Good Morning Snorvich!
I have a few new questions for you, if you don't mind.
A while ago, I asked you about the stocking for a future system, 150G DT, 75G sump, and 40G upstream refugium. Assuming that everything was mature, stable, and with great chemical parameters, you gave me your blessing for a mated pair of mandarins and 10-20 cardinalfish, Apogon parvolus.
My new questions are these:
Instead of 10-20 Apogon parvolus, could I have half Apogon parvolus and half another species of cardinalfish. The only other ones I would be interested in are Ostorhinchus talboti or Sphaeramia orbicularis. Of course, my preoccupations are, again, that they do not fight with each other, do not fight with the other species of cardinalfish, do not harass the mandarins, and do not compete for pods. while they do not interact with or compete with the mandarins, they do eat small fish and as such Apogon parvolus would not be compatible. Also other species of cardinal fish tend not to aggregate after initial introduction and tend to pair off. Add to that their inclination for nocturnal activity, it is unclear that you would be pleased with this option.
And if I can't have 2 species of cardinalfish in the same DT, could I have a few in the refugium? They must not eat the pods or fight with each other.
Lastly, when it comes time to add the fish to the DT, which should go in first? the mandarins or the cardinalfish? order would not be an issue.
And would the same species of cardinalfish have to go in the tank all at the same time or can I add them a little at a time? e.g. quarantine a few, add them, quarantine a few, add them, etc. etc. No fighting allowed.
Thank you very much for all your hard work in this thread. always a pleasure