Peter - sorry if you've answered this elsewhere, but how big was the rock beauty when you got it? Did you have any trouble getting it to eat?
Does he look like he wants to attack in the box? If not it might be worth a release if you don't think it will be too much trouble to catch him again. I've very curious to see how this turns out.
Just set up this 280 gallon! My first butterfly! Should be getting another 280 gallon next weekend! This 280 I have now been up & running 6 days! So far my fish lov it just got sump hooked up and running today
There was a margined coral fish on DD today for $179.99
(Chelmon marginalis) do you have one of these? Looks like the one in the pic that you just posted but yours has a black spot on it the one on DD did not but it might of been a juvi. This fish from Aussie I believe
He's the one in the bottom left of this picture: