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New comer

Hey everyone even to reef central I give thanks to you as well. I am reefernube1015 and I would like everyone to help me get up starting a nano reef setup.
Hi guys,

I am new to saltwater tanks and I'm from Australia. I am starting up a nano reef tank and I thought might as well join the forum and gain some knowledge before I go deep into it. It is a 15gal tank and has been running for a month now and all the water parameters are looking great.

Tank was cycled with 12pounds of live rock and I didn't see a big spike in ammonia or nitrites. Hope to be a regular here and thanks for the great forum.

Hello, I am new to saltwater tanks and I am looking forward to learning from everyone. I have a 92 gallon corner tank with live rock and crushed coral bed. I have had it up and running for about 9 months now. Goal is to have all different kinds of creatures around to enjoy.

Hi from Dallas Texas area. With many years of successful freshwater tanks, I am new to reefing, with my first 90G tank + sump going on just one week. Just saw my first tick up in Ammonia to 0.25 PPM yesterday, so excited to see some cycling progress. Started with dead rock, reef rock, live sand, refugium mineral mud, and Top Fin Quick Start. Wanting to see some life, I added some chaeto and culerpa to my refugium, and two tiny red hermit crabs who have a LOT of elbow room. I'm ready to see my cycle take off, so I can look to adding some clowns in a few weeks.

My name is David I am a chemical engineer located in the St. Louis suburbs. I am currently in a research phase planning my first mixed reef after many years with freshwater.

I am planning on a 75 Gallon with sump early next year. I am currently sifting though all of the available technologies and equipment attempting to balance cost with necessity. I won't be taking shortcuts with the build but have to draw the line somewhere as I have my second child arriving in December.

I have already learned a lot from these boards and hope to be able to contribute in the future.
Hi All, pretty new to the hobby with SO MUCH to learn!

Hi All, pretty new to the hobby with SO MUCH to learn!

Sorry so long..... I inhereted my daughters marine biology project last year, a small reef tank with a red rose anenome, two mated clowns, and a puffer fish. Once she got her A and got tired of batteling that horrid snot algae she lost interest. I replaced her tank with a 70 gal and stand worthy of being in the living room that had the filtration system built in to it and skimmer in the back, etc. I'm thinking fish space wise its probably a 55 gal tank. We started adding to it over the year and got rid of the puffer fish which I hated to do but caught him nipping at the anenome so he had to go! We've always purchased our fish from a private person that makes a living on taking care of salt tanks and quarantines everything prior to us receiving it from him.

Last month my fish started disapearing, first my mandarin, then my bicolor blennie, orchid dotty back then my yellow tang! At first I thought it was the damn little lobster having his own buffet. Everyone looked good, no spots that I saw, they all ate well, up until the eve before they disappeared. Then one night my yellow tang looked pale, I thought it was because the preprogrammed lights had been off and it was night time for him, he seemed to yellow up as the light was on but a few days later I caught the lobster munching on him. When I pulled him and put my husbands cheater glasses on I then noticed a few tiny spots on it. So did our male clown fish and blue tang. We went on Reef Central and started reading as well as called our fish person who told us there is a horrid amount of cryocrypton going around. We set up a hospital tank and have been treating with cupramine for 30 days now, planning on waiting the 72 days that everyone seems to recommend. All I have left is my blue tang, two mated clown fish and a coral beauty.

The DT has the anenome, 3 cleaner shrimps, a fire shrimp some nessarious, hermit crabs, long spine urchin, pin cusion urchin and lobster but he may go too. Everyone looks good and water testing perfect although the algae is starting to grow on the live rocks..... In the hospital tank everyone looks great although the blue tang still seems very stressed and scared.

Once everyone gets thru this, what is the quarantine protocol for the new fish? Do I treat them with cupramine too? I don't want to go thru this again. I also want to add Blennies and QT is bare except for a little tube for them to hide in.

Thank you for your time and experience, its been a wild ride. Love that my hubby got into this as well even tho he thought I was nuts, he set up a total a RODI system etc. Wonderful being married to an engineer :bounce1:
I didn't see this post when I join... Yikes I'm so distracted...
HI!!!!!!!!! I'm an old school guy, that used to keep all sort of fishy stuff... Yeah.
I'm back, now keeping a small tank around 30 gallons. That isn't that small for me... Since my most loved tank in the past was 20 gallons.
I'm super friendly! Feel free to contact me for any reason lol

I'm a furrie something that people around here might not be familiar with...
Briefly, I pretend to be a dog online. Woof woof...
I love other pets, mostly exotic plants and reptiles and my most loved occupation is art, that is also my job and I play video games... A lot.
Hi guys !!
I'm michelle new to reef central . However not new to marine aquariums .
Started on a little Kent bio reef 90ltrs and now upgraded to a Aqua one 300ltr I'm already saving for my next bigger tank :).
I love watching my Aquarium more than t.v there is just so much going on .
Hey guys. I recently decided to join the forum for mainly tank oriented information. Sadly, I'm a freshwater guy. However, much of the freshwater community doesn't dabble in sumps, so this site has been beyond useful!
Hi guys!?
I'm michelle and I'm new to reef central but not to marine aquariums.
I love the fact that in a marine tank everything is alive and I rather watch it then my t.v , as there is so much going on in there .
Hello all

I'mon my 3rd salt water tank I had 50G,100G and now a 180G .

50G and 100G were fish only since i didnt have enought ligtting for corals.

The 180G glass tank set up
3 250w MH 14k
2 superatinic t12's
50g sump with refigium

Water been mixed as we speak , sad thing is i can only do 30g at a time since i waiting for my rock.

cant wait ,lol.
Hello all
Long ago reefer trying to reacquaint myself with the hobby and as always the info and advise on this site is awesome, thank you.
Had an established 75gal reef tank (5yrs. and thousands of dollars) which suffered a catastrophic total wipeout in August 2003. The great northeast blackout, 25 hours of nearly 95 degree heat and nothing I could do.
Needless to say I was devastated and never started up again. I kept all my equipment and supplies, (despite my wife's wishes), and hope to start again now that I have recently retired.
Not sure If I should stick with MH/VHO light I have or try LED. Thanks Again.
Hey everyone..... I am be reefing and have been doing a lot of research mainly here to get going. I have kept FW tanks for many years off and on. I have always wanted to do a reef tank and finally decided it was time. I just set everything up last night and my tank has been running for 12 hours and is all cleared up. I did a reef on the cheap. I did a 38 G tank with HOB filter 40 pounds live sand and 40 pounds live rock. A couple 550 GPH power heads and a heater. I am looking forward to gaining as much knowledge from all of you as possible and have already posted in the noobie section.
Just thought I'd pop along an say hello. After keeping marine fish for about 10 years now I noticed a thread on redspot cardinals which was of interest.

I'm also a member of a UK based site thesaltybox. As you can imagine it's more of an obsession :D
Hello, I'm calling myself a newbie because the last time I had a saltwater tank was back in 97, and keeping corals was still a pip dream for the average hobbyist. I got out of the saltwater end of fish keeping because my 100 gallon tank burst a seal while I was at work, and I came home to the mess, the dead fish, and the realization that I just lost a couple grand worth of fish, time, and effort. I was devastated. So I stuck with freshwater, an D have had every kind of tank that you can imagine. From keeping a shoal of Piranhas, to breeding Koi in my pond, I have done it all. I've hit a point where freshwater, while still satisfying, doesn't challenge me any more. So I decided to start up another salt water tank, and with the advances that have been made in the hobby since I last kept a marine setup, I am considering myself a newbie because SO much has changed. Im eager to learn from all of you! Take care!