Can you explain why two firefish are not compatible long term? I have 2 red firefish I was wondering if they might be a mistake to add to my tank? I currently have 1 Pajama Cardinal and plan to get 2 clownfish after I finish quarantining the firefish.
I also plan on getting a mandarin after a few months to allow the refugium to become a sustainable food source for it.
I have a 56G tank, no sump, Small in-tank refugium that's been running since I started the tank.
If the firefish may not survive together (or only one survive long term) I may hold off on getting the clownfish and introduce another type of fish, a single fish, to round out the tanks community. I would like to have a small variety of interesting fish, so I figured a pair of red firefish which should stick together (according to what I've read online and from the LFS, would be a nice addition to my tank).
I know recommendations are not the thing to get in this thread, but if you could list off a few small fish that would show signs of schooling in groups of 2 or 3, I'd love to know about them so I can do my research.
Firefish will coexist in the short term (2-5 months) but after that, one will become dominant and intimidate the other(s). At that point, the one being intimidated will hide and starve to death. That is why your LFS can have 20-30 in the same 40 gallon tank with no issues. IF you can get a bonded pair, you can have two. I provide opinions which you are most welcome to ignore, however.