My 240g FOWLR

Well, nitrate was below 5ppm... I didn't bother doing the low resolution method to find out exactly what it is. Is there a reason I would concern myself with phophate in a FO?

I was going to ask you if you run GFO and then I saw the latest post. I guess the only advantage would be less algae on the glass/back wall. I don't see any other benefit.
I was going to ask you if you run GFO and then I saw the latest post. I guess the only advantage would be less algae on the glass/back wall. I don't see any other benefit.

I agree. My very first marine tank was FO, and it looked like a swamp :lol:
That's just a thread full of peoples' opinions. I don't know what to tell you. I do it all the time.
I do the recommended dose, and wait 4-5 days before a water change to remove it.
@SD what happened to your reef tank?\ if you do not mind asking?
Showed my wife your yt video, she is in love with your tank :)
Not sure. Anything I didn't remove died (even mushrooms) so I'm just starting over :)
I dose Cupramine and prazipro at the same time as well with sensitive fish and have had no problems.

I've dosed both before also but I wouldn't necesarilly advise dosing both with sensitive fish since either medication can cause loss of apitite.

There are some roomers that prazi is less effective when dosed with cupramine but I've never experienced that. I personally try to admister them seprately (prazi then cupramine) unless a special circumstance comes up.
Sorry, I should have said I agree with this :) . Obviously mixing meds isn't the best, so if you can avoid it, please do so.

That said, I've used prazi and cupramine without issue, and I've used NGP and cupramine without issue.
It's a broad spectrum anti bacterial treatment. Works great on those random red sores and such on butterflies during QT.
OK, so the semilarvatus has been in the trap for a week now. The trap actually sits where all the food falls, so he's had to endure all the other butterflies, including the falcula, swimming right next to him every day. Do I release him yet? Will he go back to his terrorizing ways? If I'm going to keep him out longer, I'll transfer him to the fuge...
Does he look like he wants to attack in the box? If not it might be worth a release if you don't think it will be too much trouble to catch him again. I've very curious to see how this turns out.