I want yellow in the tank. How bout I switch out the green goby for a yellow and add a tailspot Blenny instead of the Midas?
Planning on 220 Mixed Reef. Stocking suggestions and in what order?
Acanthurus lineatus (Clown Tang) my advice is not to get this fish especially in this sized tank
Pomacanthus navarchus (Blue Girdled Angelfish) 1ST choice (or Pomacanthus xanthometopon (Blue Faced Angelfish) 2nd) either would work
Centropyge bispinosa (Coral Beauty) (or Centropyge acanthops Flameback) The flameback is easier
Nemateleotris magnifica (Firefish) only one firefish for long term viability
Nemateleotris decora (Purple Firefish)
Ptereleotris zebra (Zebra Barred Firefish)
Gramma loreto (Royal Gramma)
Flasher wrasse (six different kinds)
Optional Fish:
Amphiprion ocellaris (Snow Clownfish)
Pterapogon kauderni (Cardinalfish) (or Sphaeramia nematoptera (Pajama Cardinalfish))
Dear Steve,
Tank 120g, 60g sump/refug
1- 6" Marine Betta
1- 4" Regal Angel
Pair Lineatus Wrasse 5" and 2.5"
Pair Hooded Fairy Wrasse 3.25" and 2"
Pair of Longnose Hawks
Like to add a pair of Exquisite Wrasse, would that be ok? Plan to use acclimation box just as I did when I introduced the Hooded pair as per your suggestion.
As of now, there are no aggression between the Wrasses in my tank.
Should be fine. I again recommend using the acclimation box. Just so much easier. I always do at least one feeding in the acclimation box, and always release just before lights out.
Ok will do, thanks.
Also, does it matter if the male came from Fiji and the female from Maldives? Females from Maldives and Fiji look quite different.
Thanks so much for your time..
here is a Mix:
5" Bird Wrasse
5-6" BlueFace Angel
4" Majestic Angel
3" -Pair Skunk Clowns
...Purple Tang goes in last 5"
5-X Bartlett's anthias 2-3"
I assume NO on the 8" spotted puffer(?)
Curious-What are the drawbacks if I up to a 250 gal in 16-18 mos?
I would definitely not do two large angels until you upgrade. Those fish are readily available, wait until you have the tank you need to do it right.
Appreciate your guidance.
I bought a already running 48g bowfront setup.It came with live rock,snails and few fish.I returned the fish to the store and the tank is running with rocks and snails from couple of weeks .
Now I want to add fish
WHich of these fish are compatible and suggested for beginner
In this sized tank, I suggest avoiding damsels as they will limit tank mates going forward.
Blue green chromis damsel
Talbot damsel
Fire fish goby excellent
Yellowtail blue damsel
3 stripe damsel
fancy vivid ocellaris clownfish(captive bred) excellent
Fancy ocellaris clownfish nano(captive bred) excellent
Neon goby excellent
I have 80g six months old tank with live rock and mix of soft corals and LPS. 30g sump with macro algae refugium with 5in of sand, Deltec skimmer and three filters running np-pellets, carbon and rowa-phos.
Is this reasonable?
10xChromis viridis first, 10 of these will become one over time as the dominant one picks off the less aggressive one; secondly this fish is highly susceptible to uronema marinum so great care should be exercised to prevent this being introduced into your tank
5xPseudanthias squamipinnis because of the social interaction of a group of anthias, normally a longer tank is suggested; however if you do not do the chromis, it would probably be fine
1xPseudochromis fridmani the least aggressive pseudochromis, but it depends on tank mates
1xSalarias fasciatus once the tank is mature so there is sufficient algae
Currently have a 5' 120, trickle filter/sump, just shy of an inch agronite sand and approx. 60 lbs of Frankenstein Rock (Live rock that died and is being brought back to life). Everything is still cycling so I have plenty of time to decide.
I've got my long term stock list:
Maroon clown
Either Yellow Tang or Kole Yellow eye (still debating)
Snowflake eel
Antennata Lion
(well ok, I am going to get a cheap damsel, to make sure my Prazipro/Cupramine QT dosing calculations actually work. (Volunteer only and will spend the rest of his life with the title "Hero of the Tank".)
I am going to add the clown before the Lion, get him to the 4-6" range then add the lion when I find one 6" or less. (Theoretically a full grown maroon shouldn't fit into a antennata's mouth right?) Other than that one criteria, I was curious if anyone finds it beneficial to stock the heaviest bio-load fish first, the SFE for example?.
Dog Gone It. My first post and I already screwed up!
Sorry Snovich
75g mixed reef/35g sump
i'm about coraled out unless i decide to do some trading or giving away which i'm not sure i can do since most of them, i raised from babies.
so, i'm thinking about more fish. at the moment, i have:
2 longnose hawkfish
1 orange spotted goby
2 snowflake clowns
1 mccosker's wrasse
1 royal gramma
1 yellow eye kole tang (currently in the tt procedure).
the yellow or brown leaf fish (Taenianotus triacanthus) fascinate me. they look so cute but LA's description says caution with reef tanks.
Leaf fish are ambush predators towards shrimp and small fish. The get their common name because they are stationary and "blow in the current" like a leaf. I have spent a fair amount of time with leaf fish under water watching them hunt (you can see their eyes follow prey).
other than the usual run of the mill corals (gsp, anthelia, various mushrooms, xenia), i do have a cleaner shrimp, plate coral, open brain and i have a clam. no coral issues, however.
i'm also thinking of another goby or two and the yellow prawn goby would add some more color to my tank. two commensal gobies is risky, especially in a small tank (length not gallonage) because they occupy the identical ecological niche which means they are going to compete for territory. Clown gobies will not work with long nosed (or other) hawkfish.
i'm also waiting for LA to get in a female mccosker's but i'm thinking that isn't gonna happen any time soon! could i get away with another male or would there be fighting?
There will be "displays of attitude" but assuming you use an acclimation box for social acclimation, it should work. I would get a related species, e.g. carpenters, however, rather than another male McCosker's. Avoid eight line flashers as their behavioral profile is aggressively different.
thanks, steve!!