PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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what you mean by "two for sure will not fly"?

can i then change the blue tang for a atlantic blue?

also i left out of the list a kole tang, that is ok?

what is i replace the kauderns for a small group of Apogon cyanosoma or/and a small group of Sphaeramia nematoptera?

I've plan to add a mesh
Looking for compatibility for new fish:

current tank: 180gal mixed reef, 60gal sump, Natureef denitrator, ASM g4++ skimmer, GFO, 1/5hp chiller, 200lbs sand, 200lbs live rock

Corals: mostly softies- zoas, leathers, xenia, 1-bubble coral, 1-monti plate, 1-birdnest, 1-torch

Current fish: Purple tang, lemon peel angel, 5 chromis, copperband butterfly, 6line wrasse, naked clown w/purple tip anemone, tiger goby, lawnmower blenny, 3 cleaner shrimp, 10+ turbo snails, 100 cerith snails, 50+ blue leg crabs

Looking to ad: Naso Tang, 2 firefish, 2-4 cardinals, 3 Sun anthias

Will there by any compatibility issues?
what you mean by "two for sure will not fly"?

One will likely be killed

can i then change the blue tang for a atlantic blue?

The recommended tank size is 180 gallons

also i left out of the list a kole tang, that is ok?

If that is the only tang, no problem.

what is i replace the kauderns for a small group of Apogon cyanosoma or/and a small group of Sphaeramia nematoptera?

Apogon cyanosoma will pair up but that should not be a problem and they, like Sphaeramia nematoptera need peaceful tank mates which dottybacks are not. Sphaeramia nematoptera is an excellent fish.

I've plan to add a mesh

Mesh needs to be 1/4 holes
Looking for compatibility for new fish:

current tank: 180gal mixed reef, 60gal sump, Natureef denitrator, ASM g4++ skimmer, GFO, 1/5hp chiller, 200lbs sand, 200lbs live rock

Corals: mostly softies- zoas, leathers, xenia, 1-bubble coral, 1-monti plate, 1-birdnest, 1-torch

Current fish: Purple tang, lemon peel angel, 5 chromis, copperband butterfly, 6line wrasse, naked clown w/purple tip anemone, tiger goby, lawnmower blenny, 3 cleaner shrimp, 10+ turbo snails, 100 cerith snails, 50+ blue leg crabs

Looking to ad: Naso Tang, 2 firefish, 2-4 cardinals, 3 Sun anthias

Naso tangs (of which there are many) all grow too large for a six foot tank. For firefish, purple seem to acclimate into existing tanks a bit better although I would be concerned with the sixline wrasse. No problem with the cardinals or anthias but depending on the cardinals you would need to be sensitive to sex. Bangaii cardinals can only be two and only a MALE + FEMALE

Will there by any compatibility issues?


My Splendid Dottyback is very aggressive, suspected in 2 deaths, so I don't want any more conflict. I'd like to add a lawnmower blenny, a Kole Yellow Eye Tang a Yellow Pyramid Butterfly and a Starcki Damsel.

I have a 28g Nano Cube LED with nothing in it, animal wise yet. Keep changing my mind, but currently I plan:

1. Pistol/goby pair. One of the smaller gobies
2. At some point, I want a big clam, so don't want to add any fish that will bother that
3. Blenny (midas blenny, maybe)
4. I'm wanting some sort of open swimmer. I'm thinking of a blue green chromis. Do they do well as a pair? Will they be kind to my goby and or blenny? I have read they are not aggressive like damselfish. If there is a smaller chromis?
5. I will be trying my luck at corals as well
6. I'd have an assortment of snails, no crabs, no shrimp other than the pistol shrimp.
7. I just saw a MCCosker's Flasher Wrasse. That could work (instead of the chromis, not in addition to)

If I went with this stocking plan, in what order should I get them? I'd only be getting one a month at most. If I got two of the chromis, I might get them together.
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My Splendid Dottyback is very aggressive, suspected in 2 deaths, so I don't want any more conflict. I'd like to add a lawnmower blenny, a Kole Yellow Eye Tang a Yellow Pyramid Butterfly and a Starcki Damsel.


In your 180 gallon tank which is coming, that would be ok. However those dottybacks will still be a problem.
I have a 28g Nano Cube LED with nothing in it, animal wise yet. Keep changing my mind, but currently I plan:

1. Pistol/goby pair. One of the smaller gobies
2. At some point, I want a big clam, so don't want to add any fish that will bother that
3. Blenny (midas blenny, maybe)
4. I'm wanting some sort of open swimmer. I'm thinking of a blue green chromis. Do they do well as a pair? Will they be kind to my goby and or blenny? I have read they are not aggressive like damselfish. If there is a smaller chromis?

Chromis may not work as a pair but flasher wrasses need a larger tank. You might consider a possum wrasse or purple firefish instead.

5. I will be trying my luck at corals as well
6. I'd have an assortment of snails, no crabs, no shrimp other than the pistol shrimp.

You could do a cleaner shrimp with no problem from the pistol shrimp

7. I just saw a MCCosker's Flasher Wrasse. That could work (instead of the chromis, not in addition to) Needs a 50 gallon tank

If I went with this stocking plan, in what order should I get them? I'd only be getting one a month at most. If I got two of the chromis, I might get them together.
I have the following in my 125g with a 30g sump with skimmer it will be a mixed reef
2 tank raised ocellaris clowns
1 kaudern's cardinal's
1 yellow tail damsel
1 Derasa Clam
5 feather dusters
2 skunk cleaner shrinp
2 peppermint shrimp
2 emerald crabs
2-3 hermit crabs
Assorted Nassarius and turbo snails
I have a fairy wrasse in my q tank

I wonder if I could add 1 powder blue Tang
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 coral beauty 2 more yellow tail damsel
In your 180 gallon tank which is coming, that would be ok. However those dottybacks will still be a problem.

If I were to add some of these before the upgrade (my build time is over a month, then a couple of weeks to make the transition), which would do well in the tank I have?

The splendid chases the royal, but doesn't nip at it, so I'm hoping they can survive together.

Thanks for your help, it is invaluable.
I have the following in my 125g with a 30g sump with skimmer it will be a mixed reef
2 tank raised ocellaris clowns
1 kaudern's cardinal's
1 yellow tail damsel
1 Derasa Clam
5 feather dusters
2 skunk cleaner shrinp
2 peppermint shrimp
2 emerald crabs
2-3 hermit crabs
Assorted Nassarius and turbo snails
I have a fairy wrasse in my q tank

I wonder if I could add 1 powder blue Tang
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 coral beauty 2 more yellow tail damsel

my tanks been running for 2 months i have mushrooms polyps and a
green polyp leather.
Thank you. That purple firefish is very pretty. I saw this video where this pistol shrimp (don't know what kind it was) zapped and ate this other shrimp...another where it knocked a crab head over heals! That's why I was sort of thinking I shouldn't have other shrimp in there, but I'd like to have a cleaner shrimp. So, sort of finalizing plans:
1.Goby/pistol shrimp
2. Blenny (small)
3. Purple firefish
4. littlest chromis
5. one or 2 cleaner shrimp
6. assortment of snails

Assuming that's it, I'm not going to change it up anymore, any suggestions on what order they should be introduced to the tank? I know the goby/shrimp need sand do throw around and building materials. Do any of these others have any special needs that need to met (such as the mandarin needing a mature tank due to its feeding issues). Anything like that with this group?
29 gallon biocube no skimmer weekly 5 gal wc, 2 ocellaris clowns , purple firefish. Is it okay to add another nano sized fish? Possibly along the lines of a clown goby or other small goby

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I have the following in my 125g with a 30g sump with skimmer it will be a mixed reef
2 tank raised ocellaris clowns
1 kaudern's cardinal's
1 yellow tail damsel
1 Derasa Clam
5 feather dusters
2 skunk cleaner shrinp
2 peppermint shrimp
2 emerald crabs
2-3 hermit crabs
Assorted Nassarius and turbo snails
I have a fairy wrasse in my q tank

I wonder if I could add 1 powder blue Tang One of these tangs, but not two tangs and a foxface as they are all grazers.
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 coral beauty Not really reef safe towards meaty LPS 2 more yellow tail damsel

might create an aggressive situation when introduced, but this may subside over time.
Thank you. That purple firefish is very pretty. I saw this video where this pistol shrimp (don't know what kind it was) zapped and ate this other shrimp...another where it knocked a crab head over heals! That's why I was sort of thinking I shouldn't have other shrimp in there, but I'd like to have a cleaner shrimp. So, sort of finalizing plans:
1.Goby/pistol shrimp
2. Blenny (small)
3. Purple firefish
4. littlest chromis
5. one or 2 cleaner shrimp
6. assortment of snails

Assuming that's it, I'm not going to change it up anymore, any suggestions on what order they should be introduced to the tank? I know the goby/shrimp need sand do throw around and building materials. Do any of these others have any special needs that need to met (such as the mandarin needing a mature tank due to its feeding issues). Anything like that with this group?

I have pistol shrimp that are nonsymbiotic with gobies, symbiotic pistol shrimp, and cleaner shrimp without problems. I would introduce the firefish first. Otherwise looks good.
Originally Posted by cap11885
I have the following in my 125g with a 30g sump with skimmer it will be a mixed reef
2 tank raised ocellaris clowns
1 kaudern's cardinal's
1 yellow tail damsel
1 Derasa Clam
5 feather dusters
2 skunk cleaner shrinp
2 peppermint shrimp
2 emerald crabs
2-3 hermit crabs
Assorted Nassarius and turbo snails
I have a fairy wrasse in my q tank

I wonder if I could add 1 powder blue Tang One of these tangs, but not two tangs and a foxface as they are all grazers.
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 coral beauty Not really reef safe towards meaty LPS 2 more yellow tail damsel

might create an aggressive situation when introduced, but this may subside over time.

-do you know of any fish that would be 6+ inches that look good are reef safe and are not grazers?
-do you know of any fish that would be 6+ inches that look good are reef safe and are not grazers?

I normally do not make recommendations for a variety of reasons, and in any case I would not recommend largish fish for your sized tank. So sorry.
Current tank - 30gal fowlr. occupants are 2 yellowtail damsels, 1 blue-green chromis, 1 royal gramma and 1 coral beauty. they all get on and theres no real agression.


I'm pretty sure i know the answer but - have i got room for another fish?
i was thinking of either a blenny - harptail, or a goby - orange spotted type.

also could a mandarin go in my size tank, provided it was feeding ok
Current tank - 30gal fowlr. occupants are 2 yellowtail damsels, 1 blue-green chromis, 1 royal gramma and 1 coral beauty. they all get on and theres no real agression.


I'm pretty sure i know the answer but - have i got room for another fish?
i was thinking of either a blenny - harptail, or a goby - orange spotted type.

No, you are full!

also could a mandarin go in my size tank, provided it was feeding ok

No, it would not survive long term
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