If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello, name is James and I'm just start my SW adventure. I live in Calgary Alberta, Canada. 27 years old and I've have Fw tanks for about three years. Good buddy of mine gave me his old JBJ 28g HQI cube. Stock for now and I'm looking forward to getting some corals and live stock.
New to hobby 1 question so far

New to hobby 1 question so far

Hello im new to the hobby, bout a 90 g tank about 2 months ago had it all setup about a week or 2 out from putting inverts in and well leak !!!!!, it was a disaster emptying the entire thing for 3 hours and using every towel in my house. Well after the LFS handled everything the way I hoped they would. I got a personal call from a rep at Marineland and they gave me a free upgrade to a 110 G tank. Im happy with sticking with the hobby, I spend hours just staring at my tank. So now im about a month into my new tank with all the Live rock and all that jazz, I have my 2 nassarius snails my 2 astra snails , my 2 scarlet hermits , my 2 turbo snails , my 2 ocellaris clowns , my blue fin damsil ( that is 1 of the 2 that is getting along with others) my diamond goby , and my royal Gramma. Ok all is going well I have had a ton of questions and most i've found on these forums and have answered before needing or wanting to post. Love all the little critters that swim around from the live rock and sand and all that jazz. Now I have seen 2 snails in my tank ( well lots of small white snails ) but 2 of size that I did not buy. I have taken pictures and im sorry I dont have a good camera or anything so these will have to suffice. One is decent size about 2 to 3 mm or so long and looks as if hes growing a shell on his back ,small little rock looking objects on his back that I assume is a shell developing at its young age ? after googling both I have not been able to find any pictures or anything the other is quite bigger i'd say 4 to 5 mm long, looks like the same specie but bigger and looks to have crawled under a clam shell that was on a live rock. Just curious if anyone could give me any insight on what these guys are and look foward to posting more and reading more on these forums in the future!!!! Again sorry for bad pictures :S


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Hi All. :)

Finally took the plunge and joined the dark side by moving from my 4yr old freshwater tank to a marine tank. This is day 3 and my 1st inhabitants are a couple of shy worms (not id'd yet) that hitchhiked with the live rocks.

Hello, my name is Kris. Im fairly new to the Hobby. It started out with a friend giving me a 29 gallon Biocube 2 clowns and some live rock for my sons 3rd birthday. Fast forward 3 months and it got a crack and started leaking. My local pet stores smallest tank was a 40 but it didnt matter as i needed something for all the live rock, fish, shrimp, corals and starfish in a hurry. Now after 6 months this is my 40g. I have 3 Damsels, Banggai Cardinalfish, 2 clowns, a Randall goby, Starry Blenny, Female Anthias(dont remember the breed), 2 turbo snails, 3 peppermint shrimp, a sea cucumber, Many corals/mushrooms and various other little things crawling around, Roughly 55 lbs of live rock. I have a 306 fluval canister filter, and a 36" Current orbit led light Im hooked, and already looking and researching to upgrade to a 125-200g sometime over the winter.
Let me know what you think.


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Hey everyone, my name is Chris. I am new to the hobby and recently purchased a 60 gallon tank that I am very much looking forward to setting up! Will keep everyone posted once that process begins!
Hello. I'm new to this forum- did a google search and this was the first salt water specific forum I found. I've been a part of a few other forums in the past- most notably monsterfishkeeper. I'm 36 and have been keeping fish of various sorts since I was a young boy. I've had many freshwater setups over the years and two salt water setups. My first salt water setup was very successful when I was in high school. A 55 gallon fish only setup that consisted of a tomato clown fish, Picasso trigger fish, a blue damsel, and a wrasse of some sort. This was back in the mid-90s and the only reason I shut that tank down was because I went off to college. My second attempt at salt water fish keeping wasn't a success. I tried to do a clown triggerfish only tank (a single specimen). I bought a juvenile and he died a few weeks after I got him. That was over a decade ago. Current setups are all freshwater- a 90 gallon Angelfish tank with some larger (unknown to me) South American tetras, a 56 gallon community aquarium in my sons room with various barbs, tetras, and bristlenose catfish, and a 75 gallon African buffalo head species tank in my office. I previously kept a few large Central American cichlids- Red Devil, Jaguar Cichlid, Flowerhorn- but after nearly a decade together they all finally died over the last year. The main reason I've come to this site is because my family and I are moving into a new home in a few months and I plan on setting up a 240 gallon salt water aquarium in "the man cave". My plan is to do a fish only set up (perhaps incorporating live rock) with a few larger salt water fish- a dog faced puffer, Clown trigger fish, lionfish (or two), and perhaps an eel of some sort and another smaller trigger fish (perhaps a picasso). I've come here to help "do some homework" in regards to this and see if my plan would work and rediscover the needs of a saltwater fish setup. I hope that wasn't too long winded! I look forward to reading and learning from the more experienced salt water fish keepers in here.
Hello everyone

Hello everyone

Hi to everyone i have been a member since last september, but just now getting into a full out reef tank. I have been keeping Lionfish for the past year but after a yearlong battle with high phosphates and algae battle i am going to go to a reef aquarium. So my question is how do i go about the switch to reef and beat this algae issue. I just bought brs deluxe reactor with gfo , i have a 90 gallon with 36 29 gallon sump, junk skimmer and marineland reef capable light. Any info that anyone wants to give out, my ears are open. Thank you all very much.
hello reef central i always look on here for answers to my problems just decided i should join so i can post my problems all the time and help other ppl out with there's threw my past experiences . I have been taking care of reef tanks for over 5 years now i just landed a job last year with a old client of mine i worked for keeping his reef tanks up and going with daily water testing and weekly water changes and everything else that came with it. I work 40+ hours a week keeping everything up and running and clean. I'm dedicated to the reef 7 days a week its not just my job its my life now.
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Hi to everyone i have been a member since last september, but just now getting into a full out reef tank. I have been keeping Lionfish for the past year but after a yearlong battle with high phosphates and algae battle i am going to go to a reef aquarium. So my question is how do i go about the switch to reef and beat this algae issue. I just bought brs deluxe reactor with gfo , i have a 90 gallon with 36 29 gallon sump, junk skimmer and marineland reef capable light. Any info that anyone wants to give out, my ears are open. Thank you all very much.

Welcome. Great to hear from another local out here in the middle of nowhere.
Do you have RO/DI water?
Give me a call, I PM'ed you my number.
I do use brs 5 stage rodi unit but just started a month ago was using questionable rodi from friends but always had high phos. So used money i was saving for a good skimmer on rodi unit. johnike ,i will Defiantly give you a call, i am sorry i didnt get back to you earlier, What time of day is good for you? By the way where do you get your livestock around here?


Morning everyone!

The wife and I have been wanting a saltwater tank for a little while now, but stuck with the freshwater as they are a little cheaper, both in start-up and regular maintenance costs. But, freshwater is a little boring to look at, and we'd like some more color!

I've decided that it's either go big or go home, but our future system will be built in stages because of budgeting. We have an excellent "L-shaped" space in the formal living room of 13'x8' that will be perfect for either one to two large tanks or many smaller tanks. Also, our house is a one story ranch with a full unfinished basement, so I think the sump and fuge will be down there, along with the RODI and ATO systems. There are also wonderful drainage options down there, along with a wicked strong sump pit pump (a Basement Watchdog Big Combo -strongly recommended!) , should anything go drastically wrong.

I will probably have lots of questions along the way, and hope you guys can steer me in the right direction!

Hello RC! I'm new to the hobby of marine fish. I have yet to begin a set up. Currently i have 2 freshwater tanks with betta fish and neon tetras that I've had for about 3 years. Id like to expand my horizons to include marine fish as i palan to get my degree in Ichthyology in the near future :-) . Any advice is welcome!
good morning

good morning

hi everyone, my name's Dave, I'm a 12 year hobbiest just new to forums in general.

I've heard great things about reef central and what this community does for the hobby.

glad to be a new member!
Hello Reef-ers and Reef-ettes. I suppose I should follow suit and post here for the first post to make sure my goofy faced fish pic is working and everything is in order:). And also to thank the site admin(s) for creating and hosting such an awesome place for everyone to exchange aquarist advice and information. I'm looking forward learning as much as I can from the wealth of information around here. So thanks and I'll see you all around the forums.
Hey all. Very new to the saltwater world. Just acquired a 110 gallon setup and after reconfiguring the sump (and learning A LOT!) I am working on prepping the water for live creatures. I am planning a reef tank with a variety of corals and will definitely have a lot of questions. I look forward to discussing some of these with you!
Hi all,
I live in Olsztyn in Poland. Two years have marine aquarium 150 liters - 550 liters will soon :) I hope that practical expertise will allow me to meet this challenge ... and that in this forum yet deepens it :)
Of course, my idol is Chris Tryc from Polish :)

I greet
whats up RC!
I have been lurking around for about two weeks informing my self a bit. Long time aquarium hobbyist but freshwater (15yrs) even worked at a pet store in my late teens to early 20s and my department was of course the fish dept!

Looking to start up a new tank but in saltwater fish only with artificial coral inserts due to time issues.