OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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That was fun. It worked well although I don't know the wisdom of defeating the coral's protection mechanism. Anyway, I blew off as much of the rock as I could reach with the turkey baster and found several more corals I din't know were there. Mostly encrusting but a couple more of those fingered SPS too. I wish I could get a decent photo of the fingered SPS. I am having trouble using the macro on my digital camera too. I just can't get it to focus close enough.
They look like they could be porites but also might be a Heliopora coerulea or even a horn coral. It's tough to tell at this point.
skatezen You are the MAN!!!

That totally worked for my noise problem...I used a 4' piece of 1" PVC between my supply and the booster pump and I now do not have any of the "hammering" in the pipes. No noise upstairs!! Sweet.:D

In talking it over with Dale, we decided that my problem with the water not shutting off properly is actually due to there not being any auto-shutoff valve on the Kent brand watermaker. So even though the float valve is closed there continues to be waste water flowing. My other watermaker came with the auto shutoff and I never even thought to look at the Kent unit.

We worked out a solution to this so it looks like I am finally beyond the RIO/DI issues.

Thanks to you all for your help!:)
Glad it helped, even though you didn't put it where I was telling you. If you get a auto shut off kit for your rodi you may need to build another one of these contraptions to put between the output of the RODI and the Electronic Solenoid to build up the back pressure before the solenoid to trigger the the auto shutoff to stop.
yeah I got ya on that...I just wanted to experiment to see if I could get rid of the hammering. Since I am making a water change every day I don't have much need for the unit to stop producing. In about a week or so then I'll have to revisit the auto-shutoff situation.
Jonathan, sorry I was out of touch for a few days but actually have something useful to add for once!

On the calcium chloride issue.

If you have a pool supply try this.


If nothing else you can mail order. Is very pure. Many people in DFWMAS have used it for a long time (one guy over a decade) with no issues!

Also I may have just missed it but be sure to bake your baking soda before using to raise your pH. Do it at 300 degrees for 45 minutes. This cooks all the moisture and C02 out and makes it fairly high pH. straight baking soda is actually slightly acidic!! I will say though test our alk. Keep it at about 13-15 dkH and don't worry about the pH. It will take care of itself!
Good to hear from you and thanks for the link. I have been baking the baking soda at 350F for 1 hour. It has been working great and now the tank has stabilized to the point that I am seeing higher pH values and not needing to dose much anymore.

As far as dkH I haven't dealt with that yet. I tested 2 days ago and it was at 9. I will be running a series of tests tomorrow and will make the appropriate adjustments. The cycle is going smoothly as the diatoms are about done and I now have a nice fury bottom. :p I am finding a lot of hitch-hiker corals as I spray off the rocks.

And you are not going to belive this but we are leaving for 4 days to take our son to LegoLand! No, I am not kidding. I was training a buddy to do water changes tonight and I'll work with him some more this week. Am I nuts or what???
haven't tested for nitrate in 2 days. I will be doing a full battery of tests tomorrow and will post the results. :)
I got the live rock for my nano from The Shark Reef. It cycled in 3 days. It was a very low leveled cycle.

The live rock for my 90g had been cured for a while. I then set it up in my garage in the tank curing while I built the sump. By the time the area was ready, my rock was cured and waiting.

So I have never really had to deal with a full on cycle. I just did mini ones.
well as you know I had 200 lbs. waiting for the tank to be finished and there was essentially no cycle when I put that in the tank but I had a huge diatom event. I set the new rock on top of that old rock and I am having considerable die-off of the macro-algae, while new buds are developing within the last day.

One key issue is that I am doing this cycle without a skimmer so that tends to create a more pronounced but faster cycle. I can't expect to be through the ammonia part of it quite yet, but it will be soon.
Tank specs:

Mar 28 2006 05:51:47
Temp pH ORP Cond DO
75.6 8.15 420 45.4 20.6
Phosphate 0 ppm
Nitrate 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Ammonia 3.0 ppm
Calcium 385 ppm


Here it is...


WOW :eek1:

That is one great looking skimmer and lots of foam that's for sure. How tall is that monster?
main body is 50" and the riser is about 2 feet. I have about 6" of clearance on the ceiling...

I love it when a plan comes together!:D
Sweet!:D I really like the setup. Very cool skimmer, I can't wait to see how it does. Keep the pictures coming, if I have to do it on my thread then you should too!! LOL
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