If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

New here, thank you for letting me join.
I'm new to this so trying to learn everything I can.
I'm searching through old threads so I don't have to start new ones.
Hello fellow reefers! I am new to this forum, and to reefing. I am also a member on a couple forums. I hope this forum is more active than the other two that I am in.

I am from Canada, and I hope to make new friends and gain more knowledge from fellow reefers. =)

I will create a thread about my Fusion 40 that is cycling right now soon =)
Preparing myself for the world of saltwater aquariums. Little excited and nervous about it. Any books you would recommend to prepare me for setting up and maintaining?
Another newb to the board.

Have had a little biocube 14 for 8 years...fish only.

Early this year, January, discovered a local shop with tonnes of frags. Have since been keeping, shrooms, zoas, gsp, acan, monti, pavona, birdsnest...and sadly a pocillipora that isn't looking to hot.

Loads of info I have gleaned from this site. Thanks!!
Hey so basically I've had freshwater fish for about 6 months and decided to get rid of them to change my tank over to a salt water aquarium! I have all the sand bed laid out and I do have some live rocks and corals, The salt water levels are sitting right above 1.025 and I have all the under water fans, heaters, Im just wondering where i go from here do I throw my live rocks in the water and let it start cycling for a couple days and let the crazy amount of dust to settle on the bottom??

Rinse the rock in RODI water and scale it out in the tank... The tank will then start its cycle for about 3-4 weeks

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not really new here....

not really new here....

Hello everybody,

I'm Soren and I'm not really new to this forum but I'm more a reader than a contributor.

Thank you to all you lovely people in here, I wouldn't have much knowledge without you!


New to Reef Central

New to Reef Central

Hello to all the people in the fishy world. My name is Kristy and I joined almost a year ago. Years ago I had saltwater tanks and got out of it for awhile. I have had a 34 gallon Red Sea Max sitting in my garage for several years and pulled it out last week and set it up. :dance:
New to the hobbie

New to the hobbie

HI everyone I was talking to some guy at a local fish store about starting a salt water tank and he told me to buy used because I would save hundreds of dollars so I did I went and got the following: 60 gallon tank with stand, red sea prizm protein skimmer, a canister filter, an air pump, submersible pump, a lot of dry rock (might be live rock) and some other things i don't know what they are and I got it all for $175

I'm just curious if 1. I got a good deal,
2. if anyone knows how the protein skimmer is set up,
3. What is the submersible pump used for and
4. I have a less than a year old 60 gallon tank I want to use but people are saying it's too skinny but I really don't want to go spend another 600 bucks on a set up so has anyone used this type of tank

Thanks for reading
HI everyone I was talking to some guy at a local fish store about starting a salt water tank and he told me to buy used because I would save hundreds of dollars so I did I went and got the following: 60 gallon tank with stand, red sea prizm protein skimmer, a canister filter, an air pump, submersible pump, a lot of dry rock (might be live rock) and some other things i don't know what they are and I got it all for $175

I'm just curious if 1. I got a good deal,
2. if anyone knows how the protein skimmer is set up,
3. What is the submersible pump used for and
4. I have a less than a year old 60 gallon tank I want to use but people are saying it's too skinny but I really don't want to go spend another 600 bucks on a set up so has anyone used this type of tank

Thanks for reading
My addiction

My addiction

Hi, I`m Tom and I have an addiction. It started out slowly with a 29g and a big red Hermit Crab. Then came the clowns and an anemone. I just had to have that darn Yellow Tang and it has gone down hill ever since. I was hooked! My wife swears I have saltwater in my veins, she`s probably right. But I can`t help it, I was born under the sign of the dreaded Pisces. Alas, whoa is me I fear I am doomed to a life of wet shirt sleeves. Pray for me brothers and sisters lest I start growing scales and fins. Oh my I think I feel a gill coming on my neck!

Regards, Tom
I'm new to this whole salt water thing and had a local aquarium recommend this site for questions so here I go!
My love for fish started when I was ten and by the time I was 12 I had saved up enough money to buy a 55 gallon and a 20 gallon, and so I started my Cichlid obsession. I currently have about 30 fish, including Yellow Labs, Cherry Reds, Demisonis, Electric Blues, Calvus, and a few pleacos.
Just a week ago a friend called me up asking me if I wanted his saltwater 20 gallon. I, of course, said yes. So the next morning I had a 2 month old tank sitting on my book stand. I've been doing a lot of research, but I still have a lot of questions.
First how much should I feed them? I have 4 fish, 1 clown 3 are unidentified, crabs, 2 starfish, one anemone (who is being feed thawed krill very other day), and about 5 corals.
Hi all :)
I have read the following about feeding fishes:

A fish has a belly about the size of it's eye & it needs to fill it once a day. Generally feeding three times a day will result in optimal growth but some fishes (like mandarins) have a need to feed constantly. Those kinds of fishes will need zooplankton to be in the aquarium or they easily starve fast.
You can feed the "easy" types something like flakes two times a day, from a brand that produce minimum ammonia, I prefer API and I feed fresh shrimp every morning, so the clowns are conditioned to let me feed the anemone without stealing.

I had read that I should allow anemones about a week to settle before feeding it. I fed a LTA one time after introducing it, and then left it to settle. It began eating it's tentacles on day four, apparently it needed food to dig into the substrate. Every other day sound good with anemones, a comparison on lifespan of anemones in aquariums showed that 92% of the anemones that was fed everyday was still alive.

I don't know the different coral needs, so ask around or study :)
I personally only have two anemonefishes and a LTA, but if I recall correctly, you would benefit from getting some clean PET bottles, a timer, a bucket, a fluorescent lightbulb and an air pump then you can set up and home-culture bucket & easily grow phytoplankton and small live zooplankton to feed your corals & the fishes will love it.

Brine shrimp is not nutritious (but tastes like candy), moina Salina, Copepods, rotifers & mysis are much better and all easy to grown in bottles stored in a dark bucket.

The anemone fishes are not awesome community fishes, as they perk on safe spots and don't move much if they feel insecure. The two I have by themself, will patrol the entire tank every morning and every evening. When they are finished patrolling in the evening, they socialise systematically in all areas of the tank. They will relax during midday and only be mildly active but many say their clownfish never swim or play. This might be becasue the clownfishes feel crowded with the mixed tank setups.

Anemonefishes are somewhat the cichlids of saltwater, as far as having active and intelligent fishes.

But anemones do not grow entirely on top of normal reefs and many fishes can stress the clowns that are not used to the communities of the reef-dwelling/schooling fishes.

I am sure you will be addicted to saltwater after this 20g :)
Old but new.

Old but new.

Hey all! I used to be on here years ago as SI reaper. Kinda got out of the hobby for a while but now I'm back. I've been tinkering around for about a year or so and am currently getting ready to start up a new nano. Nice to be back!
New to Saltwater

New to Saltwater

Hello all,
After having freshwater tanks for many years, I finally decided to start a saltwater tank. I'm starting small for now and purchased a Biocube 32 LED. I have everything on the way now to start up. Planning on having a couple of clowns and some corals down the road.

I have been glued to this forum for weeks now searching for everything under the sun and trying to soak up all of the info I can. I must say, there has yet to be a search that I could find some kind of help with. Thanks to all who share their expertise..
Hello everyone,

I've had this account for a while but never used it to post. I've owned fresh water and planted tanks for years now and have recently started to dabble in SW tanks. I've owned 55g and 150g FOWLR tanks. I'm currently maintaining a 40 breeder tank.

These forums have help me a lot with stocking and algae issues. The amount of information this forums provides is amazing!
New to forum

New to forum

Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum into the hobby. I currently own a red sea reefer 425 XL that is one month old. I also have a four or five months old bio cube 32 with some LPS corals, 2 clowns and a bubble tip anemone. My red sea tank just finished it's red sea mature pro cycle. Nitrates are still around 10ppm though so I'm wondering when I can start introducing clowns and Anemone from my other tank. Thanks for the help in advance.


I am currently new to reefing and saltwater tanks. Been about 4-5 months of research and getting tanks flowing. I have a 32 biocube that is up and running just nice with a pair of mocha clowns, a jerkfaced six line wrasse, some crabs, snails, and corals and frogspawn.

Just made the decision to start a smaller tank I've got a fluval EVO 13.5 set up. Tank just started cycling but I hope to stock in the near future with a few bright friends and LOTS of hard and soft coral. :)

New in reef

New in reef

Hi there

My name is tas and i am new in this saltwater sport...
I just got my new Red Sea max S 650L and I am so excited :)
I live in Gothenburg ,Sweden.
This is my tank and I just put in my live rock...
What do you think about it?