PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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i'm in no big hurry. i'm on the e-mail list at LA if/when one becomes available.

when i ordered the wrasses for saturday delivery, it never occurred to me that i would have a different driver. my bad! won't make that mistake again!

the first time my regular guy came here after i got great danes (he was used to welsh corgis), he jumped right out of his truck, gave them each a cookie and wallowed all over 'em. i was surprised until he told me his brother has a dane so he figured they were friendly.
Hi guys! :)

This is my first attempt at a marine aquarium, so I am being extra careful and doing as much research as I can. Need some advice on the future fish/coral list.

I am planning reef setup. Current setup is a 280 liter (approx 74 gallon), 40 kg LR, Sump wit refuge, Reef Octopus Skimmer, running T5 lights at the moment but will upgrade to LEDs (Orphek 156 or Maxspect Razor) soon. Tank has been cycling for 20 days now, parameters are settling nicely.

For corals I wanted to start off with mainly soft as they are relatively easy to care for, maybe Zoas. Need suggestions on what else I can go for.

I was thinking of getting the following fish:

1. Clown Fish pair - please suggest which one or should I get just on get the least aggressive
2. Either fox face or yellow tang yellow tang needs a larger tank
3. Sailfin tang needs a much larger tank
4. Flame Angel - I know this is 50:50 for a reef tank
5. Green chromi - 1 or 2? one
6. Mandarin but after 6 months
7. Any other suggestion is welcome

I still have to get CUC, how many and which ones should I get? Have some brown algae in the tank. for clean up crew I always suggest various species of snail and no hermit crabs

Will appreciate all feedback, specially if it means the well being of the fish.

Thanks in advance :)
i'm in no big hurry. i'm on the e-mail list at LA if/when one becomes available.

not as common as males, but worth the extra effort.

when i ordered the wrasses for saturday delivery, it never occurred to me that i would have a different driver. my bad! won't make that mistake again!

I learned the hard way. I always do priority over night, never on Saturday, preferably on Tuesday delivery

the first time my regular guy came here after i got great danes (he was used to welsh corgis), he jumped right out of his truck, gave them each a cookie and wallowed all over 'em. i was surprised until he told me his brother has a dane so he figured they were friendly.

I am a dog magnet, for some reason every dog I have ever met loves me
I am a dog magnet, for some reason every dog I have ever met loves me

well, you are pretty lovable, after all, not to mention your mad skillz in this thread. i attribute much (if not all) of my success with a community tank to your advice. :)
i am more than happy, i am ecstatic! seriously thinking about dumping dishTV and just sitting in front of my tank. :)
Where in the forms would you ask my question I'd like to get the best answer posable?

It depends on the question and depends who, with what level of expertise, you want to answer it. If you want marine fish compatibility, I feel that this thread will give you a pretty good answer. However in this thread I limit questions to the form of "tank size and entire stocking plan". If you want general answers from the general population, Reef Fish, New to the Hobby, and Reef discussion are good. If you want to ask about aggressive fish, we have an aggressive fish forum. The question you asked here about "how many convict tangs in a 240 gallon tank in order to have a school" could be asked in our Reef Fish forum. However, it is not really an answerable question in my opinion.
Stocking List

Stocking List

180 Gallon --- currently cycling
LPS & Tridacna clams planned

List is ordered by when I plan to add the fish

1 blue reef chromis
mated pair of black & white ocellaris clowns
1 starry blenny
1 yellow headed jawfish
1 midas blenny
2-3 orange back fairy wrasse
1 exquisite fairy wrasse
4 lyretail anthias (1 male & 3 female)
1 tank bred orchid dottyback
mated pair of green mandarin
1 powder brown tang

Will the fairy wrasse and the orchid dottyback be an issue?
I understand what you mean if I'm to ask here you need more info.

Would 5 or 6 convicts go with
Red hawk
Algae blenny
5 chromis
A pair of clown fish
Blue tang

I will ask my first question in one of the other forms. Thank you in advance.
180 Gallon --- currently cycling
LPS & Tridacna clams planned

List is ordered by when I plan to add the fish

1 blue reef chromis
mated pair of black & white ocellaris clowns
1 starry blenny these can be a PITA especially with another blenny
1 yellow headed jawfish
1 midas blenny
2-3 orange back fairy wrasse
1 exquisite fairy wrasse
4 lyretail anthias (1 male & 3 female)
1 tank bred orchid dottyback
mated pair of green mandarin
1 powder brown tang

Except as noted, should be fine
Will the fairy wrasse and the orchid dottyback be an issue?
I understand what you mean if I'm to ask here you need more info.

Would 5 or 6 convicts go with convict tangs pretty much exclude other tangs due to their aggressive nature and I doubt that you will get schooling or shoaling behavior
Red hawk
Algae blenny
5 chromis will become one over time
A pair of clown fish
Blue tang

I will ask my first question in one of the other forms. Thank you in advance.

I assume this is the 8 foot 240 gallon tank
Stocking List

Stocking List

I have a 90g display with a 30g sump with refugium growing macro. (3 months old)

Current occupants:
2 Ocellaris clowns (mating pair)
1 Royal Gramma
1 Dispar Anthia
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
2 Rose Bubble Tip (2 due to the original splitting)
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Pistol Shrimp
Assorted snails and hermits (more hermits than snails now the little monsters)

Proposed additions:
3 Dispar Anthias
3 Carberryi Anthis (for total of 7)
5 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang
1 Green Mandarin (at 9 months?)

(in the above order as well)

My 3 questions would be:
Does the above list look ok for compatibility and space available?
Would I be able to add a lawnmower blenny?
Would I be able to add a Yellow Clown Goby? (the dw rarely leaves his cave and only occupies about a 6 inch space around it)

Thanks for all the help you provide for us!
I have a 90g display with a 30g sump with refugium growing macro. (3 months old)

Current occupants:
2 Ocellaris clowns (mating pair)
1 Royal Gramma
1 Dispar Anthia
1 Diamond Watchman Goby
2 Rose Bubble Tip (2 due to the original splitting)
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Pistol Shrimp
Assorted snails and hermits (more hermits than snails now the little monsters)

Proposed additions:
3 Dispar Anthias Well, really a group of anthias needs a larger tank because of the social interaction (longer more than gallons)
3 Carberryi Anthis (for total of 7)
5 Blue Reef Chromis will become one over time; I certainly would not mix chromis and anthias
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang
1 Green Mandarin (at 9 months?)

(in the above order as well)

Except as annotated, should be fine

My 3 questions would be:
Does the above list look ok for compatibility and space available?
Would I be able to add a lawnmower blenny? yes
Would I be able to add a Yellow Clown Goby? (the dw rarely leaves his cave and only occupies about a 6 inch space around it) yes

Thanks for all the help you provide for us!
Thanks Steve, I will scratch the chromis. I see those 2 species together often on here so did not realize there were potential issues mixing them.

On the anthias, is the issue the fact I am looking for 7 or is my tank not considered large enough for anthias in general?
Thanks Steve, I will scratch the chromis. I see those 2 species together often on here so did not realize there were potential issues mixing them.

On the anthias, is the issue the fact I am looking for 7 or is my tank not considered large enough for anthias in general?

The general recommendation for one is 75 gallons, but when you get an aggregation and social interaction, the recommended size is 125 gallons where length is more important than gallonage. People do put groups in smaller tanks, but I do not recommend it. Chromis, being damsels, are aggressive and especially so towards their own species.
I am planning a 29 (30"x15"x15") gallon reef tank with live rock, a 20 gallon sump (with refugium), skimmer, and carbon/gfo reactor.

ocellaris clownfish (or percula clownfish)
helfrichi firefish (or standard firefish)
royal gramma
green mandarin dragonet (plan to add after 6 months to a year, plan to train him to take frozen or pellets)

I'm least sure about the royal gramma. I've thought of adding either a yellow assessor or blue green chromis instead. I'm hoping to have a mix of small peaceful fish that are interesting, colorful, and prefer different parts of the tank (upper water column, rocks, sand, etc).

Clean-up Crew
cleaner shrimp
3 sexy shrimp
emerald crab
porcelain crab
3 hermit crabs
a bunch of empty shells for enterprising hermit crabs
2 nassarius snails
fighting conch
2 astraea snail (star shaped ones)
4 cerith snail
2 trochus snail

I know people are split about half and half on pro-crab vs anti-crab. I am hoping to keep crabs and use empty shells to keep the snail fatalities down. Also, I'm not sure about the size of CUC. I've heard a range of figures - any advice would be appreciated.


I'm still working out my coral list, but I'm planning on starting with zoanthids and polyps.
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