Our 400 Gallon In Wall Natural Sun-Lit Reef"

Hi everyone, sorry it's been sometime since the last photo update. The tank has been running on auto pilot for the last 8 weeks. It's been nonstop doctors, hospitals and caring for Kelly, plus running our business I haven't had time for the tank. I have been tossing around the idea of shutting down the system.

jdpiii3 said:
I have been tossing around the idea of shutting down the system.
The tank looks to be doing fine in spite of the many pressures on your time. Please don't do anything rash. See if the tank can survive your divided attention until it really gets to be too much for you to manage or for the tank to survive.

As always, thoughts and prayers to you and your wife. I can understand your thoughts on taking down the tank. That said, your tank is one of my all time favorites.
The tank looks to be doing fine in spite of the many pressures on your time. Please don't do anything rash. See if the tank can survive your divided attention until it really gets to be too much for you to manage or for the tank to survive.


As always, thoughts and prayers to you and your wife. I can understand your thoughts on taking down the tank. That said, your tank is one of my all time favorites.

Understand why you may have to shut down, but really hoping things quickly get to a point where you won't need to!

Please don't shut this beautiful tank down :( For being on autopilot for the last 2 months, it sure looks great... Hope Kelly improves!

agree with everyones comments!!good luck

Hi, I'm new here and just found your thread. My prayers for you and Kelly.

Thank you guys, the last thing I want to do is shut down the tank. I'm working on ideas to keep it going, some of my local friends have offered help with feeding and maintenance.
I was going to suggest if there were any local reefers who could help out in the short term. My prayers are with you both and the tank is still gorgeous even though it hasn't been attended to like you want.
If it comes to you shutting down the tank just get rid of the live stock. Keep the equipment, tank, rock, sand. That way if you decide on to set it up again you just need fish and corals. I think local reefers would only be good for a short time. There are companys that will maintain the tank if you have the $$$
Just read through this entire thread. My thoughts are with you and your wife. Your tank is inspirational but family does come first.
I just found and read all 20 pages, the tank is amazing. I have thought about you several times today and the troubles that you and your wife are dealing with. You guys are in my prayers.
Hi everyone, Kelly had another 3 week stay in the hospital, she developed an infection, she's been losing blood, and had pneumonia.

We're trying to get things moving in a happy direction, so if our numbers hit in tonight's 600 million Powerball we will share with our extended Reef Central family. Everyone that has posted in this thread will be included!

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