PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I'm going to chime in for opinions. Tank is 63.5 gallons, about 60lb live rock.
I was thinking...
1 bluespotted shrimp goby/shrimp pair
2 nose stripe clowns (if I can catch them) or African clowns (o. Allardi - very aggressive - second choice)
1 african flame angel (again, if I can catch one)

Think that is about it. I'd also love a pair of cardinals, and a copper band butterfly (kept one for three years before I gave my tank away, miss it!) But I think four fish is enough? Especially with clowns.
Annoyingly, I saw a gem tang in a tidal pool. Won't even dream of catching one until I have a gigantic tank. :-(
Wow... if you are talking about that 75 gallon I was initially going to setup way back in 2011, you have got one very good memory, man! I don't recall you telling me that for a 6ft. 125 gallon. That said, does the same thing apply in that regard then... still no suitable school of anything for that size tank?


I provide evaluation based on what information you provide to me. Since I have done thousands of these, I am sure I do not remember your previous inquiry. However, it is clear that you should use a different source for information. Good luck.
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New tank!

60 Gallon.

1 - Tiger Blenny

3 - Black Leopard Wrasse ( Been in main tank for a year) as these are copepod eaters, you would have to feed constantly for long term survival especially with multiples

4 - Slender Splitfin Waitei Anthias multiple anthias require a 125 gallon tank for more than one and need to be fed multiple times per day

5 - Longspine Blue Eye Cardinals

1 - Pink bar Goby / Yellow Watchmen or Orange Spot Goby ( Havent decided)

1 - Sunburst Anthias even a single anthias needs a 75 gallon tank

1 - Coral Croucher. eats fish
I'm going to chime in for opinions. Tank is 63.5 gallons, about 60lb live rock.
I was thinking...
1 bluespotted shrimp goby/shrimp pair
2 nose stripe clowns (if I can catch them) or African clowns (o. Allardi - very aggressive - second choice) if you are doing your own collection, be sure you are collecting either two sexually undifferentiated juveniles or a bonded pair
1 african flame angel (again, if I can catch one)

should be fine

Think that is about it. I'd also love a pair of cardinals, and a copper band butterfly (kept one for three years before I gave my tank away, miss it!) But I think four fish is enough? Especially with clowns.
Annoyingly, I saw a gem tang in a tidal pool. Won't even dream of catching one until I have a gigantic tank. :-( I had one for a long time, nice fish, but it was an 8 foot tank. Not uncommon in your area, if you are collecting go for one that is about 3-6 inches
Thanks! Yes, I will go for undifferentiated juv clowns. We won't see the mature ones in tidal pools, they're all down deep. I likely won't get two in a day, so I'll find one, and hopefully get to be picky choosing the right sized mate. The one a I see commonly are an inch or so long. Would you add a bigger before a smaller?
And yeah, I'd kill for a gem tang. Annoying that they're free, I just can't house one. Oh well. When we buy this place and put in my dream tank, I can collect all of the angels and tangs I want. I'll tell them to hang out and wait for me.
I provide evaluation based on what information you provide to me. Since I have done thousands of these, I am sure I do not remember your previous inquiry. However, it is clear that you should use a different source for information. Good luck.

Oh, my bad. Honestly, I admit at this point I am confused. If not that old post, when did you tell me about a school of anything not being an option for my sized tank? I do not recall or see any such exchange between us recently. I hold a lot of value to what you say here, so if I am missing something on some prior advice you have given me, my apologies. Can you maybe remind what post this was in? I can't find it.

Either way, I get it, and I do appreciate the help. No schooling fish for my size tank. Got it.

I know this forum is not about this, and I apologize for derailing. I've only been at this... in practice... for about 2 weeks. My primary sources of information are this forum and WAMAS' forum. I'm trying implement what I've learned so far in both forums.

Thanks! Yes, I will go for undifferentiated juv clowns. We won't see the mature ones in tidal pools, they're all down deep. I likely won't get two in a day, so I'll find one, and hopefully get to be picky choosing the right sized mate. The one a I see commonly are an inch or so long. Would you add a bigger before a smaller?

One inch is perfect. Larger would potentially mean that they are along the path of sexual differentiation.

And yeah, I'd kill for a gem tang. Annoying that they're free, I just can't house one. Oh well. When we buy this place and put in my dream tank, I can collect all of the angels and tangs I want. I'll tell them to hang out and wait for me.

Given where you live, there are lots of very interesting fish that we rarely see here. There is an African leopard wrasse, which if you find one, I highly recommend. For large angels and tangs, if you can swing a ten foot tank, that would be ideal, with eight foot being ok.
Oh, my bad. Honestly, I admit at this point I am confused. If not that old post, when did you tell me about a school of anything not being an option for my sized tank? I do not recall or see any such exchange between us recently. I hold a lot of value to what you say here, so if I am missing something on some prior advice you have given me, my apologies. Can you maybe remind what post this was in? I can't find it.

Either way, I get it, and I do appreciate the help. No schooling fish for my size tank. Got it.

I know this forum is not about this, and I apologize for derailing. I've only been at this... in practice... for about 2 weeks. My primary sources of information are this forum and WAMAS' forum. I'm trying implement what I've learned so far in both forums.


Actually, it was my fault. I usually stress to always put tank size in every question so I was confusing your question with another. In a 125 gallon tank, you can have a group of anthias (although chromis can work initially but will dwindle to one over time). For all questions going forward please remind me of tank size(!).
here is my list/thoughts for a 125 FOWLR. Shoot holes in it or offer up any comparable inhabitants:

4-5" Blueface angel or 4" Emperor Angel or 4" Lamarck's
5" Bird Wrasse
5" Tongan Foxface
pair 3" Skunk Clownfish
5" Purple tang

looking to keep it simple. I will have heavy flow via 2 Mp40's and a DC12000 return. moderate sandbed , and reef octo 200 for the waste as well as a large Bio pellet reactor( Next Reef SMR1 XL ).

Some longshots:
- Powder Blue tang
-White spot puffer
- Small herem of Bartletts anthias x5 ?
-Large Kole Tang
-Tennenti Tang

I will take any and all feedback including housing any of 2 compatible angelfish that are in the mid-large range. I do not want many large fish but rather 3-4 decent sized with alot of open space in the tank..

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here is my list/thoughts for a 125 FOWLR. Shoot holes in it or offer up any comparable inhabitants:

4-5" Blueface angel or 4" Emperor Angel or 4" Lamarck's The most territorial would be either the Emperor or Blueface so those should be introduced last just before the purple tang or other tang. I personally like Bluefaces a lot but also Emperors
5" Bird Wrasse
5" Tongan Foxface
pair 3" Skunk Clownfish
5" Purple tang last

looking to keep it simple. I will have heavy flow via 2 Mp40's and a DC12000 return. moderate sandbed , and reef octo 200 for the waste as well as a large Bio pellet reactor( Next Reef SMR1 XL ).

Some longshots:
- Powder Blue tang
-White spot puffer
- Small herem of Bartletts anthias x5 ? fine; compatible
-Large Kole Tang instead of the purple, that would be preferable since zebrasome tangs are more territorial
-Tennenti Tang

I will take any and all feedback including housing any of 2 compatible angelfish that are in the mid-large range. with one of the large angels above, I would look at one of the dwarf angels; I would not try two large angels

I do not want many large fish but rather 3-4 decent sized with alot of open space in the tank.. good strategy

Gobies Together?

Gobies Together?

Hi Steve,
Can I keep a green goby and a yellow goby in the same 56g DT?
If yes, can I QT them together in a 10g?
OK Steve... after much back and forth with people out here on the forum I'm convinced I need a stock list. Also with much back and forth discussion and input from you and reading on LA I think I have finally come up with a list that I will stick too. I don't plan on bothering you again for a while. :-)

Currently in DT : 2 Small OC Clowns, 2 Cleaner Shrimp and snail CUC

Fish to add:
Purple Firefish - Add 1st
Royal Gramma - Add 2nd
Green Clown Goby
African Miday Blenny
McCosker's or Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse

As always your help is greatly appreciated!
OK Steve... after much back and forth with people out here on the forum I'm convinced I need a stock list. Also with much back and forth discussion and input from you and reading on LA I think I have finally come up with a list that I will stick too. I don't plan on bothering you again for a while. :-)

Currently in DT : 2 Small OC Clowns, 2 Cleaner Shrimp and snail CUC

Fish to add:
Purple Firefish - Add 1st
Royal Gramma - Add 2nd
Green Clown Goby
African Miday Blenny midas blennies can nip the fins of planktivores; I would suggest a different blenny
McCosker's or Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse

except as annotated, this is fine. Note that you have two jumpers so be sure you have a 1/4 inch mess top

As always your help is greatly appreciated!
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