PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I'll let the experts answer your question regarding the other fish, but based on my experience - you cannot get more than 2 clownfish in a tank. Maybe it might work in a 240 but not in a 90. I achieved moderate success as my clowns were hosting on the opposite side of the tank.

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New 29G Reef Fish Stocking Tips

New 29G Reef Fish Stocking Tips

I have a 29G reef tank that just finished cycling and is home to two true percula clownfish. The tanks has 30lbs of dry rock and 30lbs of live sand. I will be stocking it with mushroom and LPS corals. I am interested in also doing fish. The fish I have listed below do not get big and I'm wondering if I could safely stock all these fish. If not, which of the list would be the best?

2 True Percula Clowns (already in tank)
Cherub Angel
Blue Reef Chromis
Tail Spot Blenny
Banggai Cardinal

Thanks for your recommendations!
I have a 29G reef tank that just finished cycling and is home to two true percula clownfish. The tanks has 30lbs of dry rock and 30lbs of live sand. I will be stocking it with mushroom and LPS corals. I am interested in also doing fish. The fish I have listed below do not get big and I'm wondering if I could safely stock all these fish. If not, which of the list would be the best?

2 True Percula Clowns (already in tank)
Cherub Angel needs larger tank and is very aggressive/territorial
Blue Reef Chromis
Tail Spot Blenny
Banggai Cardinal tank raised

Thanks for your recommendations!

Fine except as annotated. By the way, it is not fish size that is the determining factor; ecological niche, territorial imperative, tank size, and behavior are the keys.
Fine except as annotated. By the way, it is not fish size that is the determining factor; ecological niche, territorial imperative, tank size, and behavior are the keys.

Thank you for the immediate feedback. I was going to purchase the Cherub Angel from and they categorize it as "peaceful" and only grows to 1.5 inches. And I planned on adding him last to minimize aggression.
Thank you for the immediate feedback. I was going to purchase the Cherub Angel from and they categorize it as "peaceful" and only grows to 1.5 inches. And I planned on adding him last to minimize aggression.

Hey, your choice. They sell fish, I provide success because I have no conflict of interests.
Will I see any problems between any of these fish in the future?
This is what I want my complete stocking list to be.
My tank is 75 gallons with an eshopps R-100 sump.
Leopard wrasse
Red head solon fairy wrasse
Carpenters wrasse
Diamond watchman goby
Green chromis
Flame angel
Midas blenny
Neon velvet damsel
x2 false percula clownfish
Rose bubble tip anemone
Pistol shrimp
x2 skunk cleaner shrimp
A bunch of coral

Hey, your choice. They sell fish, I provide success because I have no conflict of interests.

Do you think adding another fish to my previous list would okay? I've always been interested in the Purple Dottyback. They have great pink/purple color and would love to add that color to the tank but again, I don't want to overstock.
Will I see any problems between any of these fish in the future?
This is what I want my complete stocking list to be.
My tank is 75 gallons with an eshopps R-100 sump.
Leopard wrasse
Red head solon fairy wrasse one of the more aggressive fairy wrasses
Carpenters wrasse
Diamond watchman goby
Green chromis
Flame angel
Midas blenny
Neon velvet damsel
x2 false percula clownfish
Rose bubble tip anemone
Pistol shrimp
x2 skunk cleaner shrimp
A bunch of coral


You have several prolific jumpers so you will need 1/4 inch mesh or equivalent
Do you think adding another fish to my previous list would okay? I've always been interested in the Purple Dottyback. They have great pink/purple color and would love to add that color to the tank but again, I don't want to overstock.

Pseudochromis (dottybacks) are among the most aggressive fish, especially in a small tank.
I have a glass lid. What is another good wrasse instead of the red head solon? Thanks.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I am always happy to reanalyze your stocking list provided tank size is also provided. By the way I would be concerned with a glass lid because of gas exchange.
As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I am always happy to reanalyze your stocking list provided tank size is also provided. By the way I would be concerned with a glass lid because of gas exchange.

I have two spaces for my overflow and return pipe in the lid and one powerhead is always pointed to the surface.
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Bit Hard

Bit Hard

I was bit the other day, and bit hard!
I aquired a 100g tank (72x20x19 approx)for $100. Drilled bottom for sump.
Spent a couple days pouring through Live Aquaria, and came up with a list that could be suitable for both myself and the fish. Looking to build it into a mixed reef:
1 Carpenter's Wrasse (my current only child)
1 Blue Head Fairy Wrasse
1 Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (possibly, understanding risks of aggression)
4 Resplendent Anthias or Caraberryi Anthias (?)
or 4 Blue Reef Chromis [dependent on availability]
1 One Spot Foxface
1 Sunset Butterflyfish (understanding feeding needs)
1 Blue Gudgeon Dart Fish
1 Saddle Valentini Puffer
1 Kole Yellow Eyed Tang
1 Yellow striped Cardinal fish
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
1 Neon Blue Goby
1 Midas Blenny
1 Bicolor Blenny
and eventually, 1 Mandarin of some kind

Other that appropriate amount of rock/caves/ledges, and a reasonably deep sand bed, how does this list look?
I was bit the other day, and bit hard!
I aquired a 100g tank (72x20x19 approx)for $100. Drilled bottom for sump.
Spent a couple days pouring through Live Aquaria, and came up with a list that could be suitable for both myself and the fish. Looking to build it into a mixed reef:
1 Carpenter's Wrasse (my current only child)
1 Blue Head Fairy Wrasse
1 Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (possibly, understanding risks of aggression) as you said . . .
4 Resplendent Anthias or Caraberryi Anthias (?) either is excellent but does require multiple feedings per day
or 4 Blue Reef Chromis will become one over time; also highly susceptible to uornema [dependent on availability]
1 One Spot Foxface
1 Sunset Butterflyfish (understanding feeding needs) as you indicate
1 Blue Gudgeon Dart Fish
1 Saddle Valentini Puffer
1 Kole Yellow Eyed Tang
1 Yellow striped Cardinal fish
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
1 Neon Blue Goby short lived
1 Midas Blenny may nip fins of planktivores
1 Bicolor Blenny
and eventually, 1 Mandarin of some kind after nine months of maturity

Other that appropriate amount of rock/caves/ledges, and a reasonably deep sand bed, how does this list look?

fine except as noted
I am going to return to the hobby with a 135 gallon display 47x27x24 with a 50 gallon sump, with a Reef Octopus Skmmer for 150gallons. My stocking plans are in this order:

- 1 Maroon clownfish or two percula clownfish (less agressive than maroon) If percula are the choice will add first, if it's the maroon I will add a very small one
- 1 Royal Gramma
- 1 yellow tang and 1 purple tang (both should be added at the same time and I am thinking to purchase the yellow bigger than the purple, as the last one is more aggresive)
-1 Mandarin to be added a year later of set-up.

Any other fish suggestions or ideas/quantities?
I am going to return to the hobby with a 135 gallon display 47x27x24 with a 50 gallon sump, with a Reef Octopus Skmmer for 150gallons. My stocking plans are in this order:

- 1 Maroon clownfish or two percula clownfish (less agressive than maroon) I would go with the A. percula pair
- 1 Royal Gramma
- 1 yellow tang and 1 purple tang (both should be added at the same time and I am thinking to purchase the yellow bigger than the purple, as the last one is more aggresive) I would not do 2 zebrasoma tangs in this sized tank for long term success (tank length is key)
-1 Mandarin to be added a year later of set-up.

Any other fish suggestions or ideas/quantities?

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However, I am always pleased to reevaluate any stocking plan provided tank size is also provided.
The only issues are: two firefish are not normally long term compatible and in a 90 gallon tank a mandarin would be ok except possibly the rainsford goby competing for copepods.

Can you explain why two firefish are not compatible long term? I have 2 red firefish I was wondering if they might be a mistake to add to my tank? I currently have 1 Pajama Cardinal and plan to get 2 clownfish after I finish quarantining the firefish.

I also plan on getting a mandarin after a few months to allow the refugium to become a sustainable food source for it.

I have a 56G tank, no sump, Small in-tank refugium that's been running since I started the tank.

If the firefish may not survive together (or only one survive long term) I may hold off on getting the clownfish and introduce another type of fish, a single fish, to round out the tanks community. I would like to have a small variety of interesting fish, so I figured a pair of red firefish which should stick together (according to what I've read online and from the LFS, would be a nice addition to my tank).

I know recommendations are not the thing to get in this thread, but if you could list off a few small fish that would show signs of schooling in groups of 2 or 3, I'd love to know about them so I can do my research.
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