Mo's 6ftx8ftx3ft SPS Reef Tank

I'm looking at putting the Abyzz on my tank too... What's your verdict on them? Also what do you have as heaters for your tank?
Simply amazing tank Mo. Love the depth of this tank.
Do you still have the powder blue tang? It looks huge in the photos at the beginning of the thread.
Thanks for the reply Moser. What temp do you keep your tank at? Mine will be in a basement so it will be cooler down there all year long. Haven't figured out what the ambient temperature will be on the tank without heaters yet but I'm guessing mid 60's so I will need to hear the tank 10 or more degrees


Nice shots,
Tank looks amazing.
Any ID on that first Accro?

Thanks Maroun

I don't know. It's a bit like a loisettae stag, but different tips.
Since running Aquaforest products, the yellow tips have come out, before they were just blue.

Amazing build and an awesome equipment list! Congrats on a beautiful display. Love how the tank builder was able to build the tank without any euro braces on the top frame of the tank. Great for access!

A couple of questions for you: what is your maintenance schedule and how often do you prune corals before they start fighting with each other? Your landscape is filling up quickly!!!