If the damsels go, that would be helpful going forward. The clownfish, depending on species should be fine. Describe what they look like?
I'll do you one better... I'll post a pic in a bit. Thanks!
If the damsels go, that would be helpful going forward. The clownfish, depending on species should be fine. Describe what they look like?
Pics of the whole tank, and the clown fish. Thanks!
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the advice you have provided previously and thanks in advance for answering my questions here.
In the spirit of taking things slowly I am taking the approach of deciding one at time which fish I will add. I understand that there may be complications with not coming up with a complete stock list ahead of time for compatibility sake. To be honest I just can't wrap my head around thinking that far ahead especially if I'm adding one fish every 4-6 weeks. By then I may discover more fish I would like and have to make the decision then based on compatibility. Is this approach logical at all? ...or is it much more best practice to come up with a fairly complete list first? Either way I'd like advice on what is best to add next out of the three below.
56g tower (FOWLR for now)
Currently in DT:
2 - Small OC clowns
2 - Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Various Snails
What is my best choice of next addition out of these three given what I've already got in the DT? any/all of these would work well; if you choose the firefish, introduce it first
- Purple Firefish
- Green/Yellow Clown Goby
- Tail Spot Blenny
Amphiprion Ocellaris, one of the most docile clownfish
I am wanting to put a group of fish in my tank. Sort of like a school of fish. Colorful/small fish maybe like the dottyback or firefish. Or how many of those fish are possible to live together in my tank?
I have two clownfish at the present moment.
55gallon tank
False percula. Could I get one of each than?
And what fish could I get that can exist in multiples that are colorful?
dottybacks are very aggressive so the firefish would have difficulty. In your sized tank, quite honestly a group of any fish is not feasible. Even in large tanks, groups can be problematic.
Interesting to know. I was poking around on Live Aquaria also trying to find a cool schooling or shoaling fish, but all I could come up with were maybe chromis. Hmm...
Any chance I could ever add a One Spot Foxface to this group?
As I indicated previously, a group of any fish is not feasible in your sized tank.