People from Mexico

Que tal soy de Guadalajara Mexico, una foto de mi tanque:

Mostly the caribean, the mexican caribean its part of the second largest reef after Australia´s, it extends from the mexican caribean to Belice, Guatemala and el Salvador.

Yes it is full of corals, I´ve seen mostly sea fans, and lots of life, I guess one of the most popular corals its the green pocilopora and sun corals which grow in many parts of Mexico, although coral extraction is prohibited and so there´s no such thing as sea farming etc. So there could be thousands of beautiful corals to bring into the trade, but it hasn´t been done, so we get most of our corals from american, asian, and australian trade.

Are there much marine wildlife in Mexico?

Gulf of mexico and both coasts?

Much wildlife export into the US and Canada?
Hola a Todos...
Hace años que no escribía en este foro!....resulta que tuve un acuario muy bonito y exitoso...pero que creen me lo sacaron de la casa...=(, resulta que mi hija se enfermaba mucho y pues le echaron la culpa a la humedad, aunque tenia dehumificador, aun así producía algo y pues mi esposa...le achaco eso...La verdad después de que lo desmantele si mejoro, sera el sereno, pero pues ya me están dando ganas de armar uno mas espectacular...mi especialidad es cosntruir todo DIY, desde skimmers, sumps, acuario me animo...hay iré postiando el es seguro, pero ya traigo la cosquilla de nuevo!

Definitivamente no fue el tanque, yo sufro mucho de alergias y me recomiendan ir a la playa seguido, el aire limpio y la sal ayudan mucho a descongestionar. En algun tiempo me hacia lavados en la nariz con agua salada.
Hello all. Im living in Puerto Vallarta and Im trying to find a good place online to buy corals and fish here in mexico because the tiny pet store we have in town here is terrible.
Any have any links to online stores?
Or are there any good stores in Guadalajara?
I cant speak much spanish.
Hello all. Im living in Puerto Vallarta and Im trying to find a good place online to buy corals and fish here in mexico because the tiny pet store we have in town here is terrible.
Any have any links to online stores?
Or are there any good stores in Guadalajara?
I cant speak much spanish.

Hey how you doing?, there are a few stores that sales online in Mexico, also there are good forums were you can visit also like

If you want to buy online, you can try or for coral and equipment, if you need fish is better for you to drive to Guadalajara and visit some of the aquarium stores, the stock only reamains a couple of days, and with some owners you can receive the list of available fish, order and pick up and pay.

If you need to know directions form aquarium stores here at Guadalajara please send me a PM

Also we have like an unofficial reef club here at Guadalajara, and organize BBQ quite often to share some frags, have some chat share some advices and drink some beer, whenever you want to join you are invited.
Hey how you doing?, there are a few stores that sales online in Mexico, also there are good forums were you can visit also like

If you want to buy online, you can try or for coral and equipment, if you need fish is better for you to drive to Guadalajara and visit some of the aquarium stores, the stock only reamains a couple of days, and with some owners you can receive the list of available fish, order and pick up and pay.

If you need to know directions form aquarium stores here at Guadalajara please send me a PM

Also we have like an unofficial reef club here at Guadalajara, and organize BBQ quite often to share some frags, have some chat share some advices and drink some beer, whenever you want to join you are invited.

Thank you for the great info snake :thumbsup:
Im going to be seting up a 25 gal cube as soon as I get back from the States in a month.
I will pm you when im ready to go to Guadalajara to pick up some stock.
Im sure it will be a great help talking to someone like you who knows the in and outs of reefing in mexico.
Thank you for the great info snake :thumbsup:
Im going to be seting up a 25 gal cube as soon as I get back from the States in a month.
I will pm you when im ready to go to Guadalajara to pick up some stock.
Im sure it will be a great help talking to someone like you who knows the in and outs of reefing in mexico.

It will be my pleasure to help, and please try to post a thread related to the building of your 25 gal Cube.

A little advice, when you purchase corals online, always ask for shipping with the next day warrantied service, this is offered by Multipack and Estafeta, they deliver next day before noon at most cities of Mexico.
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Hello Everyone!!

Great thread!
Estoy en gdl, tengo una pecera de 500L y apenas empiezo a crecer algunos frags...
Alguien sabe donde conseguir corales buenos y bonitos hehe solo se que reefservices los vende en line...

estoy buscando unas ricordias florida!! Me encantaria tener unas en mi pecera :)

Hello Everyone!!

Great thread!
Estoy en gdl, tengo una pecera de 500L y apenas empiezo a crecer algunos frags...
Alguien sabe donde conseguir corales buenos y bonitos hehe solo se que reefservices los vende en line...

estoy buscando unas ricordias florida!! Me encantaria tener unas en mi pecera :)


Pues reefservices acaba de poner a venta algunas ricordias

No es muy comun ke los acuarios de aqui tengan y cuando traen las traen muy caras, debido a que son muy delicadas en el manejo.

Que acuarios conoces de GDL?
Ke tal Snake,

Si las vi en reefservices y me encantaria comprar unas solo que en este momento estoy un poco corto de dinero si no se acaban pedire unas al final de la proxima semana...


Acuario tepeyac
Acuario arboledas

Pero principalmente (unicamente casi) voy al acuario providencia con Ruben.. excelente acuario, servicio, precios etc... En realidad no conozco otro acuario como este en gdl

Hay otro acuario por ahi del que no sepa ??
Hello Everyone!!

Great thread!
Estoy en gdl, tengo una pecera de 500L y apenas empiezo a crecer algunos frags...
Alguien sabe donde conseguir corales buenos y bonitos hehe solo se que reefservices los vende en line...

estoy buscando unas ricordias florida!! Me encantaria tener unas en mi pecera :)


platica con aaron de y el te podra ayudar con los corales y equipo, especialmente con los ricordeas...
Im living in Puerto Vallarta and will be flying to Mexico City for a few days.
What is the best Coral/Fish store in Mexico City?
There is realy not any here in Puerto Vallarta.
Im looking to get a pair of False Percula Clownfish. A Yellow Watchman Goby and a Pistol Shrimp.
Also Some Nice color Zoas and Torch and a Frogspawn.
Any ideas on the best stores?

Look for "Mercado Morelos" it has a quantity of vendors were you can choose the most you like, also you can buy in internet at if you want to buy corals.

Also why don't you drive to Guadalajara once a while ? I can recommend some aquariums or or maybe you can purchase or trade corals with some of us
Ke tal Snake,

Si las vi en reefservices y me encantaria comprar unas solo que en este momento estoy un poco corto de dinero si no se acaban pedire unas al final de la proxima semana...


Acuario tepeyac
Acuario arboledas

Pero principalmente (unicamente casi) voy al acuario providencia con Ruben.. excelente acuario, servicio, precios etc... En realidad no conozco otro acuario como este en gdl

Hay otro acuario por ahi del que no sepa ??

Si existen mas acuarios, no todos tienen corales, actualmente no muchos acuarios traen corales, nosotros logramos hacernos de algunas cosas cuando intercambiamos entre nosotros o bien nos juntamos para pedir cosas a los acuarios de mexico df.

mandame un mp y te invito a que te unas a un foro mexicano donde estamos muchos aficionados de aqui de guadalajara y con frecuencia nos resunimos.

Look for "Mercado Morelos" it has a quantity of vendors were you can choose the most you like, also you can buy in internet at if you want to buy corals.

Also why don't you drive to Guadalajara once a while ? I can recommend some aquariums or or maybe you can purchase or trade corals with some of us

Sounds good. I plan on driving to Guadalajara soon.
I just happen to be flying in to Mexico city this Wed so i was thinking I would like to check out some of there stores.
Sounds good. I plan on driving to Guadalajara soon.
I just happen to be flying in to Mexico city this Wed so i was thinking I would like to check out some of there stores.

Cool, do you have a picture of your tank? I'd like to see it
Cool, do you have a picture of your tank? I'd like to see it

I will take a Pic when its alittle more done :) I have had it set up with my rock and sand for a month but im changing my aquascape.
Dont have any Coral or fish in it yet.

Also i have 2 more Evilc66's PAR 38 LED lamps and a EcoTech Marine VorTech MP10 coming in dec.

Do you have any idea where to get some reef safe epoxy putty like Aquamend or JB waterweld down here in mexico? I have tryed Home depot ect.