My 240g FOWLR

How big is the pbt at 8 years? And how many times if any has it had ich. ?

Maybe 5".... hasn't grown much at all. The reef was never ich free. Showed ich once early on in the reef.... maybe 2007. Then again after moving back in 2010. I then fully QT ed him before transferring to the FOWLR.
I few still pics...

My 8+ year old PBT:

That PBT is just beautiful SDguy! Well your whole tank is just beautiful
You've definitely got some porkers in there! Is your chrysurus getting picked on, or am I just seeing things?
One of my melanopus clowns HATES the chrysurus.... I have no clue why. I assume that is the fish leaving the marks.
Yo, what did you do with your extra dusky.

Considering adding a second one to my order tonight with another Mystery shipping and whatnot.
Would have sworn you got a second smaller one. Maybe it was a muelleri now that I think about it. Either way, doesn't matter, they aren't available any more.

Thanks for getting back with me.

P.S., mine is kind of a hog too.