PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Can you explain why two firefish are not compatible long term? I have 2 red firefish I was wondering if they might be a mistake to add to my tank? I currently have 1 Pajama Cardinal and plan to get 2 clownfish after I finish quarantining the firefish.

I also plan on getting a mandarin after a few months to allow the refugium to become a sustainable food source for it.

I have a 56G tank, no sump, Small in-tank refugium that's been running since I started the tank.

If the firefish may not survive together (or only one survive long term) I may hold off on getting the clownfish and introduce another type of fish, a single fish, to round out the tanks community. I would like to have a small variety of interesting fish, so I figured a pair of red firefish which should stick together (according to what I've read online and from the LFS, would be a nice addition to my tank).

I know recommendations are not the thing to get in this thread, but if you could list off a few small fish that would show signs of schooling in groups of 2 or 3, I'd love to know about them so I can do my research.

Firefish will coexist in the short term (2-5 months) but after that, one will become dominant and intimidate the other(s). At that point, the one being intimidated will hide and starve to death. That is why your LFS can have 20-30 in the same 40 gallon tank with no issues. IF you can get a bonded pair, you can have two. I provide opinions which you are most welcome to ignore, however.
Firefish will coexist in the short term (2-5 months) but after that, one will become dominant and intimidate the other(s). At that point, the one being intimidated will hide and starve to death. That is why your LFS can have 20-30 in the same 40 gallon tank with no issues. IF you can get a bonded pair, you can have two. I provide opinions which you are most welcome to ignore, however.

How would I know if I got a bonded pair? They seem to get along with each other quite well right now.
60 Cube

60 Cube

45lbs live rock
Mixed Coral
3-4" live sand

Already have:
Pair of perc clowns
4 Green Chromis

Can I add a bonded pair of firefish and a bonded pair of gobies with a pistol shrimp?
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LA has a kole tang available. steve, when it says "moderate" care, does this have something to do with feeding or something else? and if i add a tang, should i add it last or could i add it now?

presently have in 75g
2 longnose hawkfish
2 snowflake clowns
1 orange spotted goby
1 royal gramma


oops, eta: mccosker's wrasse. how could i forget him?? :D
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45lbs live rock
Mixed Coral
3-4" live sand

Already have:
Pair of perc clowns
4 Green Chromis

Can I add a bonded pair of firefish and a bonded pair of gobies with a pistol shrimp?

Depends on tank size but . . . IF you can find a bonded pair, sure. Not easy to find, and not always reliably advertised.
Depends on tank size but . . . IF you can find a bonded pair, sure. Not easy to find, and not always reliably advertised.

Tank size is 60 cube. I put that in the title. Did you miss it or does it not show up for you? Just curious so I know where to specify it next time.

My plan was to purchase bonded pairs from divers den. Do you think they reliably sell bonded pairs or am I better off just purchasing one. Thank you.

Also, does it matter who I introduce first? Firefish or goby? Thanks.
LA has a kole tang available. steve, when it says "moderate" care, does this have something to do with feeding or something else? and if i add a tang, should i add it last or could i add it now?

Almost always when LA advertises something as requiring "moderate care" it is a function of feeding requirements. In your case, since your tank is relatively new, you would have to supply supplemental algae (nori or similar). If you do not plan to add another fish with a territorial imperative due to being in the same ecological niche, you can add now. Otherwise, depends on which other fish you plan. Ctenochaetus tangs are less aggressive than Zebrasoma tangs, however, so this would be a good choice.

presently have in 75g
2 longnose hawkfish
2 snowflake clowns
1 orange spotted goby
1 royal gramma

Tank size is 60 cube. I put that in the title. Did you miss it or does it not show up for you? Just curious so I know where to specify it next time.

My plan was to purchase bonded pairs from divers den. Do you think they reliably sell bonded pairs or am I better off just purchasing one. Thank you.

When I answer by quoting your question, title does not show up and sometimes when things are busy on this thread I get a bit overwhelmed with keeping information and questions aligned. Divers Den reliably advertises bonded pairs of Helfrichi firefish. I have never seen (or at least cannot remember) bonded pairs of commensal shrimp gobies. However, my confidence in them is extremely high!
tailspot blenny and female mccosker's are the last fish i would like to add.

it's a new tank in the sense that i upgraded but i do have live rock from my other two tanks that is growing some algae. easy peasy for me to feed nori so that wouldn't be a problem. :)
When I answer by quoting your question, title does not show up and sometimes when things are busy on this thread I get a bit overwhelmed with keeping information and questions aligned. Divers Den reliably advertises bonded pairs of Helfrichi firefish. I have never seen (or at least cannot remember) bonded pairs of commensal shrimp gobies. However, my confidence in them is extremely high!

Okay. I understand. Thanks for all the time you put into this.

So in a 60 cube, would both (pair firefish and a pair gobies with a pistol shrimp) be okay or is the tank too small?
tailspot blenny and female mccosker's are the last fish i would like to add.

it's a new tank in the sense that i upgraded but i do have live rock from my other two tanks that is growing some algae. easy peasy for me to feed nori so that wouldn't be a problem. :)

In that case, go for it. The issue with tangs is that due to their activity level, their high metabolism requires that they eat constantly. Unfortunately, like some other fish, they do not process nutrients all that effectively. So (I know this is a bit gross, sorry), they eat and poop a LOT .
Okay. I understand. Thanks for all the time you put into this.

So in a 60 cube, would both (pair firefish and a pair gobies with a pistol shrimp) be okay or is the tank too small?

No, they are not in the same ecological niche so they will not really interact in any way. Tank size is most relevant in this regard (behavior) rather than fish size or bioload. However putting a huge fish in a small tank is not a good idea. :p
fine except as noted

Thank you very much!

Wasn't aware of the issue with the Blue Reef Chromis. Why is it that they may become only one over time? Is it like a sibling rivalry thing (There Can Be Only One!)? And didn't even know about the uronema.
Neon Blue Goby- is it Genetics that make them short lived? I would be willing to restocked if that is the case
thanks, steve!!

haha! you forget, i'm used to pooping animals. two great danes and four pot bellied pigs...poop is a way of life around this place. ;)
Thank you very much!

Wasn't aware of the issue with the Blue Reef Chromis. Why is it that they may become only one over time? Is it like a sibling rivalry thing (There Can Be Only One!)? And didn't even know about the uronema. the uronema issue seems to have surfaced (pun intended in about the last 3-4 years) and is a really serious parasite. The winnowing down thing is a confinement issue; the most dominant one does not like competition and takes out the less dominant siblings.

Neon Blue Goby- is it Genetics that make them short lived? I would be willing to restocked if that is the case

Yes, it is just the way they are (1.5-2.5 years) but they are excellent fish, and I do recommend them. Know, however, they have no effect on parasite reduction.
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thanks, steve!!

haha! you forget, i'm used to pooping animals. two great danes and four pot bellied pigs...poop is a way of life around this place. ;)

Oh, I know, but just wanted to remind you (some people don't like it but it is excellent if you are trying to grow SPS corals). I have 2 large dogs (although no pigs)
ordered! he will arrive on wednesday. should have my regular ups delivery guy so hopefully, it will come directly to me instead of by way of billy bob down the road like the wrasses did.

the mccosker's went in to my dt this weekend. he is a voracious eater!
ordered! he will arrive on wednesday. should have my regular ups delivery guy so hopefully, it will come directly to me instead of by way of billy bob down the road like the wrasses did.

the mccosker's went in to my dt this weekend. he is a voracious eater!

A mild lobby for you to find him a female . . . we all need females. I actually insure that deliveries occur with my normal driver (who I give gratuities) by knowing his schedule and having orders shipped to coincide with it. He brings cookies for the dogs too!
New 280 Liter Gallon Setup - First Marine tank

New 280 Liter Gallon Setup - First Marine tank

Hi guys! :)

This is my first attempt at a marine aquarium, so I am being extra careful and doing as much research as I can. Need some advice on the future fish/coral list.

I am planning reef setup. Current setup is a 280 liter (approx 74 gallon), 40 kg LR, Sump wit refuge, Reef Octopus Skimmer, running T5 lights at the moment but will upgrade to LEDs (Orphek 156 or Maxspect Razor) soon. Tank has been cycling for 20 days now, parameters are settling nicely.

For corals I wanted to start off with mainly soft as they are relatively easy to care for, maybe Zoas. Need suggestions on what else I can go for.

I was thinking of getting the following fish:

1. Clown Fish pair - please suggest which one or should I get just on
2. Either fox face or yellow tang
3. Sailfin tang
4. Flame Angel - I know this is 50:50 for a reef tank
5. Green chromi - 1 or 2?
6. Mandarin but after 6 months
7. Any other suggestion is welcome

I still have to get CUC, how many and which ones should I get? Have some brown algae in the tank.

Will appreciate all feedback, specially if it means the well being of the fish.

Thanks in advance :)
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