Well last night was as sucky as they get.
I have discovered a couple of issues that I didn't count on.
1. The humidty controlled exhaust fan got into a "loop" last night. It kept turning on for an hour then resting for half an hour. I finally figured it out while staring at the ceiling. It raining like crazy and the air that is replenishing the exhausted air has high humidity as well! My Master Plan has got a hole!! I had to shut off the humidistat part of the exhaust control to get it to behave correctly.
2. I did not count on the excessive sweating from the RO/DI filters and lines. There is constantly a small puddle accumulated from all the dripping and it is annoying the hell out of me. I kept thinking I might have a leak somewhere but between the tanks, the lines, and the filters, there is quite a bit of condensation.
Also, I cannot get the booster pump adjusted to shut off when the flow is stopped. I can adjust the switch to get it to turn off, but then it starts cycling on and off. So I pulled out the pump and just ran the system off the feed and discovered that when all valves are shut and there is no flow to anything, the RO/DI filters still are processing waste water. The water never stops! So how do I fix that??
And the BAD NEWS: I was up at 4 am trying to deal with the exhaust fan issue and doing a transfer from the RO/DI to the SW mixing tank when I accidently left the valve open to the sump. That filled the sump with cold low salt water and overflowed. I actually did it twice so I don't really have a water change but more of a dilution.
Everything was working fine when I left the tank room and when I got up at 6:30 am and checked on the tank, the return pump and everything else attached to the DC8 was not running!! That includes the heaters as well. Temp was down to 74.5F...
Panic time. I have routed everything to get power but now I apparently have a dead DC8, and right in the middle of a tank cycle!! That's not fun!