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Tank Pics

Tank Pics





Hey everyone; I also started a thread but just now found this Sticky thread.

Name: John
Location: Buena Park, CA
Hobbies: family; movies; cars; video games; photography; exercise; aquariums
Tank info:
60x30x18 Cadlights, Starfire; 2 1" returns and a single 2" drain
60G sump
1x MP60
1x MP40
3 Radion G2
T5 4x54w (3 blue+, 1 Purple +)
1 Jebao DC6000
Apex controller with basic pH probe and temp probe
Aquamaxx ConeS CO3
2x TLF 150 phosban reactors w/ Carbon and GFO

4 flames (3 female to 1 super male)
2 potters
2 leopards
1 filamentous
1 yellow corks
1 velvet wrasse
1 linetous
1 labouti
1 scotts fairy

TANGS: 1 purple and 1 yellow

Cliche 2 clowns
2 chromis
1 foxface
1 longnose hawk

8 BTAs
various zoos
various acans
1 monti (bleached but looks like it's improving)
various Rics
a couple mushrooms
2 leathers
1 gold hammer
1 open brain: green w/ purple edges

Weekly maintenance:
parameter testing
15G weekly WCs (unsure if going to 30G WCs is better)

To do: Establish dosing parameters
Hello fellow reefers !!! Me and my wife are New to this forum so I thought I'd share about my lovely salty operation and yes I've caught the bug and I'm obsessed!!
My passion for this saltwater aquarium comes from me and my wife being total beach bums and also me being a surfer . We breath and bleed the beach life style and are serious active members in preserving, enjoying, and admiring it. So , We started by rescuing a 75 gallon est. tank that was abandoned by it's creator - yes what a shame and man it was a mess. So
I do not have a sump and my set up is at perfect parameters. Our Live stock
As of the moment , We take care of one tang, a pair of baby Perc clowns, 2 blue damsels, 1 green chromis , 5 turbo snails , 6 hermits , one purple tipped seabea , 4 pounds live rock, 2 huge scallop shells with barnacles that are covered in beautiful green coraline and a hand full of what looks like baby sea weed , a brown serpant sea star, 1 white conch and 4 sand mole crabs along with four Duncan's and some mushrooms and tube coral . I run a 30 gallon power head ( it's doing fine for now we will upgrade later) I have a current orbit with halides . along side of bio filtration
I'm currently running an emporer 400 - 90 gallon marine land hang on that contains extra carbon filters along with nitrate remover pads that I change and clean regularly. I have 40 pounds of crushed coral and white Caribbean sand. Thankfully After all the crazy new tank cycles I have maintained perfect perameters I check on the regular. In 5 months I've only done three 15 gallon water changes with fresh RO water and all is beautifully thriving. We've learned any thing that happens fast will be a quick disaster. We take it one step at a time and so far so good and I couldn't be any happier . Thanks for reading this as you guys and this forum has really been interesting and a lot of help!!
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Greetings. I am new to saltwater and am deep in the conceptualization phase of my eventual reef tank. I have decades of experience with very successful Cichlid tanks and have a 7000 gallon Koi Pond running successfully for 8 years.
However. This reef tank stuff is a whole different level of complexity.
I am confident that I am just big enough of a nerd to really enjoy this. After all it's the complexity that were really after and clearly reef tanks provide plenty of that.
Thanks in advance for your kind consideration and assistance!

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Hey Everyone! Do people still introduce themselves here?? lol Well my name is Noah and I been lurking for a while now. I've met a few cool people already. Plan to be more active here as well. :)
Hello all. Bought my first reef tank after many years of fresh water. Purchased a complete set up 200 total gals tank is 150 and sump is 50 gal. Guy is moving and cant take it with him. Im little nervous im going to screw it up. I have not picked it up yet. Its still up and running at his place. Im researching the best way to move with minimal loss and setting back up and running. Is there a list here of abbreviations and meanings here? You guys like to use just letters and I get a little confused.
Hey everyone,
I've been a lurker here for several years and figured it was about time I introduced myself. I'm 23 and have been married for 10 months now. My family went to the beach as much as we could when I was younger, so I've always loved the ocean. No car for me on my 16th birthday. Scuba equipment and certification classes for me. :spin1:

I've kept reptiles and freshwater systems for a at least 5 years now, and I'm finally in a place where I get to start a reef. Should be picking up my custom 60g cube next week.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who posts here and contributes to the wealth of knowledge.
Hello! My name is Lexi and I'm from the Pittsburgh area. I've had a ton of fish in my life. It started out with me being an 8 year old at the library checking out books on goldfish and has turned into a full blown obsession ten years later. I'm much younger than everyone on here for the most part it seems. I just recently set up my first saltwater aquarium. I'm learning so much from this experience. I'm majoring in biology but I'm thinking of specializing in marine biology because of my experience with this hobby. I'm new to the saltwater hobby. I've already made my fair share of mistakes but I'm having an awful/wonderful time along the way. Lol.
Hi, I am from singapore. I am reefing since nov and still very newbie. I am here to share my experience so we can enjoy the beauty of nature at the comfort at home. I will start thread for my second tank build so I can fine tune what I didn't achieve on my first tank. Here is a picture of my current tank. enjoy !!

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well here goes nothing. hi, I'm Nick, from the wonderful frozen land of the north known as Canada. I think I'm the only 16 year old on this website. I've kept fish practically my entire life and breed numerous cichlids and betta fish for fun sometimes. I always loved the idea to get into reefing and it officially made its way into my life when about a year ago, i had the once in a lifetime opportunity to get a free 110 gallon aquarium with a stand from a friend. i couldn't pass up the option to convert it to a reef tank (it used to be a freshwater tank). After a major ice storm we had this winter which left us without power for 5 days, the tank completely shut down (only lost 2 clowns, a handful of bl hermits and 2 emerald crabs) which was about 4 months in. I just got into the restoration build now and i will post a thread on it soon! I love hockey, rock and metal music and spending time in the great outdoors fishing and camping.
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New member: South Africa

New member: South Africa

I am from Cape Town, South Africa. My first tank was a 130l nano reef with sump/refugium. I recently upgraded to a very basic 230l reef tank. For my current tank I use LR for biological filtration, a Reef Octopus BH-1000 HOB skimmer and that is it. Dose Ca and Alk. I do weekly 5% water changes. It is a bare bottom tank so very easy to syphon all the junk out.
I am visiting San Diego from 3 - 15 August and was hoping I can meet up with some fellow reef keepers. I would also appreciate it if anyone can send me the names and locations of some local marine shops in San Diego.


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Hey my names matt im new to reef central as well as the hobby. I have currently a 29gal biocube running in the process of setting up a 125gal 6ft tank. Curious tho in my biocube recently added a foxface rabbit fish that has been in tank just under 24 hrs and now has 3 small tiny white dots on side fins. Had a another foxface 48 hrs ago that died in a day. I have a coral beauty surviving in there though. Curious what it could be? Will i encounter a problem moving these rocks from my biocube into 125? What can i do to stop these small white spots and how can i make foxface better?
Greetings everyone! I'm new to reef but not to aquariums at all. I currently have a 40 breeder, 75, and 29 gallon planted tanks. I decided to try my hand at reef keeping so I bought a 40 breeder already drilled along with an eshopps sump. It's been running for a few months and I just started adding corals!
I am brand new to this exciting hobby, I just got my saltwater tank last weekend and will be setting it up this weekend, I believe it is a 90 gl, a friend of ours is really good with saltwater tanks and will be helping us through the process, I am very excited to learn everthing about saltwater and enjoy the beauty it has to offer!


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Names Jon had a freshwater planted tank for 2 years before getting a biocube 14 for high school graduation. Over the past 2 years I've upgraded to an 80 gallon. In the planning stages of a 120+gallon build (still looking for tank) so figured I'd join as the information from other forums has been geared towards smaller set ups.
Greetings from Santa Cruz California. Just picked up a new tank after a long hiatus due to major house remodel where the Cichlid tank had to go (8 years now). I've had a variety of fresh and salt tanks going back to the mid 1980's, most in the 100+ gallon size.

This will be my 3rd marine tank, first reef tank. 135 gallon TruView Reef Ready.