If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello Reefers!

Hello Reefers!

My name is Carl Harmon, I'm a graphic designer/scuba instructor from southern California and have just started the next phase of my 55 gal acrylic tank. Not by choice.

I started in the hobby in 1994 with a fish only setup. After years of water changes, test kits and visits to the local aquarium store I finally converted over to reef setup in 2005 with a first gen aquac skimmer, DIY Berlin sump system (20 gal clearview/filer sock) and a marine-land canister filter and tanga branch live rock. I bought a pair of clowns (nemo and marlin) for my son and some Xenia frags but nothing major.

At present time, last week's earthquakes managed to crack my cpr overflow box so I'm losing roughly 1/4 gal a day so i've made the decision to get serious and hard plumb this tank with an internal overflow box, pvc.

I purchased a 1200 gph internal overflow - 6.25 x 5 x 4. I'm going with 1" drain and I have room for two 1" bulkheads within the box. What is the best drain for this size box?

Thanks in advance for the advice.
condy anemone STRANGE

condy anemone STRANGE

Hi everybody I'm sort of new to saltwater around 1 year and 5 years in freshwater but I have a questioon and. Didn't know where to post it at but I have a condy anemone and rescued it from a lfs 3 months ago and he was doing excelent eating every other day silversides with bones taken out and mysis shrimp but around 1 week ago my condy has been staying into his base and only let's tentacles out for around 1 hour a day and its not fully extended maybe 1 inch out he's the size of a big fist fully extended. Tested water ammonia 0,nitrates 0,nitrites 0 and ph at 8.3, salinity 1.025 Anyways I'm worried but he has not lost tentacles he just stays in base and also isn't moving around foot is stuck to rock so really don't know why he won't open for past week and he will not take food either I target feed and silverside sticks to tentacle but then condy let's it go sizes are smaller than mouthsorry for long intro but really passionate about my tank thanks for the feedback in advance

55 gallon long, 2 koralias 1050 gph, t5 light two 10k whites and two 6500k blue acitics 4x54watt bulbs, aqua c remora skimmer hob, 80lbs live fiji rock, 40lbs live sand and 5 gallon canister filter
Hi, new here! Excited to learn and to contribute. I'm completely new (within the last 6 months) to reef keeping, but my girlfriend has had saltwater tanks in the past and she's teaching me and now we're learning together - excited to be a part of the hobby. :)
New to reef central

New to reef central

Finally decided to register for this site, even though I have been using it for quite awhile now for experiences and knowledge. I have been keeping fish freshwater / saltwater for about 15 years gone from 30 gallon tanks to 210 tanks a few times and everything in between. Here is my newest aquarium it's a 65 RR been set up now for 4 months. Here is a picture..seems I can only upload one at a time from my ipad. Just a few LPS hammers, torch and frogspawn corals with a few soft corals.

Thanks, David.


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Hello! I've been keeping marine aquariums for about 9 years with varying degrees of success, but recently decided to start over from scratch and in researching the best ways to go about everything found my way here. I've been searching and reading for a month or so and finally decided that it was time to start asking questions and joining in the discussions.

My plan is a 90 gallon softie tank and I'm about a day away from getting the tank running!

Hello to everybody here..hey I'm lee..I'm new to the marine world but let me tell you this I'm loving every minute of it...I am the proud owner of a 6x2x2 tank which makes a great home for my regal..yellow sailfin..purple tang..copperband..foxface..yellow eye kole..pair of bonded bnw clowns and a small manderin..with some cuc..had my fair share of problems n currently have a dinoflagellates problem but hoping thr addition of ozone will sort it..be nice to get some fellow mariners on here to share thoughts with..cheers
I so wanna put 1 more tang in my tank but I really dont wanna tempt fate...already have 3 which av settled in nicely now..its frustrating cos if I do I know it'll cause problems so gotta hold back n stick with wot I've got...I'm over here in london uk..cracking on
Hello RC. My name is Charlie. I've recently got back into the hobby after a phone call from my brother to say come get (my old tank that he wanted to try) out of his house. I dabbled with fish only years ago. This time around my intentions are to go BIG! My current tank is a 55gallon, no sump, reef octopus hang on skimmer, BRS dual media reactor, BRS dosing pumps, 215w T5 lamp, powered by a DA lite controller. My plans though, either a 225 gallon 72" tank or 305+ 8' tank. I'm in the fence. So as I read and study here and pick your guys brains I hope to build something that I and others can stand back in awe. Thanks in advance.
Hello Reef Central! I'm new to the marine aquarium hobby, although I've had fresh water aquariums for a long time so far. I'm starting my first marine project, but I will be planning it with time and buying stuff as I can... I'm 31 years old and I live in Rosario, Argentina. I've even reading a lot and will keep reading. I'm glad I've found this forum! Look forward to read all your comments and advices in my recently started forum "Hello from Argentina" in this area... Thanks in advance!
Hi my name is Trevor and im from calgary i have been keeping freshwater aquariums for a for a while and i recently got into the saltwater hobby i have a 38 gallon biocube set up right now i have a couple of corals and some fish i have learned alot on this awesome website

thx so much!

My name is David and I'm from St. Louis. Just getting back into this hobby. I previously had a nano cube 28g led and recently picked up an IM sr-80. I look forward to gathering more information from everyone. Don't mind my "noobish" questions.

Hello every one

Hello every one

Ive been out of the hobby for 5 yrs now ive had my tank going for about 6 mnts i have a 75 gal tank 30 gal sump I currently have a snowflake eel 2 clowns bicolor foxface,xenia,4 frags of zoa, keny tree,frilly mushroom


hello everyone! New here so I though t I would introduce myself. My name is Jennifer I have been into freshwater keeping forever. last December I got a 70 gal tank from my soon-to-be hubby. I had been researching reef tanks for years, buying books and reading all I came across. so I knew it was time to "dive" in. that same week after x-mas I had my live sand and 90 pounds of precured live rock. real quick I was hooked. so mostly softies and zoas and some fish for now. loving it!
Hello all!!

Hello all!!

Just wanted to say hello and announce my presence to y'alls site.

I am new to the hobby and currently in the process of setting up my 1st FOWLR tank. I hope I am able to get as much of an education on this as I possibly can to have a long lasting experience in the saltwater world.

With that being said...HELLO ALL!! :thumbsup:
I've been lurking and posting here and there. Not sure I ever actually formerly introduced myself.

I help to manage an urgent care/ therapy/ and medical spa. While not doing that I run the IT and clean my boss' 190 gal reef tank. It's a thankless job but somebody has to do it;) I've been reefing for about 6 years and love every minute of if.
new to reef central, tank has been active since 2005. 55 g mixed reef.tank has gone through multiple moves, co ny tn ga and now nc. i had let it go for a couple years but am now trying to bring it back up to par. i have used the site for much needed info throughout the years and thought it was time to finally sign up.
Hello everyone! I just registered. I used to have a 55 gallon FOWLR tank but had to give up the hobby. I found myself getting pulled back in and here I am cleaning up a 90 gallon tank and getting ready to start all over again. It is a complete fresh start with all new equipment since I no longer have my old stuff. I look forward to learning from all of your experiences.
Hello All...

Hello All...

Hello All.

Ia m new to the hobby. Got a great deal on a tank setup that somebody wanted to get rid of.

90gal, 30gal Sump, Protien skimmer, 20 lbs (I think) live rosk in sump, about 50lbs live rock in tank, about 70lbs live sand. some corals (not sure then names yet), straggler star fish, and hermit crabs that snuck in!

LED lights, canopy, and Solid Oak Stand.

This is a great site. I read massive amounts of info before I purchased.

Tank seems to ave not needed to cycle. When I transfered the sand I did so in many 5 gallon buckets. When home, sand had settled, and I filtered the nasties out of the water with a canister filter.