It begins... 345-gallon Starphire in-wall system

Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure .. it is an iodine based dip. It was one that was marketed to specifically be able to kill AEFWs when used as directed (as a dip). Everything that goes into our tanks gets dipped. AEFWs have left their mark on our tanks and our minds *shudder*.
The TMPCC works great. I was doing Lugol's and Betadine dips thinking it was the right way to look for FWs. I have had trouble finding the TMPCC locally. Anyway, first dip of a new coral in the TMPCC and there were the flatworms!

Any one have a good online source? It seems to be out of stock preety much all the time.
It does go out of stock pretty fast. I have not looked for a source in some time.. the last batch we ordered we ordered a couple of bottles, and only just now cracked open the last one.
Why is it that nothing goes as planned?

I mounted the Maristar unit in the frame with the t5s, Mounted the rail wheels to a 2 X 6 measured everything out, but do you think I could locate the joists in the ceiling to mount the rails to? I went through 3 different stud finders, no go. Went up into the attic and measured everything out from the wall, added 1/2" for the drywall, measured eveything out and put new holes in the rail so it would match up to where the joists should have been went to screw it up and only hit one of them.

I got so frustrated I gave up for the night. Back at it tomorrow, wish me luck.
24"? wow, that's loose. Probably OK in FL though. I would guess a West Coast house would fall down with 24" centers. :lol:
So true.

Got lots done today. Lights are up but I'm not happy with the setup. A bit on the ghetto side. I'll have to fix it later but it'll work for now. Got alot of the corals transfered over will do the rest tomorrow then treat for redbugs. Once that doen the fish can move into their new home.

I have to hurry as I placed a sizable order with the LFS today. Picked up a nice powder blue that someone traded in fat, happy and eating well. Can't remember everything I ordered but I got 4 female purple square anthias, a harem for my male. A Blonde Naso and I'm also going to give a shot with an australian elegance coral and a morish idol.

Tanks looking better all the time especially since I've moved some of my bigger coral pieces in. I'll post some pics tomorrow. I'm also, I hate to say it, getting a large (1.5') Electric Green Carpet Haddoni

Geez! Talk about bunching up the hard to keep animals.Anthias, elegance, moorish idol...that's a lot to chew on. GL! :) That carpet looks sweet. I am scared to put one in my tank.
Why are you afraid of the carpet?

I've had anthias for awhile, no problems at all. The elegance, it was on the list and an impulse. I'm going to give it a try starting with lower light. The morish idol is just a stunning fish and I've had pretty good luck with the hard to keep ones.
carpets are (to borrow a quote from The Little Mermaid) "dirty fish eaters !!"

The moorish idols, when you can get them to eat, usually end up eating your corals (sps too not just softies and zoas).

Elegance, well, they have such a reputation for a high mortality rate that there was a "study" started (by Eric B I think). There was a thread here on RC in one of the forums about it.. called the Elegance Project I think.

well I can't wait to see how it all turns out. maybe I will get some nads and try soemthing but I got an elegance and it died about 3 months later. The idol is indeed a stunning fish. Carpets eat fish...didn't the LFS tell you that? :lol: just kidding of course. :)
Shouldn't be a problem...all my fish are clean!

From what I've read on the MI's is it's pretty much the luck of the draw, some eat corals others won't touch them.

The elegance is another story all together. I'm going to try the low light, sheltered and hope for the best.