In Doctor's Office 220 Gal Upgade

This coral was unappreciated and a beige color before I placed mid to high level in the tank, and colored up beautiful and growing at a nice rate.

Not sure where this coral came from but it the rock is flat and I was trying to use it as a rock shelf but kept falling so I just shoved it in the back wall high up by the overflows. The rock was hard to break so I positioned it with the coral on top. Now it is growing beautifully and appears like a crown. My name for it...Crown Molding

The quite but equal magnificent Setosa, Gift from Jackson6765
Really nice growth Doc! I love that you just dont have a tank of frags and have really grown out the coral. It really looks great.
Deep Purple Acropora Tenuis Colony
Acquired 2/21/11

Started STN very very slowly, but I just didn't want to lose any more of it so I fragged it up and created a new colony.

New Marco rock




Fish list update
Main Display Tank 220G - 16 fish

Yellow Tang 2003 (8 yrs old) Hawaii
Hawkfish 2006 (5 y/o)
Powder Blue Tang 3/2010 Maldives, Sri Lanka Indian Ocean
Six-line Wrasse gift from Olivera 6/1/2010
Starry Blenny velvet black with white dots Olivera 6/1/2010
Maroon Clown female from Olivera 6/1/2010
Maroon Clown male from Olivera 6/1/2010
Pink Greenbanded Goby tiny from Olivera 6/1/2010
Yellow Goby large from DrCooper 7/14/10
Hippo Tang oonycxwilloo 7/15/2010
Naso Tang Large 7" catman78 8/15/10
Bartlett Anthias #1 oonycxwilloo 10/24/2010
Bartlett Anthias #2 oonycxwilloo 10/24/2010
Bartlett Anthias #3 oonycxwilloo 11/18/2010
Bartlett Anthias #4 oonycxwilloo 11/18/2010
Bartlett Anthias #5 oonycxwilloo 11/18/2010

40BG Refugium Tank in the Fishroom - 3 fish
Lemon Peel Angel- 2007 (4 y/o) Indo-Pacific Ocean
V-Tail Grouper 4/25/10 Indo-Pacific Ocean
Yellow Tang Olivera 6/1/2010

Lagoon Tank 4
Ocellaris Clownfish Atlantis Marine World 2/2011
Ocellaris Clownfish Atlantis Marine World 2/2011
Yellow Tang Nanoreef 4/2011
Clarkii Clownfish gift from OPG 8/2011

Nano Tank (10gal) 3
Ocellaris Clownfish Atlantis Marine World 11/05/2010
Chromis Neon Green male gift from OPG 6/2011
Chromis Neon Green female gift from OPG 6/2011

Little fishies
GEEEZ Doc,... tell the you make your office manager keep these detailed records on the fish?

& will this record keeping be covered by the Obama health plan? :eek:
More growth pictures

More growth pictures

BlueGreen jackson6745 Stag

7/11 after three months growth!

8/11 the stag is now touching the top of the water
The pressure mysteriously dropped in my area, so I need to buy a booster pump for my RO

Now my pressure is up at 60

The hookup was quick and simple

But this came attached but I dont know what the heck it is! No instructions either..
That is the auto shut off for your booster pump. Its a pressure switch. Do you have a float valve in your ro tank?
I put mine after di not sure if its the right spot. You need back pressure is the line to shut the booster pump off.
I've had a few floods caused by either forgeting to shut off manually or a faulty float switch so now I use a regular cooking timer...haven't had a flood since.