If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello from Los Angeles!

Hello from Los Angeles!

Hi there!! I just wanted to post and say that this website has been a wonderful resource for someone just getting started with a marine tank. I've had freshwater tanks for quite some time and loads of Aquatic Turtle tanks.

With the help of this site and some books, I've finally decided to take the plunge and I'm in the process of setting up a 120 Gallon tank.

Thanks in advance for any questions I might pose!
Hi everyone!

Been ghosting this website/forum for years. Avid freshwater enthusiast, have a great deal of work with angels, dempseys and cichlids. Always wanted to take the plunge into saltwater, now I have!

3 months ago my partner convinced me to go for it. So after countless hours of research, shopping, putting things together...I have finally waded into the ocean of saltwater! Very, very excited.

Am so very impressed with the community here at RC. Despite conflicting views on how to do things that are often expressed here, I have learned it really is do what works for you and your situation, by minding the basics.

See ya around!
I'm a noob here just want to say hello to everyone!
I'm building my first saltwater tank. So far I have 46 gallon bow front tank, Caribsea SuperReef. I'm still trying to see if I can get a decent price for RO/DI to start making my water...

Sea you around! :)
I'm starting a reef tank with my fiancée. The plan is to get a 120-gallon tank with a ~50-gallon sump and DIY LED light hood, and slowly, slooowly start trying our hand at keeping corals. We're in the planning stages right now. And I'm building a Jarduino controller. We just want to plan everything out the best we can and automate as much as possible so that we're leaving as little room for human error as possible and so we won't have to make any major changes once it's set up.--Do it right from the beginning. We've done a LOT of reading on this forum and others, as well as dozens of other websites devoted to the hobby, but we definitely still have a lot to learn. I'm sure we'll have some specific questions soon, but any advice, tips, pointers, or even relevant anecdotes anyone wants to throw our way in the meantime will be greatly appreciated.
My name is Jesse and I started my fish hobby with a packet of triops eggs from the store one year ago. Fast forward to today I am running a 55 gallon planted freshwater with my wife, 29 gallon marine tank, and I jus bought a 90 gallon reef ready tank that may or may not work out (see my other thread lol). I live in Hawaii so my "reef" has been limited to zoanthids and live rock. I currently have two little clowns, coral banded shrimp, one goby, few bunches of zoas, and a sea hare that hitchhiked into my tank 7 months ago or so.

The plan is to use my 29 gallon as a refugium/sump and use the new 90 gallon as the DT. This should be interesting.
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New to salt water just converted my 75 gallon fresh water to saltwater, wanting to make a reef tank, and what is the best coral for a beginner....
New To ReefCentral

New To ReefCentral

Hi All, have been reading RC for quite some time, years actually but never joined in.

I have been in this hobby since I was 19 years old. So 24years now, I'm 43 years old. My first tank was a 4ft with undergravel filter and a clown fish. I have a photo somewhere it was a joke lol.

I lost that poor clown some weeks later due to having no idea about water chemistry. Trial and error and a few other losses saw me with a community tank of about 10 fishes. My brother decided to buy me a Polka Dot Grouper. Thinking this was a cool looking fish and in my naivety at the time -I allowed it.

Next morning, I had one fish. And he was in the PDG mouth. That fish went back to the LFS and probably didnt eat for a month.

I then moved to Darwin for about 12 months with work and setup a 1000L tank. Maintaining this tank was too easy. The temperature was constant, the water was immaculate (got it all directly from the shoreline where lower corals types thrived) and the lighting was made easy by a skylight in the roof of the home on stilts I lived in. I caught my own fishes mostly tomato clown and Butterfly (Chelmon Rostratus) at night about 50yards from the shoreline.

I put everything back into the sea when I left and was proud of myself for that. I didn't lose any fishes during that period.

Over to Perth for abut 6 years from there with a 400L aquarium. By now I had learnt enough to keep and maintain higher corals, although this was a time when I suffered a lot from fish disease (ich, velvet) and lost a few animals. I was not too ofey on UV sterilisers and the like and still got my water from the clean areas around Perth. Was probably not a good idea but its all I could afford with 2 kids and a mortgage.

Many more setups later I now maintain a 260L AquaNova cube. With a thorough understanding of everything, I have kept an Ocellaris clownfish since its birth in an aquarium tank for more than 8 years now. He (should I say) SHE, is my most prized participant in the hobby. It is my goal to keep her until she moves on and I think you cannot ask for more than this, to keep a fish from juvenile throughout its entire lifespan without loss or harm.

Will get some images up of the tank shortly.

S.G.=1.027 (refract), pH=8.3, Mg=1350 (salifert), Alk=9 (Sera), NO3 <5ppm (Sera), PO4=0 9Sera), Cal=440 (API), Temp=25.5

Clownfish 1, Blue tang 1, Yellow Tang 1, Blue Streak Goby 1, Fire Gobies 2, Clown Wrasse 1, Coral Beauty 1, Puffer 1

Corals: lots

Adam McCarthy
Hi there I'm new to this and I'm wondering if I could put a royal grammar with two occellaris clowns and two blue green chromis in a 26 gal tank.
Hello everyone, I'm new here and glad to have found this incredible website! Looking forward to learning more about the hobby. Been in it for a while, but you can never learn enough!
My name is Adam.
I have a BC29 modded with an Intank media basket w/filter floss, Purigen, and Chemi Pure Elite. The lights are upgraded with Ecoxotic Panorama Pro LED Modules, one 12k, and one 12k/445 blue along with the OEM Actinic Blue CFL.
For fish I have a pair of clowns, diamond goby, yellow watchman goby, red firefish, and a six line wrath.
I also have a Serpent star, black sea urchin, and a sand sifting sea cuc.
The cleanup crew is just a couple of snails.
Corals are one Lord Acan, one branching Duncan (3 heads), Sunset Montipora Coral, and a few assorted mushrooms and zoas.
My water parameters are always at or near perfect with one water change a month (7 1/2 gallons) and irregular dosing with Reef plus, trace, and complete.
25 lbs of live rock and 2 bags of CaribSea agra-alive fiji pink sand.
I look forward to getting to know you and getting my post count up so I can post some pics.

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Hello. i have used this site as a resource for lots of information. thanks for the help i hope to continue learning and sharing what i have learned. i am currently building a 150 gal aquarium to add to my system. it is slow going but will be worth it wen i am done.
Hey from Greenville, SC!

Hey from Greenville, SC!

Hey everyone! I felt like I should sign up since I've been spending a ton of time on your forums! :wavehand: I look forward to talking to you all!

Hi from Lebanon, PA

Hi from Lebanon, PA

I have been spending way too much time reading up on everything I can find about setting up my first 120 gallon saltwater tank. Could not thank you folks enough for keeping these forums going. This is the first hobby of mine where everyone is so helpful and no one makes fun of the n00bs :)
Hey everyone!

My name's Cory. I've been doing freshwater tanks with my wife for several years now, and now have an empty 55g tank. I've talked about doing a reef tank, and figured since I ended up with an empty tank, I figured what better time than now.

I've been reading night and day about salted tanks for about a week now, so I still basically know nothing. I'm here to learn and soak in what I can to make the best tank possible.

Thanks in advance for putting up with all my stupid questions and inexperience with saltwater :)
new guy

new guy

Hey guys I have had freshwater fish since I can remember but I'm finally making the plunge to saltwater.

I was just looking for any major no-no's or tips. I am currently looking for equipment to buy and hopefully Ill be up in running in no time.

I will be looking to use a old 70 gallon for a DIY sump and a 125
Welcome everyone! You've all taken your first step into your new obsession. Fear not! We have all been there, starring at that empty tank and thinking, now what.
It's a fun and exciting hobby that you'll kick yourself over and over for not doing it sooner but you do need to prepare yourself! Read read read, get the basics, ask questions, we are an exceptionally good forum and we all enjoy helping the new guys (gals). For many of us, it gives us something to do. :D
Our monthly meetings should be starting back up shortly and that is a wonderful place to ask questions and get to know us. Welcome to the salt life.
Hey everyone! I've been on here for a couple of months, but I haven't gotten around to introducing myself on here. I'm 16. I've been maintaining a 16 gallon BiOrb (pair of clowns) for 8 months, and a 75 gallon mixed reef for 3 months. Love this hobby! I've already made a few threads here asking questions, and I love how everyone answers my questions and doesn't make me feel stupid. Lol. Thank you all!
Hi, my name is Len. I'm new to the hobby. I have a 90 gal bow front tank. Lots of live rocks, and 14 anenomies.