If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey everyone, my names Chris and I was always a big fish lover. I only had fresh water tanks and wanted for years now to start a salt water tank.... So here I am. So anyone point me in the right direction... Thx.. So excited
Hi everyone,

My first aquarium ever and its all those awesome pictures of your tanks fault. I found a 220 gallon tank on Craiglist for fairly cheap and decided it was a good starting point. Didn't realized this hobby is so expenseive. Thanks to all the valuable info here on RC, six months later, my tank is finally running good with a few fishes and some corals.
New to saltwater!

New to saltwater!

Hey everyone I am joining reef central to gain information about setting up a nano saltwater reef tank! I am not new aquarium keeping but my expertise is in fresh water cichlids mainly the Rift Valley stuff... I have a few friends convincing me to take on a saltwater reef and I am beginning to be a beleiver. There are some beautiful tanks on this forum and I'm sure there are plenty of experienced reefers on this site to help me along the way!
New to reef central

New to reef central

Hey there I'm new to the site..
I have been into the hobby apron 3 years now and am in the middle of a major tank upgrade..
Going from a 90g with corner overflow and a 35 gallon acrylic sump
In sump skimmer
I have 2 solar flare dx 36s for lights
Just your basic softies for me for now.
A few anemones a small Kenya tree colony
3 head hammer
And some green star polyps..

I am currently about 5 months into a 180 reef tank build
I have my filtration in basement all up and running with a 75g long acrylic
2 100g totes plumed together
A reef octopus 3000
A reeflo hammerhead hybrid return pump..
400 lbs live rock
3 250 watt metal halide and 4 t5 6ft light fixture.
Short of finishing my overflow piping and a couple of the return pieces I'm almost ready to get the water into the tank..
first post - new member

first post - new member


We had successful salt tank 55 gal 15 years ago. Things have changed [ya think?] and now are doing it again as a reef tank and up to our eyeballs in refugiums, overflow tanks, etc. Thing is, we built a refugium, watched 2000 youtubes and talked to everyone at stores. put in yesterday and between that and the overflow tank there is no balance to water level. Test losing power and it seems even a small amt of water can make the whole thing fubar.

Add to that our 5 damsels [ start up fish] are listing and stressed and probably dying. Waiting for store to open to get good water test, but really think we have gone wrong somewhere. Pure silicon only on refugium, and all new components. Hoping water test will tell. We were told Damsels could withstand anything - apparently not us [shrug]
Several freshwater tanks 25 years ago. Getting back into with SW setup. Came here for education and advice.

Planning a 75-90g tank with small fish only to start and eventually try reef after some time with an established and stable tank.

Looking for advice on initial setup and investment to make any future changes minimal and less costly. Most likely start building within a month or so.


I'm Manuel / Manny.

I use to have a fresh water aquarium when I was 14... it was a ~12Gal.
Today I'm looking to start a SW aquarium, but before so I would like to learn more, and maybe get some help :)

Have a great day!
Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone

Hey guys I'm new to the saltwater realm, but loving science as I do (I'm a medical technologist in the lab) have decided to start a fluval edge 6g reef tank. Looking forward to sharing my experience and gaining knowledge from those before me.
Hi everyone!

I'm relatively new to aquariums (sort of) and definitely new to reef aquariums... but I'm building my own 90" x 32"(W) x 30"(H) acrylic reef tank soon.
No, I've never built one before(!).

I'll be starting with a smaller 4ft aquarium as a test. Fingers crossed and all that... :)
New Reefer !

New Reefer !

Hey everyone!

Im on my 18th day of my first ever cycle. It will be a 10 gal nano reef HAHA
I began with 8lb. of cured Live Rock, 2" Live Sand, 425gph Koralia, Aquaclear30 onlywith LR Rubble.
I plan on having 4 Sexy Shrimp, a Bubble Tip Anemone, 1 Fan Worm, 1 or 2 clowns, Yellow Watchman Goby & Randall Pistol Shrimp. I want 1 Green Torch, 1 Polyp Colony & 1 Ricordea.

I am open to sound suggestions and professional advice. I am in no rush to put any fish in or speed up the cycle in any way.
I started with a frogspawn and a green star polyp (GSP). My frogspawn is doing great. The GSP has not opened yet but everyone I have talked to, on this site and elsewhere, says they are pretty much as hardy as they come. Plus they are pretty to look at for a starter coral as they can be a very bright green

Thanks! I was thinking about getting them both as starters so it makes me feel better about getting them. What do you have to do to maintain them?
Good day everyone ! I'm the newcomer from Prague, Czech Republic. I have a very lovely freshwater aquarium but I decided that I want something new. So, I'm here, trying to know everything about marine aquarium, because now my dream is to have my own. It will be very hard work, but I believe that I will have some support here. Thank you very much !


I've had tanks off and on for the last 20 years and I'm just about wrapping up a 300g installation after a 4 year hiatus. Stilll a couple of items to finalize but so far the install is going well. I've been looking through the forums for the last several days and definitely see this as a source for valuable information. Wish me luck.

I'm not new to the hobby but finally signed up here. My setup is a 150gal I drilled myself back in 2004. Running ac3 dc8 and 4 plus on high output socket. Swc skimmer two tunze 6105 making a 3"wave. 40 gal sump/fuge. Ro unit run to my diy kalk reactor then to auto top off. Three led fixtures and 4 two bulb led moonlights.
this is the tank before the ice storm took power for two weeks and it crashed. I'm just now back this year been up and running for 4months now. Have 5 frags in it and slowly getting back to what it was.
Hello. My name is Lee and I've been on the IRC channel for a few days.

About 8 years ago I lost my salt water tank, shortly before I moved, and didn't start it back up for various reasons. It was fish only with live rock. I've wanted for quite a while to have a reef tank and have been reading obsessively the last few weeks and have begun making some product purchases so that I can hopefully get water and live rock in my tank within the next 2 weeks.
Hello everyone I'm new here I know nothing about salt tanks, I do have a fresh tank (55gal) I am really interested in making it a salt take any hints or tips to teach me what I need to know about set up
Hi...new again

Hi...new again

Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself....I had a reef tank years ago and it tanked when the power company cut off our power in the middle of winter by mistake. Lost the whole tank, moved, had kids, now I'm back =). Feeling kindof new to this again since it's been so long. I have a 55 gallon reef tank that we set up two days ago. Got my live rock from Richard at Tampa Bay Liverock. Can't say enough good things about him and his stuff. So anyhoo, it's set up and everything seems to be going well so far. We plan to eventually get a pair of black clown fish, a blenny, some gobies... me and hubby really enjoy crustations and odd things. Love our decorator crab.I had a great crop of pom-pom Xenia last time and hope to get some going again soon. I would love suggestions on corals that would be good with my lighting. Here's a pic of the tank on the first day.