Hey Steve -
50g mixed reef (not a lot of coral just yet...adding slowly) + 12g sump / refugium stocked with red mangroves, chaeto and some gracillia...oh and pods, lots of them, many of which are in the DT too and I'm almost certain I've seen my current fish chomp on em.
Tank has been up for ~7 months.
Current fish stock:
4 blue/green chromis*
1 Fire Fish - who is a bit shy, but lovely when he's out of his hidey hole
Possible planned future additions, most aren't etched in stone, and in no particular order
1x or 2x tank bred Ocellaris Clownfish (won't be the next fish or fishes added) - slight chance of Darwins
1x Royal Gramma
1x Starry Blenny
1x TBSpecified Watchman Goby
1x TBSpecified Anthias...leaning towards Resplendent as it appears they are one of the best anthias kept singly which is the only way I'd keep an anthias in my small tank.
If you have corals residing on the bottom I am concerned about any sand sifting or goby/pistol shrimp combination. Other than that you are a bit towards being maxed out. Remember that any dwarf angel will be a risk for meaty LPS corals.
Alternatively to the Anthias I've tossed around the idea of a Dwarf Flame Angel...I realize there's a > 0% chance it would eat my corals, so I'm leaning away from the angel...
The Goby is new to my list... I've concluded recently that my sand bed is filthy (1.25mm-1.9mm caribsea special reef grade) so I've been thinking about a Diamond Watchman Goby to sift things up. A little research says that a 50g might be too small for a DWG though. Wondering what your opinion is now and other options...a yellow wg?, or just a couple fighting conchs? I have a bunch of dwarf ceriths, nass, turbos and even a few hermits but they don't seem to be keeping things clean. Oh and several peppermints to deal with an aiptasia problem.
I think you will be much happier with a couple of fighting conchs. They do an excellent job, better than the goby would do. Alternatively you can use a sand cleaning siphon.
I do keep several bottom dwelling coral and plan on adding a couple more, so I'm a bit wary of the DWG...
* I realize Chromis frequently whittle down to 1 or 2...I guess we'll see. They were added in 2 groups of 2 with ~ 3 months in between for various reasons. The first 2 were VERY shy and hid in separate holes 90% of the time, so I decided to try 2 more. Since the other 2 were added, all 4 swim in a group and seem to be friends. They even exhibit some synchronized swimming motion etc. So I guess things are peaceful...for now. *shrug*
Thanks in advance, you really are THE MAN for keeping this advice thread up.