Our 400 Gallon In Wall Natural Sun-Lit Reef"

Huge problem with Achilles tangs...even putting them into quarantine does not guarantee they will not get stressed out at any point and get another round of Ich. Also to keep an Achilles really healthy I would consider putting a "surge" zone on one end of your tank. Achilles would be one of those rare fish that would almost be happy in a washing machine.

That being said, having a tank as large as yours would almost guarantee a happy, healthy AT. Your best bet would to get one as small as possible to get it aclimated to your tank with less stress.
No to jynx you, but the flame angel will give you issues with other fish over time.

Regarding the achilles tang, it is not uncommon for them to come in with some ich. Actually, almost expected. They get stressed out very easily, almost like powder blues, require a lot of flow, and a very large and un stressing environment for them to do well long term. In most, the ich will go away without even treating it once placed in a stress free tank with tons of flow. Obviously, it is preferred to treat them for the ich or find one without it int he first place, but I would no rule out a fat and happy achilles just because it had some ich.

As someone that lives in FL as well, I have to say the way you went about it with solar is the way to go here. NO reason to do otherwise if planned well. Best of luck.
I am considering adding a sun room onto my house...it will allow me to custom build my tank and I am considering adding a below ground cooling system. It would let the pvc pipe go at least 5 or 6 feet underground with a slow flow pump that would allow the water flowing through the pipes cool off before entering the tank....If I hook up a thermostatic control from the tank that would shut off the pump when the water was at the correct temperature it would be perfect. I would have the water entering the sump so that the water would be mixed with the warmer water before entering the tank. Just an idea. I am getting ready to work it out on my CAD program. After more than 40 years in the hobby I have learned go big and do what you can the first time because you will just be looking to up grade later.

Can I ask what vendor on E-bay you used for your corals? Was it just one? They look great. You really got your moneys worth.
Good call, while you can't guarantee that a clean looking fish is actually "clean", no sense buying a fish that's covered in parasites especially if they still want a premium price for them.

I would have bought it if I would have been offered a guarantee, let me qt and treat it.

Awesome fish!

I sincerely hope your wife gets better, I am going to be praying for you both.

Yes it is an awesome fish. Thank you!
Huge problem with Achilles tangs...even putting them into quarantine does not guarantee they will not get stressed out at any point and get another round of Ich. Also to keep an Achilles really healthy I would consider putting a "surge" zone on one end of your tank. Achilles would be one of those rare fish that would almost be happy in a washing machine.

That being said, having a tank as large as yours would almost guarantee a happy, healthy AT. Your best bet would to get one as small as possible to get it aclimated to your tank with less stress.

I have two MP60's I watch my Purple Tang & Sohal Tang swim directly in front of the full power MP60's for hours at a time.

No to jynx you, but the flame angel will give you issues with other fish over time.

Regarding the achilles tang, it is not uncommon for them to come in with some ich. Actually, almost expected. They get stressed out very easily, almost like powder blues, require a lot of flow, and a very large and un stressing environment for them to do well long term. In most, the ich will go away without even treating it once placed in a stress free tank with tons of flow. Obviously, it is preferred to treat them for the ich or find one without it int he first place, but I would no rule out a fat and happy achilles just because it had some ich.

As someone that lives in FL as well, I have to say the way you went about it with solar is the way to go here. NO reason to do otherwise if planned well. Best of luck.

Thanks, I'm currently working on my solar power system, sometime this year the tank will be 100% solar powered.

I would have made the purchase if they would have offered something if the fish didn't survive. I think the fish would have a better chance making it in my qt then a full blown fish run of over 50 fish.
I am considering adding a sun room onto my house...it will allow me to custom build my tank and I am considering adding a below ground cooling system. It would let the pvc pipe go at least 5 or 6 feet underground with a slow flow pump that would allow the water flowing through the pipes cool off before entering the tank....If I hook up a thermostatic control from the tank that would shut off the pump when the water was at the correct temperature it would be perfect. I would have the water entering the sump so that the water would be mixed with the warmer water before entering the tank. Just an idea. I am getting ready to work it out on my CAD program. After more than 40 years in the hobby I have learned go big and do what you can the first time because you will just be looking to up grade later.

Can I ask what vendor on E-bay you used for your corals? Was it just one? They look great. You really got your moneys worth.

Sounds like a great idea. The seller was 'aimforever5000' Some of the best frags and packing I've seen in a long time.
I have been praying for the Mrs. I hope things are going well. Thanks for the info. You BOTH are an inspiration.
Hi everyone, the doctors have informed us that a new tumor has developed. We have consulted with the surgeon, and the best option is to perform surgery, she will begin prep and will be having surgery in the next day or so.

With Kelly's weakened state do to all of the chemotherapy this has become a very risky procedure, please keep Kelly and I in your thoughts and prayers.