Active member
72x24x21 mixed reef. 1 year old.
Current inhabitants: 9 wrasse, two clowns two shrimp/goby pairs and a watanabei angel.
Would like to finish my stocking with 1 or possibly 2 tangs. First would be a bristle tooth (C. flavicauda if I can find one) would another bristle tooth work in this size tank, possibly a tomini or truncatus? Other possibilities would be A. nigricans or a zebrasoma if two bristle tooths won't work. Which would be better?
Current inhabitants: 9 wrasse, two clowns two shrimp/goby pairs and a watanabei angel.
Would like to finish my stocking with 1 or possibly 2 tangs. First would be a bristle tooth (C. flavicauda if I can find one) would another bristle tooth work in this size tank, possibly a tomini or truncatus? Other possibilities would be A. nigricans or a zebrasoma if two bristle tooths won't work. Which would be better?