This weekend I removed a few colonies (two of which were infected.)
I have 3 10 gal QT tanks, each with an aquaclear filter and sponge from my sump, a powerhead, and newly received LED lights. The third tank is for at-risk Acros which are not infected.
Yesterday, I dipped all the corals in CoralRx as directed then placed into the QT.
Today, I removed each colony and inspected them carefully for eggs.
I had the colonies out of water for about 40 mins as I scraped the eggs with a #15 blade on a scalpel handle. All eggs were found on the underside of the coral on tissue-less skeleton. Flushed and splashed fresh saltwater to removed any fragmented AEFW eggs, then placed back into the QT.
I think (I hope) I caught them in time as there were a few hundred eggs on the corals. In the next few days I plan to remove all acros and at risk corals, especially my Blue Acropora Millepora - Aquacultured, ORA (Acropora millepora)
Larry Jackson colony placed into a basin
Turned upside down to reveal the eggs
Another view
and even closer