PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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72x24x21 mixed reef. 1 year old.

Current inhabitants: 9 wrasse, two clowns two shrimp/goby pairs and a watanabei angel.

Would like to finish my stocking with 1 or possibly 2 tangs. First would be a bristle tooth (C. flavicauda if I can find one) would another bristle tooth work in this size tank, possibly a tomini or truncatus? Other possibilities would be A. nigricans or a zebrasoma if two bristle tooths won't work. Which would be better?
72x24x21 mixed reef. 1 year old.

Current inhabitants: 9 wrasse, two clowns two shrimp/goby pairs and a watanabei angel.

Would like to finish my stocking with 1 or possibly 2 tangs. First would be a bristle tooth (C. flavicauda if I can find one) would another bristle tooth work in this size tank, possibly a tomini or truncatus? Other possibilities would be A. nigricans or a zebrasoma if two bristle tooths won't work. Which would be better?

two bristletooth tangs would work if introduced concurrently.

To save you reading through hundreds of posts here's where we got to:

Display tank 1500 mm * 500mm * 600 mm (deep)(about 100 gallons). Lots of LPS some SPS. Bare bottomed, open topped. Loads of flow. Sump 25 gallons.

Existing fish - 1 foxface about 6 inches, 1 purple tang, 1 copper band butterfly and one elderly common clownfish.

Looking to add additional fish.

One pseudochromis either Pseudochromis fridmani or Pseudochromis flavivertex
( I thought about a firefish or flasher wrasse but as the tank is open topped...)

Would a jade wrasse Halichoeres chloropterus work given the bare bottom and open top issues?

How about a Flame Angel Centropyge loricula or a Regal Angelfish, Pygoplites diacanthus, I know they might nip the LPS.



To save you reading through hundreds of posts here's where we got to:

Display tank 1500 mm * 500mm * 600 mm (deep)(about 100 gallons). Lots of LPS some SPS. Bare bottomed, open topped. Loads of flow. Sump 25 gallons.

Existing fish - 1 foxface about 6 inches a foxface, if hungry, is not coral safe , 1 purple tang, 1 copper band butterfly and one elderly common clownfish.

Looking to add additional fish.

One pseudochromis either Pseudochromis fridmani or Pseudochromis flavivertex P. fridmani is the least aggressive pseudochromis so that might work
( I thought about a firefish or flasher wrasse but as the tank is open topped...) all wrasses and firefish are prolific jumpers. 1/4 inch mesh will keep them in, however.

Would a jade wrasse Halichoeres chloropterus work given the bare bottom and open top issues? all wrasses are prolific jumpers. 1/4 inch mesh will keep them in, however.

How about a Flame Angel Centropyge loricula or a Regal Angelfish, Pygoplites diacanthus, I know they might nip the LPS. Not with existing tankmates in this sized tank.


Either one or two females would work. For two, be sure there is a slight difference in size.

Dear Steve,

So I ordered a 3" Lineatus wrasse and a pair of 2-3" Hooded Fairy wrasse as well. Plan to introduce them into a 120g 6' tank with a 5" male Lineatus wrasse (lost the female few days ago). Tank also has a pair of Longnose hawks, a Marine Betta and a Regal angel.

My question is, since i plan to use acclimating boxes, I really don't need to turn the lights off for 10 hours, do I?
Also, how should I separate them in those acclimating boxes? The two females together? The pair together? or all three in separate boxes?

Thanks again,
I have a 120g that will eventually have corals as well. Right now it is cycling but I am trying to plan ahead and decide on fish and in which order to introduce them. Here is my list of what I would like to add and the order I was thinking. Any/all advice would be helpful.

1. 2 Purple Fire Fish
2. Royal Gramma
3. Lawnmower Blenny and Midas Blenny (introduced at same time)(will these get along?)
4. Diamond back Goby
5. Kole Tang and Sailfin Tang (introduced at same time)
6. Bicolor Angel or Coral Beauty
7. Six Line Wrasse
8. 2 Ocellaris Clowns (introduced together)
Dear Steve,

So I ordered a 3" Lineatus wrasse and a pair of 2-3" Hooded Fairy wrasse as well. Plan to introduce them into a 120g 6' tank with a 5" male Lineatus wrasse (lost the female few days ago). Tank also has a pair of Longnose hawks, a Marine Betta and a Regal angel.

My question is, since i plan to use acclimating boxes, I really don't need to turn the lights off for 10 hours, do I?
Also, how should I separate them in those acclimating boxes? The two females together? The pair together? or all three in separate boxes?

Thanks again,

Well, I always advocate a quarantine protocol, ideally including Tank Transfer. I would, if you have them, do three separate boxes. I always release just before lights out in the tank.
I have a 120g that will eventually have corals as well. Right now it is cycling but I am trying to plan ahead and decide on fish and in which order to introduce them. Here is my list of what I would like to add and the order I was thinking. Any/all advice would be helpful.

1. 2 Purple Fire Fish will become one over time
2. Royal Gramma
3. Lawnmower Blenny and Midas Blenny (introduced at same time)(will these get along?) pick one of these
4. Diamond back Goby
5. Kole Tang and Sailfin Tang (introduced at same time) A sailfin tang requires a larger tank. Reef Central's recommended tank sizes for tangs can be found here.
6. Bicolor Angel or Coral Beauty
7. Six Line Wrasse aggressive, may intimidate firefish
8. 2 Ocellaris Clowns (introduced together)

Would a yellow tang work instead of the sailfin and get along with the Kole?
Would a McCoskers Wrasse be a better choice than the Six Line?
So I've changed my plan and will not be getting a kole tang for this tank (going to be switching over my 330g tank to salt eventually and will get my tang fix in there)... So my 75g currently has:

1 Purple firefish
1 One Spot Foxface

in quarantine I've got these guys, who will be added one at a time:

1 Black Axil Chromis
1 Royal gramma
1 Exquisite fairy wrasse

I'm also planning on a pair of ocellaris clowns.

So my question is... Would I be able to add a blenny to this mix? I really like them - lots of personality, etc., and those funny faces! Would any of the following be good choices to add to the above?

Midas Blenny
Segmented Sailfin Blenny
Tail Spot Blenny
Yellow Eye Combtooth Blenny
So I've changed my plan and will not be getting a kole tang for this tank (going to be switching over my 330g tank to salt eventually and will get my tang fix in there)... So my 75g currently has:

1 Purple firefish
1 One Spot Foxface

in quarantine I've got these guys, who will be added one at a time:

1 Black Axil Chromis
1 Royal gramma
1 Exquisite fairy wrasse

I'm also planning on a pair of ocellaris clowns.

Stocking plan, including a blenny below, would be fine

So my question is... Would I be able to add a blenny to this mix? absolutely

I really like them - lots of personality, etc., and those funny faces! Would any of the following be good choices to add to the above?

Midas Blenny least desirable
Segmented Sailfin Blenny
Tail Spot Blenny
Yellow Eye Combtooth Blenny

the other three would be behaviorally compatible so pick the one most appealing.
I have had Corals for the last 1 1/2 years! And freshwater fish the 3 years before that. So I can take on the complex needy Fish. I have a 150 gallon tank that I have bought 2 weeks ago, and am now Cycling through. It has 160 pounds of Live rock, and two-ish inches of sand. It has a sump filtration with an overflow, a protein skimmer, and a uv light for sterilization purposes (it was professional installed, so I don't know the exacts). I will start adding fish towards the middle of July and these are the species I want Amphiprion ocellaris, Chromis viridis, Ecsenius midas, Pictichromis paccagnellae, Nemateleotris decora, Centropyge bispinosa, Zebrasoma flavescens, Paracanthurus hepatus, Pusiostoma sp., and Entacmaea quadricolor. Tell me if you need translation. I majored in Marine Biology so I work in Scientific names. Please tell me your opinion/ suggestions! And help me with these questions; how many? What order do I add them? Thank you in advanced.
I have had Corals for the last 1 1/2 years! And freshwater fish the 3 years before that. So I can take on the complex needy Fish. I have a 150 gallon tank that I have bought 2 weeks ago, and am now Cycling through. It has 160 pounds of Live rock, and two-ish inches of sand. It has a sump filtration with an overflow, a protein skimmer, and a uv light for sterilization purposes

as you know from the marine biology literature, this does not prevent parasite introduction or eradicate them even if properly matched to flow

(it was professional installed, so I don't know the exacts). I will start adding fish towards the middle of July and these are the species I want
Amphiprion ocellaris,
Chromis viridis, more than one will often end up with only a single individual; take care as the are highly susceptible to uronema marinum
Ecsenius midas, may nip fins of planktivores
Pictichromis paccagnellae, very aggressive; will limit tank mates going forward
Nemateleotris decora,
Centropyge bispinosa,
Zebrasoma flavescens, should be last fish added as zebrasoma tangs are very territorial once established
Paracanthurus hepatus, needs a much larger tank
Pusiostoma sp., and since this thread is only about marine fish compatibility, information about invertebrates can best be obtain elsewhere
Entacmaea quadricolor. since this thread is only about marine fish compatibility, information about invertebrates can best be obtain elsewhere

Tell me if you need translation. thanks, but I am sure I can handle that

I majored in Marine Biology so I work in Scientific names. Please tell me your opinion/ suggestions! And help me with these questions; how many? What order do I add them? Thank you in advanced.
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