 29gal tank. New to the hobby but have been trying to read up and watch as many videos as I can before I start. I pretty much have gotten everything I need besides live rock, sand, and water. If anyone in the area could help with any info or anything it would be very appreciated! :-) thanks!

Sorry I can't help you with stuff over there as I'm in australia but I can help you on here. Start up your own build thread and pm me when you do so I can folow it, as id like to help you were I can. And a big welcome to RC you won't regret being a member of this forum, its great:-)
Hey everybody my names hunter they call me shaggy. I'm new to the hobby I've been in it for a month now I got a biocube 29gal, 15lbs of live rock and one true percula clownfish. What's a good beginner coral to start with?
Greetings :)

Greetings :)

Hi my name is Joy. My husband and I have had fresh water tanks for a year. 100 gallon cichlid tank and a 100 gallon discus tank. We have mastered those pretty well! We have now jumped into saltwater. Here is what we have. 200 gallon starfire glass tank, ehopps 30 gallon sump, octopus skimmer 1 hp chiller and a dart hybrid pump. Our levels have been spot on and salinity is running between 1.024 and 1.025 with refractometer. Please forgive me I am not good with the names of the fish yet. We have crabs, turbo snails, a figi devil damsel (which needs to find a new home) tang blue hepatus or hippo tang? Maroon/gold clownfish, black and white clown percula clownfish?, orange and white percula clown, 3 strip damsel, fox face, cardinal. There is one fish in there that I do not know what he is. He is black with brilliant fine lightening blue lines 3 of them on his body with a white spot on either side of his top fin on the body. This was a tank already running that we purchased and all seems well.

What I want to know is this. We are looking into getting a ro/di system from spectra pure. Is that a good choice? We have a ton of flow with the koralia pumps in there but want to switch to EcoTech Marine VorTech MP60wES Propeller Pump w/ Wireless EcoSMART Driver but not sure whether we will need the 60's or the 40's. What is recommended? We also have 7 Fluval Ultra Bright LED Aquarium Strip Lights but 4 were sent out today because the ballasts took a dump and they were just purchased in Sept. Is this good lighting or should we consider something different? We are not looking for do corals just fish, rock, anemones. Also what is best to feed these fish? I have been feeding them what the guy gave us but he just has cheap flake. OH one last thing obviously after we get the ro/di water going what do you use to dispense your calcium etc do you use a dosing pump if so which one? I am also wondering if there are any other chemicals I will need to worry about. I always hear GFO but not sure why it is required. You can imagine what I think GFO stands for :p

I am guessing I went over my question limit for one day :) If there is anything I forgot please let me know. This seems like a great system but I am completely new at this. I think we got it all for a steal! I look forward to learning lots from all of you!
Just Moved from Florida to Kansas City

Just Moved from Florida to Kansas City

Hi my name is Tim I just moved to Kansas City from Central Florida. I was a member of the local ORCA Reef Club. Would like to meet some folks from Kansas City who are in the hobby and maybe join a local club. I am in the process of building a 220 Reef tank and a 47 gallon column Seahorse tank.
Hi folks, I'm new to both reefing and forums and I've been using this great sight from a passive standpoint until tonight. Thanks to all the contributors and sponsors. All of your guidance has been appreciated in getting my tank up and running smoothly. (Well up and running anyway) :-)
Hello, I'm Dylan and I have been interested in SW for a while now but I am finally going to get started with a 5.5 gallon Nano and hopefully move up to my 112 gallon that's empty in the garage, that is when I have everything for it...lol I started a thread for my nano in the nano section if you have advice or want to check it out as it progresses.


Hey all! My name is Kathy and I am new to the hobby. I have wanted a saltwater tank as long as I can remember. I have always had a strange obsession and fascination with coral reefs. I am a neonatal intensive care nurse and love what I do. I recently started up a 55g reef tank that has a (hopefully soon to be) mated pair of ocellaris clownfish, green mandarin, scooter blenny, and a handful of corals. Since setting up my tank I have been impressed with the amount of help I have gotten from members of this site so I decided to join :) I am already addicted and planning on upgrading asap
Hey everybody my names hunter they call me shaggy. I'm new to the hobby I've been in it for a month now I got a biocube 29gal, 15lbs of live rock and one true percula clownfish. What's a good beginner coral to start with?

I started with a frogspawn and a green star polyp (GSP). My frogspawn is doing great. The GSP has not opened yet but everyone I have talked to, on this site and elsewhere, says they are pretty much as hardy as they come. Plus they are pretty to look at for a starter coral as they can be a very bright green
Hi my name is Joy. My husband and I have had fresh water tanks for a year. 100 gallon cichlid tank and a 100 gallon discus tank. We have mastered those pretty well! We have now jumped into saltwater. Here is what we have. 200 gallon starfire glass tank, ehopps 30 gallon sump, octopus skimmer 1 hp chiller and a dart hybrid pump. Our levels have been spot on and salinity is running between 1.024 and 1.025 with refractometer. Please forgive me I am not good with the names of the fish yet. We have crabs, turbo snails, a figi devil damsel (which needs to find a new home) tang blue hepatus or hippo tang? Maroon/gold clownfish, black and white clown percula clownfish?, orange and white percula clown, 3 strip damsel, fox face, cardinal. There is one fish in there that I do not know what he is. He is black with brilliant fine lightening blue lines 3 of them on his body with a white spot on either side of his top fin on the body. This was a tank already running that we purchased and all seems well.

What I want to know is this. We are looking into getting a ro/di system from spectra pure. Is that a good choice? We have a ton of flow with the koralia pumps in there but want to switch to EcoTech Marine VorTech MP60wES Propeller Pump w/ Wireless EcoSMART Driver but not sure whether we will need the 60's or the 40's. What is recommended? We also have 7 Fluval Ultra Bright LED Aquarium Strip Lights but 4 were sent out today because the ballasts took a dump and they were just purchased in Sept. Is this good lighting or should we consider something different? We are not looking for do corals just fish, rock, anemones. Also what is best to feed these fish? I have been feeding them what the guy gave us but he just has cheap flake. OH one last thing obviously after we get the ro/di water going what do you use to dispense your calcium etc do you use a dosing pump if so which one? I am also wondering if there are any other chemicals I will need to worry about. I always hear GFO but not sure why it is required. You can imagine what I think GFO stands for :p

I am guessing I went over my question limit for one day :) If there is anything I forgot please let me know. This seems like a great system but I am completely new at this. I think we got it all for a steal! I look forward to learning lots from all of you!

Welcome aboard joy:)
That's a great size tank for a first marine :thumbup: your fish selection looks ok to me, but just keep an eye on the maroon clown( they can be quite aggresive ) but in that size tank I don't think you will have too much trouble. Id stay away from anemones as thay can be tricky from what I've heard. I can't comment on the lights, pumps and ro/di. GFO stands for iron oxide hydroxide, its a phosphate binder and is not needed for a fish only with live rock (fowlr) like yours.
Any more questions fire away, if you want to ask me more questions do a search for my thread ''fowlr vs reef" feel free to use the thread, I along with other reefers can answer your questions there.:)
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Hey nnee to the forums

Hey nnee to the forums

Hey, I'm nee to the forum here tho been following my own dream of saltwater tanks. My boss has several tanks that I have lots of experience with. I research lots expecially on this site and figured it is time to make a account! Great forum!! :spin1:
Hi, im Chris.
We have a 30 gal freshwater set up over a year now. me and wife wanted to get into salt water. I bought her a 5 gal fluval spec to get started and learn with. Once the 30 gal inhabitants are no more we will upgrade the saltwater tank.

Salt tank running for 2 months. I have 6-7lbs of live rock. It finished cycling maybe 2 weeks ago and last weekend we added 1 astrea snail and 1 stubby clown and 1 zoa frag. We only plan on adding 1 more fish, a yellow clown goby and some more inverts.

I removed the filter that came with the spec and filled the area with live rock and a piece of filter pad on the top to catch anything large. I have a 10" truelumen 12k & 453nm combo arriving today to add to the lighting. It should screw on or sticker on to the existing fixture without changing the look of the tank.


thats all for now.
Long time aquarium keeper, first time saltwater.

Long time aquarium keeper, first time saltwater.

Hello everyone,

I have been into the freshwater world for a little over 10 years now. I currently have a 180 gallon freshwater setup and my wife has a 55 being upgraded to a 75 this weekend. I am starting my build up of a 90 gallon saltwater setup with a 55 gallon sump. I have lots of questions about saltwater and will post them in my build thread.
Newbie with the bug!

Newbie with the bug!

Hi, My name is Grant. I've been reading through a lot of the newbie forum stuff and I'm still scared to death. I am planning to setup a 55gal FOWLR with 20 gal refugium where I hope to grow copepods. I am planning on having couple of clowns (Will Ocellaris and Black Ocellaris get along?) but as of right now my top goal is to have a Blue Mandarin Goby/Dragonette (reason for breeding Copepods) and several others as long as they will not bother the Mandarin. After asking my LFS, they told me that I could have a Mandarin in a 55gal with a Randalls/Pistols Shrimp pair with no problem. Can anyone confirm this? My wife has me scared that I'm going to spend a ton of money only to end in failure unless maybe I mortgage the house to pay for monthly upkeep. And help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking about using live sand (60-80 lbs), and some of the Liferock from Caribsea as it's a LOT cheaper than Fiji. What are reactors used for? do I need one? I have a tank, building a stand and hood (Father-in-law builds custom cabinets) and right now have a spending budget of $600-$800. I think this would be great for the whole family as we all enjoy our two sons freshwater aquariums (4 yr old has a 36gal Bow, 2 yr old has a 27gal cube). Hello and HELP!!!!
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My first aquarium ever

My first aquarium ever

Hi everyone,

My first aquarium ever and its all those awesome pictures of your tanks fault. I found a 220 gallon tank on Craiglist for fairly cheap and decided it was a good starting point. Didn't realized this hobby is so expenseive. Thanks to all the valuable info here on RC, six months later, my tank is finally running good with a few fishes and some corals.
New to the site

New to the site

Hello just wanted to say I'm new to the site....I'm any admitted addict lol too the reef. I have a 180 gallon reef, I think I'm doing ok with my tank but really am looking for an advanced opinion, want to make sure I'm going in the right direction, and properly, I look forward to all the advice and criticism
I'm pretty sure I introduced myself on here a long while ago but I've been pretty dormant. Anyway, I'm pretty new to the hobby, currently I have a 29 gallon with no sump. I just purchased a 90 gallon RR complete set up that is in my basement waiting to be set up when I get back from a business trip at the end of the month. Longest month of my life.