The conference was great, I learned something from each of the speakers and I think there was something in each of the talks for any level of reefer. There was a good combination of vendors- some livestock, hardware, and drygoods and maintenance type things/foods etc. There were also things for any "level" person also (I noticed a lot of aquarium visitors buying the dry "live rock" just to put in their FW tanks at home!
I won a really cool pump and a book. The only thing I missed was the behind-the-scenes tour, it was just too busy and I wasn't sure when they happened? Also, I agreed about putting more than a Bio in the booklet about the speaker- like giving his lecture a name (I guessed that Sally's was about fish breeding from reading her bio.. knew what Julian, Anthony's might be like.. but Ron's i had no idea what it would be! cool though)