Reefing since '93
I'm getting really frustrated with the Bubble Algae in the tank lately. I added a Long-Spine Urchin a week ago, and two more Emerald Crabs. They are about 6 Emerald Crabs in there now. I'm going to add either a tiny Naso or a tiny Rabbitfish as a temporary inhabitant as soon as I find a nice small one. Hopefully one of these things will strike up an appetite. You'll also notice there is significant growth of a very bright burgundy-red algae in the tank. I'm not entirely sure if it is a type of coralline or if it is a turf algae. I thought for a long time that it was coralline since I've seen it in this color often, but I'm starting to think it's a turf. The Urchin likes it though, so hopefully he can trim it back to a more manageable amount. Neither of these algae are new, they've been ongoing issues for many many months, and I just never really tried to do much about it.
I've been experimenting with a slightly higher alkalinity level since my corals have darkened.
SG 35 ppt
Ca 410-420
Alk 7.8-8.0
Mg (haven't tested in months)
K 420 (according to Salifert, which Triton read 60 ppm lower)
NO3 0.25
PO4 4 ppb, 0.012 ppm
Current dosing:
After lights out I turn off the skimmer, add 1/4 tso Reef Roids, 2 scoops Reef Chili, 2.5 mL Xtra, 3 drops Sponge Power.
An hour before lights on I turn on the skimmer, add 2.25 mL Coral Snow.
Fish are fed NLS pellets top dressed with wild salmon oil and astaxanthin 2x per day, and homemade human-grade mash 2x per day.
Not at all. The little bit of green cyano has actually decreased, but I started using Coral snow at the same time I started Xtra. I have been needing to clean the glass every second day though. Lots of diatoms on the sand and glass. No increased in dissolved nutrients.
I've been experimenting with a slightly higher alkalinity level since my corals have darkened.
SG 35 ppt
Ca 410-420
Alk 7.8-8.0
Mg (haven't tested in months)
K 420 (according to Salifert, which Triton read 60 ppm lower)
NO3 0.25
PO4 4 ppb, 0.012 ppm
Current dosing:
After lights out I turn off the skimmer, add 1/4 tso Reef Roids, 2 scoops Reef Chili, 2.5 mL Xtra, 3 drops Sponge Power.
An hour before lights on I turn on the skimmer, add 2.25 mL Coral Snow.
Fish are fed NLS pellets top dressed with wild salmon oil and astaxanthin 2x per day, and homemade human-grade mash 2x per day.
Did the pohls xtra ever end up causing white snot stuff or do anything to the little bit of cyano you said you had?
Not at all. The little bit of green cyano has actually decreased, but I started using Coral snow at the same time I started Xtra. I have been needing to clean the glass every second day though. Lots of diatoms on the sand and glass. No increased in dissolved nutrients.