Time to get caught up on a few inquires....
Ktani.....That is a solid blue A. tortusa that I grew from a 1 inch frag that I acquired about 2 years ago.
Yaoming......evaporation is about 7 gals/day.
Bigbird.....Thanks for the kind words. Aquascaping is indeed very difficult. It is something that I'm constantly trying to improve upon. I stare at the tank for long periods...moving the pieces around in my mind until I come up with a better configuration.
Docjay.... When I first planned this upgrade, I knew that it had to happen quickly to avoid losing much of my stock. What I did was get four inflatable kiddie pools from Toys R Us (about $25 each). Each held about 450 gals. I used one for my rock, one for my corals, and two for new water. I did all the construction that was possible prior to the switch without disturbing the old system. When switch day came, I broke down the old tank, finished the construction, and put the new tank/light hood into place on day one. Day two saw the plumbing completed and all the rocks/corals go back into the new tank. Aquscaping took place over the next week. The total time that the corals were in kiddie pools was about 30hrs.
Bkwudzjeep...I spend about an hour a day on maintenance.
Pi... As stated, the tank is built into the wall of a den with the tank in tne garage. It's only viewable from the front panel.
Stranglehold/Florida Reefer...The main circulation is through four closed loop pumps that each put out about 6000gph. The closed loop piping (2" pvc) in the tank forms a platform that has 28 jets (7 for each pump) of 3/4 loc-line that are distributed/hidden in the rockwork. There is also an eggcrate platform that sits on these 2" pipes that elevate the rockwork off the bottom about 4 inches. Some of the jets blow under the rocks to keep this area detritus free.
I will post some new pics tomorrow night with a few of the backstage area....Nite all....