The eyes on the rock beauty is such a pretty color of blue.
Here's my bluehead wrasse photobombing my navarchus angel
What did you use to treat your fish with ? Also before it happened was you ever soaking food in zoecon or selcon?
Great job, few years ago my yellow tang was in the bad shape (but his hlle was not as severe as your Asfur's), good water quality, nori, selcon, a lot of different food (including Thera A+ pallets, but I can't say that that exact food helped) and he is like new. I do not want to bother you with pictures in your thread but I think you are on the way to heal it up completely.
Not only are your fish great looking but you take fantastic pictures as well!
What type of camera are you using? are these taken with a Macro?
Yes I use cupramine with my fish. I follow the "drops per gallon" method of dosing, since the Salifert test kit is really difficult to read in the range that I use.
1 drop per gallon on day one. Another drop per gallon on day 3, and then 1 drop per two gallons on day 5. Then wait. I will actually add another 1 drop per 2 gallons on day 7 if the fish have no bad reaction at this point. Then I start the clock, and wait 4 weeks. Then I remove the cupramine, and wait again to make sure it worked.
I use prazi during cupramine treatment without issue. Two rounds.
What do u do for filtration when u do this drop per gallon method. After day7 when u turn on the clock, do u do any water changes? If so, do u add more cupramine? Isn't ur biological filter getting killed? Is this safe for angelfish?
Thanks- sorry about all the questions.
Are the spots on your majestic's back end indicative of sexual dimorphism? I saw another picture of a different majestic that someone was trying to sell on here that also had them. I've got one that I've had for 6-7 years and it has no spots.