PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hello Steve and everyone! Thanks for the response. What is suggested tank size for dragonets? And I assume those requirements would apply to a standard scooter blenny as well?

The recommended tank size for a single mandarin with no copepod eating competition is 75 gallons. Similar for a scooter blenny which of course is not a blenny but a dragonet

I would really like to have the tailspot and the yellow clown goby in the tank.

should be fine

What other smaller fish could potentially coexist with these two in my tank? And I would like to add a skunk cleaner if feasible. no problem At this point I think we may try the lined seahorses in a future tank. Thanks again!

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons; however I am always happy to reevaluate any stocking plan along with tank size and maturity.
I have a 30G setup and ford fish I have is a 6line. Doing very well in tank. My question is what fish can I add and would do fone with the 6? I was looking at 2 cromis but i don't think it would go well.
Good Morning Snorvich!

I have a few new questions for you, if you don't mind.

A while ago, I asked you about the stocking for a future system, 150G DT, 75G sump, and 40G upstream refugium. Assuming that everything was mature, stable, and with great chemical parameters, you gave me your blessing for a mated pair of mandarins and 10-20 cardinalfish, Apogon parvolus.

My new questions are these:

Instead of 10-20 Apogon parvolus, could I have half Apogon parvolus and half another species of cardinalfish. The only other ones I would be interested in are Ostorhinchus talboti or Sphaeramia orbicularis. Of course, my preoccupations are, again, that they do not fight with each other, do not fight with the other species of cardinalfish, do not harass the mandarins, and do not compete for pods.

And if I can't have 2 species of cardinalfish in the same DT, could I have a few in the refugium? They must not eat the pods or fight with each other.

Lastly, when it comes time to add the fish to the DT, which should go in first? the mandarins or the cardinalfish? And would the same species of cardinalfish have to go in the tank all at the same time or can I add them a little at a time? e.g. quarantine a few, add them, quarantine a few, add them, etc. etc. No fighting allowed.

Thank you very much for all your hard work in this thread.
I have a 30G setup and ford fish I have is a 6line. Doing very well in tank. My question is what fish can I add and would do fone with the 6? I was looking at 2 cromis but i don't think it would go well.

a sixline wrasse limits possible tank mates. Chromis will become one over time and be careful that you quarantine since they are highly susceptible to uronema marinum
Good Morning Snorvich!

I have a few new questions for you, if you don't mind.

A while ago, I asked you about the stocking for a future system, 150G DT, 75G sump, and 40G upstream refugium. Assuming that everything was mature, stable, and with great chemical parameters, you gave me your blessing for a mated pair of mandarins and 10-20 cardinalfish, Apogon parvolus.

My new questions are these:

Instead of 10-20 Apogon parvolus, could I have half Apogon parvolus and half another species of cardinalfish. The only other ones I would be interested in are Ostorhinchus talboti or Sphaeramia orbicularis. Of course, my preoccupations are, again, that they do not fight with each other, do not fight with the other species of cardinalfish, do not harass the mandarins, and do not compete for pods. while they do not interact with or compete with the mandarins, they do eat small fish and as such Apogon parvolus would not be compatible. Also other species of cardinal fish tend not to aggregate after initial introduction and tend to pair off. Add to that their inclination for nocturnal activity, it is unclear that you would be pleased with this option.

And if I can't have 2 species of cardinalfish in the same DT, could I have a few in the refugium? They must not eat the pods or fight with each other.

Lastly, when it comes time to add the fish to the DT, which should go in first? the mandarins or the cardinalfish? order would not be an issue.

And would the same species of cardinalfish have to go in the tank all at the same time or can I add them a little at a time? e.g. quarantine a few, add them, quarantine a few, add them, etc. etc. No fighting allowed.

Thank you very much for all your hard work in this thread. always a pleasure
Thank you very much, snorvich. Just one more question. :). Since I won't mix the cardinalfish species in the DT, could I keep a few of either Ostorhinchus talboti or Sphaeramia orbicularis in the 40G refugium? one? two? more?
Thank you very much, snorvich. Just one more question. :). Since I won't mix the cardinalfish species in the DT, could I keep a few of either Ostorhinchus talboti or Sphaeramia orbicularis in the 40G refugium? one? two? more?

sure. If you can be lucky enough to get a M/F pair they will likely mate. Behavior of either is similar.
I know I've posted multiple stocking list but hoping you'll review another list. This is going to be a 150 gallon reef.

White Tail Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus flavicauda)

Blue Reef Chromis
Chromis cyaneus

Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
Paracheilinus carpenteri
Quantity: 2

Dispar Anthias
Pseudanthias dispar
Quantity: 4

Firefish, Purple
Nemateleotris decora
Quantity: 2

Radiant Wrasse
Halichores iridis

Royal Gramma Basslet
Gramma loreto

True Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula
Quantity: 2

Two Spot Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus binotatus

Whitecheek Tang
Acanthurus nigricans
I know I've posted multiple stocking list but hoping you'll review another list. This is going to be a 150 gallon reef.

White Tail Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus flavicauda)

Blue Reef Chromis
Chromis cyaneus

Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
Paracheilinus carpenteri
Quantity: 2

Dispar Anthias
Pseudanthias dispar
Quantity: 4

Firefish, Purple
Nemateleotris decora
Quantity: 2

Radiant Wrasse
Halichores iridis

Royal Gramma Basslet
Gramma loreto

True Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula
Quantity: 2

Two Spot Bristletooth Tang
Ctenochaetus binotatus

Whitecheek Tang
Acanthurus nigricans

I would not do three tangs in this sized tank although it might work marginally. Also, two firefish will become one. Fine except as annotated.
First let me thank you for this great service you are providing us all!! my pleasure!
I have a 120g, 6' in length FOWLR tank with 40g sump/refugium.
My first fish in the tank was a 4" marine betta, followed by a 3" female Lineatus wrasse. Two weeks later, I added a male 5" Lineatus. Two weeks after that, I added a 4" Regal angel and then a pair of Longnose hawks. All doing really well, no aggression at all except when the male Lineatus wrasse flashes and asserts his dominance over the female.
I wanted to add another pair of wrasse into the mix, maybe an Exquisite or Hooded Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus) or a Labout's Fairy wrasse. Do you think it's possible to add another pair yes. But always use an acclimation box for social acclimation and if so, which of the three species you think it would be the safest to add? Exquisite or C. bathyphilus would be my choice behaviorally.

Change of plan, just lost my female Lineatus wrasse, found her on top of the tank, must have jumped out, took cover off for cleaning and forgot to replace it. Stupid mistake on my part, I'm so ****ed!

Is it safe for me to add one or two female Lineatus to the tank since the male is already in there? If so, you think one or two is better? He is 5" and the females are 2-3". No longer adding the other pair of wrasse. Thanks again.
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Change of plan, just lost my female Lineatus wrasse, found her on top of the tank, must have jumped out, took cover off for cleaning and forgot to replace it. Stupid mistake on my part, I'm so ****ed!

Is it safe for me to add one or two female Lineatus to the tank since the male is already in there? If so, you think one or two is better? He is 5" and the females are 2-3". No longer adding the other pair of wrasse. Thanks again.

Either one or two females would work. For two, be sure there is a slight difference in size.
First post so here it goes. Have a IM nuvo 38 with 30 lbs of rock and 20 lbs live sand. Tank I has been running for two months with only CUC and a Coral banded shrimp. Going to be a mixed reef. Wanting to do following

Diamond watchman goby
Ocellaris clown-orange
Ocellaris clown-black and white
Royal gramma

I am afraid the coral banded May be too aggressive since he has been in the tank pretty much by himself and may remove him and add a skunk cleaner or fire shrimp. Pease Let me know if this looks good.

Another question on planning my move from the 55 gallon to the 155 gallon tank. My one problem-child fish that I am debating not moving over is a pygmy angel. Very personable fish, always out in the open, model citizen as far as coral is concerned, but definitely territorial in the 55 gallon tank. They were the third fish in that tank, and while it left the firefish, Occellaris clowns, Diamond Goby and BiColor blenny alone, anything else added to the tank in his "niche" was hassled and ultimately didn't work out long term.

As I do plan on getting a full-sized angel and/or tang towards the end of my stocking plan (well down the list-not close in time frame yet) I am afraid if I add the angel to the tank now, it will get established and become king of this tank, too. How much tank will the pygmy try to control in a 155 (6 foot long bowfront)? Is that an answerable question?

Unfortunately as soon as everyone gets moved over, the 55 is coming down, and that leaves my options the 29 gallon (to small for the pygmy) or the LFS (an option, but I have had him 4 years)

Thanks for your thoughts, Steve!
First post so here it goes. Have a IM nuvo 38 with 30 lbs of rock and 20 lbs live sand. Tank I has been running for two months with only CUC and a Coral banded shrimp. Going to be a mixed reef. Wanting to do following

Diamond watchman goby
Ocellaris clown-orange
Ocellaris clown-black and white
Royal gramma

I am afraid the coral banded May be too aggressive since he has been in the tank pretty much by himself and may remove him and add a skunk cleaner or fire shrimp. Pease Let me know if this looks good. Yesw, the stocking list looks fine and the plan to replace the coral banded shrimp with a skunk cleaner or fire shrimp is a good one. You could actually have a pair of either but not both.


Another question on planning my move from the 55 gallon to the 155 gallon tank. My one problem-child fish that I am debating not moving over is a pygmy angel. Very personable fish, always out in the open, model citizen as far as coral is concerned, but definitely territorial in the 55 gallon tank. They were the third fish in that tank, and while it left the firefish, Occellaris clowns, Diamond Goby and BiColor blenny alone, anything else added to the tank in his "niche" was hassled and ultimately didn't work out long term.

I assume this is a cherub pygmy angel and if so, they can be a real PITA towards conspecifics. It is difficult for me to advise carrying this fish over especially since it would establish and own the tank. However, life in a 55 gallon tank and life in a 155 gallon tank are much different. If he were the last fish introduced, it might work.

As I do plan on getting a full-sized angel and/or tang towards the end of my stocking plan (well down the list-not close in time frame yet) I am afraid if I add the angel to the tank now, it will get established and become king of this tank, too. How much tank will the pygmy try to control in a 155 (6 foot long bowfront)? Is that an answerable question? Not answerable, but it will definitely try to own a 55 gallon tank.

Unfortunately as soon as everyone gets moved over, the 55 is coming down, and that leaves my options the 29 gallon (to small for the pygmy) or the LFS (an option, but I have had him 4 years) If you can home him in the 29 gallon tank until all inhabitants are in the 155, it might work.

Thanks for your thoughts, Steve!

Always a pleasure.
That's odd, it won't seem to let me quote your quote within my quote... but just saying that made my head hurt...

In my 29 gallon currently are 2 Occellaris clowns, a large blue green Chromis and a Flame Hawk. Yes it is a Cherub Pygmy Angel. As he would indeed be the last fish in the 29 gallon, would he peacefully coexist in the 29 gallon? It is a fairly tall, bullet-shaped tank (one of the old Cardiff tanks) and do not see any dominance issues between the clowns and the Chromis.
That's odd, it won't seem to let me quote your quote within my quote... but just saying that made my head hurt...

In my 29 gallon currently are 2 Occellaris clowns, a large blue green Chromis and a Flame Hawk. Yes it is a Cherub Pygmy Angel. As he would indeed be the last fish in the 29 gallon, would he peacefully coexist in the 29 gallon? It is a fairly tall, bullet-shaped tank (one of the old Cardiff tanks) and do not see any dominance issues between the clowns and the Chromis.

How old are the clownfish? If they have begun mating it will be problematic.
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