My 240g FOWLR

7 inch HT Aussie & Achilles goldrim hybrid tang in QT a few weeks ago! LA had the HT Aussie on sale for $109 email special! They send out email every Friday with one saltwater fish & one freshwater fish on sale for the week separated from the weekly special!
What is the benefit of going BB, never tried it and never planned on it unless it is truly much more beneficial
What is the benefit of going BB, never tried it and never planned on it unless it is truly much more beneficial

It's a whole lot easier to simply keep any detritus off the floor using strong flow.
Do you ever feel as if your tank is overstocked?

Sure, but I guess it depends on your definition. If I have aggression issues I do something about them until I don't (ie the current semilarvatus butterfly in time out). I've made sure to consider everyone's adult size, and begrudgingly have avoided any large aggressive fish like emperor or queen angels :( And I have plenty of rock so no fish ever has to stay in the open if it doesn't want to, so it's not like I'm doing the whole African cichlid stocking thing :) So... I'm happy with my stock at this point.
Xxvietx: no not at this time I don't feel it's over stocked! Would you say that SDguy tank is over stocked? It all comes down to this IMO good water! Clean your tank! Lets say you have a 150 gallon with 3 3inch fish! And poor water quality dirty filters! Dirty sand! I would say that tank is over stocked for that person! SDguy has about 30 very nice fish some pretty large! His fish are healthy! He keeps butterfly's that most can't keep! But he keeps his tank in tip top shape! I don't know him but when it comes to his tank he is not lazy! As I write this my RODI is running! I'm setting up a 280 gallon tank! But as of now my 4 DT are not overstocked IMO. Thanks for looking! :)
Thanks SDguy! I did not know they was going to be that big!! I got the asfur for $150 and the golden for $100 that's $250 shipped! He had a Red Sea regal but did not send it due to not eating! But he will be getting in more in a week or so!
SDGuy do you use cupramine in your QT with butterfly's ? If so do you use it as needed or do you QT all your fish with prazi & cupramine ? I have got prazi in my QT now but no cupramine in it. I have it on hand but I never use it unless I see a spot! Can you use the standard dose of cupramine on butterfly's ? Thanks for the info!
SDGuy do you use cupramine in your QT with butterfly's ? If so do you use it as needed or do you QT all your fish with prazi & cupramine ? I have got prazi in my QT now but no cupramine in it. I have it on hand but I never use it unless I see a spot! Can you use the standard dose of cupramine on butterfly's ? Thanks for the info!

Yes I use cupramine with my fish. I follow the "drops per gallon" method of dosing, since the Salifert test kit is really difficult to read in the range that I use.

1 drop per gallon on day one. Another drop per gallon on day 3, and then 1 drop per two gallons on day 5. Then wait. I will actually add another 1 drop per 2 gallons on day 7 if the fish have no bad reaction at this point. Then I start the clock, and wait 4 weeks. Then I remove the cupramine, and wait again to make sure it worked.

I use prazi during cupramine treatment without issue. Two rounds.
Some updates...

The regal angel is getting more and more bold, and pretty much eats any type of pellet I throw in there.

The cleaner wrasse has calmed down, but the breams still don't venture around the whole tank yet.

The semilarvatus is in time out. We'll see... if he continues to be aggressive, I will sell him off (I have to be honest... I think falcula butterflies are more attractive :o )

The muelleri has calmed down. It's so neat to see all 3 chelmon species swimming together! Same with the 3 pearlscale types... very cool!

The larger parachaetodon may be eating something, since he's looking full, but the smaller is getting skinny :( They also don't particularly care for each other...

I just finally saw one of the two new allens damsels last night. Very secretive fish! Even the old established one really hugs the rocks.

New list:

LARGE pomacanthus navarchus (replacing the smaller one I got rid of)
Pygoplites diacanthus (have had him for a while in the fuge, just finally put him in the DT)
Pentapodus emeryii X 3 (cleaner wrasse HATES them :( )
Chaetodon falcula (semilarvatus HATES him)
Chaetodon mertensii (no issues, surprisingly)
Chelmon rostratus (muelleri hates him, no issue with the marginalis, surprisingly)
Parachaetodon ocellatus x 2 (I'm not hopeful with these guys...they refuse everything but live blackworms - oh, and semilarvatus hates them too :rolleyes: )
Chrysiptera parasema (In hiding from the other damsels)
Pomacentrus alleni X 2 (haven't seen them since they were put in the tank :( )
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Ok I'm by no means a expert! I have never had butterfly's of any kind! As you can see I have been asking you for advice! BUT the only thing I would recommend is replace the cleaner wrasse with cleaner shrimp! I had a guy tell me about 8 months ago what to do with my reef tank with ich !! Black long nose tang and many other fish! Long story short I beat the ich did not lose one fish! No chemicals! I added a Achilles goldrim hybrid a few weeks ago and I was scared he would get attack with ich! I have not had one spot on any fish in months! Back to cleaner wrasse! He said cleaner wrasse worry the heck out of fish causing some fish to stress out making ich worse! He told me to go with cleaner skunk shrimp and let the fish go to them! I did and with a few tricks my ich was gone! That's just what I have learned about the cleaner wrasse! I got skunk shrimp in all my tanks even in my QT but I have never had to use copper that's why I ask you if you use it with out seeing any signs of ich! If I use copper I will remove my shrimp!
I've had cleaner wrasses for several years, in both my reef, and my FO. That whole thing about bothering fish to the point of it being an issue is crap. Don't believe the crap :)

And I don't own cleaner wrasses to help with any disease. I own them as just another fish, that happens to sometimes clean my other fish... as do several of my fish :D
Sounds great I will have to admit your tank is very nice so if the cleaner wrasse works for you then it's great ' :)
What are your nitrates and phosphates at?

No clue.I'll have to see how old my Salifert test kits are before I even try using them.

I am happy to report that the small amount of HLLE on my flavirostris and rainfordi, which developed during copper treatment, has healed up very nicely!! Now, the asfur is the only fish still showing it. Hope to see him healed back up over time.
Well, nitrate was below 5ppm... I didn't bother doing the low resolution method to find out exactly what it is. Is there a reason I would concern myself with phophate in a FO?

I wouldn't worry about it unless you had algae or cyano problems. It is probably worth checking occasionally just so you know.
That was my thinking as well. As it stands now I have no nuisance algae, and the chaeto I added to my fuge withered away so for the time being I won't worry about it. Not to mention that skimmer is insanely powerful.