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Hi everyone,

New to the saltwater hobby... I have a 15 gallon tank (the taller one) that i didn't do so well my first time around but i'm giving it another go now after getting some good advice on here.

There's so much out there that I feel like i need to learn to get this right, and a lot of it seems like trial and error. But hoping to really get the hang of it in the next few months. :)
Hi Reefers! 5yrs in the hobby. My first tank was an 8g, ran for 2yrs. Upgraded to a 26g bow front, ran for 3yrs. My newest build is a 40B/20L sump.
Here she is after 10wks.
Just another rookie.

Just another rookie.

Hello Zach here from Columbus Ohio. I'm getting ready to start this amazing obsession and I can't wait. I have been lurking for a while trying to soak up as much info as I can. This seems like a great community and I'm happy to be a part of it now.

New to the hobby

New to the hobby

Hi my name is Allen. and the past few months I have been putting together my new tank , specs include 90 starfire rimless with custom stand and all the goodies to go with . At the moment I am at a stand still with wiring my equipment and am in need of some assistance .
Biggest reason I joined forum is to get the best maxspect razor time point settings for a LPS dominate tank ! Really struggling to find perfect time point settings for growth/color/happiness
Hey guys, to start off i found a great challenge. A friend gave me an aqueon 15 gal. With substrate depth is 18". My surface area is roughly 13" sq. i've decided on 3 12" true lumen pro strips with ramp controller. 1 12k white, 1 453nm blue and a 50/50. I'm 9 days in cycle, going for natural filtration with fiji live. My goal is a citron goby or pay of oscellaris clowns as well as mostly softies, shrooms and LPS. No HOB or skimmer, just power head. My main question is, what type of flow rate is recommended for these awkward dimensions. Iappreciate any advice you guys can toss my way.
Hello Hobby Friends

Hello Hobby Friends

I am new to site and have a question..My clown fish have laid eggs on a piece of rock and are about ready to hatch ;most have silver eyes. but my Rofters are not here yet but expected today ,how long to prepare green water? is this little batch too late to prepare for? Thanks :fish1::fish1:
Hello everyone, i haven't been on in 5 years. About to restart my 120 gallon tank back up, and i know i can get some good advice and info here...