I was bit the other day, and bit hard!
I aquired a 100g tank (72x20x19 approx)for $100. Drilled bottom for sump.
Spent a couple days pouring through Live Aquaria, and came up with a list that could be suitable for both myself and the fish. Looking to build it into a mixed reef:
1 Carpenter's Wrasse (my current only child)
1 Blue Head Fairy Wrasse
1 Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (possibly, understanding risks of aggression) as you said . . .
4 Resplendent Anthias or Caraberryi Anthias (?) either is excellent but does require multiple feedings per day
or 4 Blue Reef Chromis will become one over time; also highly susceptible to uornema [dependent on availability]
1 One Spot Foxface
1 Sunset Butterflyfish (understanding feeding needs) as you indicate
1 Blue Gudgeon Dart Fish
1 Saddle Valentini Puffer
1 Kole Yellow Eyed Tang
1 Yellow striped Cardinal fish
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
1 Neon Blue Goby short lived
1 Midas Blenny may nip fins of planktivores
1 Bicolor Blenny
and eventually, 1 Mandarin of some kind after nine months of maturity
Other that appropriate amount of rock/caves/ledges, and a reasonably deep sand bed, how does this list look?