Looking for compatibility for new fish:
current tank: 180gal mixed reef, 60gal sump, Natureef denitrator, ASM g4++ skimmer, GFO, 1/5hp chiller, 200lbs sand, 200lbs live rock
Corals: mostly softies- zoas, leathers, xenia, 1-bubble coral, 1-monti plate, 1-birdnest, 1-torch
Current fish: Purple tang, lemon peel angel, 5 chromis, copperband butterfly, 6line wrasse, naked clown w/purple tip anemone, tiger goby, lawnmower blenny, 3 cleaner shrimp, 10+ turbo snails, 100 cerith snails, 50+ blue leg crabs
Looking to ad: Naso Tang, 2 firefish, 2-4 cardinals, 3 Sun anthias
Naso tangs (of which there are many) all grow too large for a six foot tank. For firefish, purple seem to acclimate into existing tanks a bit better although I would be concerned with the sixline wrasse. No problem with the cardinals or anthias but depending on the cardinals you would need to be sensitive to sex. Bangaii cardinals can only be two and only a MALE + FEMALE
Will there by any compatibility issues?