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I have a fairly new tank and trying to build my fish list. Currently I have a blue hippo tang (dory) a coral beauty angel, a royal gramma, a mandarin green, and a blue spotted jawfish (seen the day added and not since). Pretty sure the jawfish is gone, want to replace and going to add two Picasso Clowns with a bubble tip anenomy. I want to add four more fish, but want compatable ones, my wife wants more tangs, looking at a yellow tang and most of ether others require larger than my 75 gallon tank. I would like active fish that won't spend all day hiding but won't attack or harass the fish we already have. Any suggestions are appriciated. We are planning to only have ten fish total, not counting the four Chromis as they surf above the reef. I did add a colony of copopods with the mandarin
I have a fairly new tank and trying to build my fish list. Currently I have

a blue hippo tang (dory) needs a much larger tank
a coral beauty angel,
a royal gramma,
a mandarin green needs a mature tank for survival , and
a blue spotted jawfish needs cooler temperature for long term survival

(seen the day added and not since). Pretty sure the jawfish is gone, want to replace and going to add
two Picasso Clowns with a bubble tip anenomy the clowns are fine, an anemone needs a more mature tank

. I want to add four more fish, but want compatable ones,
my wife wants more tangs, no additional tangs in this sized tank; if you remove the P. hepatus, you could replace it with one of the bristle tooth tangs.
looking at a yellow tang and most of ether others require larger than my 75 gallon tank. I would like active fish that won't spend all day hiding but won't attack or harass the fish we already have. Any suggestions are appriciated. We are planning to only have ten fish total, not counting the four Chromis four chromis will become one chromis over time

as they surf above the reef. I did add a colony of copopods with the mandarin which are long gone; mandarins eat constantly

I suggest slowing down, letting things settle in, and doing more research on what can survive long term in your tank
I am looking at starting a butterfly tank, nice peaceful FOWLR tank. What would you recommend the minimum tank size be? I am hoping to avoid anything over 200 gal for weight reasons.
I am looking at starting a butterfly tank, nice peaceful FOWLR tank. What would you recommend the minimum tank size be? I am hoping to avoid anything over 200 gal for weight reasons.

Not really the focus of this thread, but it is sort of. I personally prefer acrylic (for weight reasons among others). Tank length is more important than any other dimension. I would suggest an 8 foot 240 gallon acrylic tank (which is what I have in my kitchen)
I'm just starting out, don't even have water in the tank yet but I'd like to plan out my critters...recommendations welcome, especially on order! This is the product of me browsing liveaquaria for an hour or so.

Cleaner I need one?

1x Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1x One Spot Foxface
1x Mandarin
4x Carberryi Anthias
1x Snowflake Eel
1x Angler
3x Squirrelfish
I'm just starting out, don't even have water in the tank yet but I'd like to plan out my critters...recommendations welcome, especially on order! This is the product of me browsing liveaquaria for an hour or so.

Cleaner I need one?

1x Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1x One Spot Foxface
1x Mandarin
4x Carberryi Anthias
1x Snowflake Eel
1x Angler
3x Squirrelfish

I am sorry, but I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. Best to post your question here.
Hi Steve,

Ok, what about this.....

40B w/ 20L sump

Current inhabitants:
Randal Goby - pistol gone due to old age, will replace with a candy cane at some point
Helfrichi Firefish
Cleaner & Peppermint Shrimp
Various Snails

Proposed Additions:
Sexy Shrimp
Possum Wrasse
Pink Streaked Wrasse - added after the possum
Gold Assessor - DD just listed a trio, is this possible or in my best interest to only add a single fish?
Tailspot Blenny or Barnacle Blenny - is it possible to add more than one Barnacle Blenny, I will not mix a tailspot with a barnacle blenny
Gem Tang - just kidding I promise

Maybe I need a 240 in the kitchen, bet I'd cook more lol :) As always, thanks for your help!
Hi Steve,

Ok, what about this.....

40B w/ 20L sump

Current inhabitants:
Randal Goby - pistol gone due to old age, will replace with a candy cane at some point alpheus randall
Helfrichi Firefish
Cleaner & Peppermint Shrimp
Various Snails

Proposed Additions:
Sexy Shrimp
Possum Wrasse
Pink Streaked Wrasse - added after the possum
Gold Assessor - DD just listed a trio, is this possible or in my best interest to only add a single fish? only one in your size tank
Tailspot Blenny or Barnacle Blenny - is it possible to add more than one Barnacle Blenny, I will not mix a tailspot with a barnacle blenny more than one is fine; I strongly recommend getting a barnacle for it/them
Gem Tang - just kidding I promise for that I would make a house call

Maybe I need a 240 in the kitchen (she asked what I would recommend for a variety of butterfly fish), bet I'd cook more lol :) As always, thanks for your help!

Always a pleasure. You cook????
I have a 65 gallon tall tank. Coralife skimmer 20 g sump t5 lights 55ish lbs rock 2 in sand bed filter sock

Current stock
2 ocellaris clowns
1 flame angel
1 hovens wrasse
1 peppermint shrimp

Want to add
-Royal gramma
-Cardinal (blk/white)
- 1 or 2 more peppermint shrimp
-either coral banded shrimp or cleaner
-green mandarin in a few months
- yellow tang
- any recommendations on an anemone compatible with clowns
- any way I could add another angel (rusty,coral beauty, Pygmy)?
As annotated, the tang population needs to be minimal in this sized tank. The other ones are fine except as annotated
Okay so I thought over what fish I'm going to be having and ended up with this. 125 gallon 6 foot long reef tank with 150+ pounds of live rock 60 pounds of black sand. A 30g long sump with a middle refugium, protein skimmer rated 250. Also 3 powerheads in the tank. I'm planning on having a:
sailfin tang
Purple tang
Tomini or naso tang ( all 3 tangs will be 1.5"- 2")
2 blue/green chromis (might switch with another pair of clownfish that will be on other side of tank away from other pair)
2 platinum clownfish
Pj cardinal
Carpenter flasher wrasse
Cleaner wrasse
Ruby red dragonet

Zoas<br />
Sps<br />
Lps<br />
How's it sound?
I have a 65 gallon tall tank. Coralife skimmer 20 g sump t5 lights 55ish lbs rock 2 in sand bed filter sock

Current stock
2 ocellaris clowns
1 flame angel
1 hovens wrasse In the long run, this wrasse will eat shrimp, and will be incompatible with a mandarin or other dragonet
1 peppermint shrimp

Want to add
-Royal gramma
-Cardinal (blk/white)
- 1 or 2 more peppermint shrimp see hoeven's wrasse above
-either coral banded shrimp or cleaner see hoeven's wrasse above
-green mandarin in a few months see hoeven's wrasse above
- yellow tang needs a much larger tank
- any recommendations on an anemone compatible with clowns
- any way I could add another angel (rusty,coral beauty, Pygmy)? a second dwarf angel would be marginal in this size tank; with an acclimation box, it might work or might not
Okay so I thought over what fish I'm going to be having and ended up with this. 125 gallon 6 foot long reef tank with 150+ pounds of live rock 60 pounds of black sand. A 30g long sump with a middle refugium, protein skimmer rated 250. Also 3 powerheads in the tank. I'm planning on having a:
sailfin tang needs a much larger tank
Purple tang tank size is appropriate as the only tang or concurrently with the tomini
Tomini tank size is appropriate as the only tang or concurrently with the purple or naso tang needs a much larger tank ( all 3 tangs will be 1.5"- 2") fish grow and their territorial needs expand
2 blue/green chromis (might switch with another pair of clownfish that will be on other side of tank away from other pair) only one pair of clownfish in this sized tank, more than one chromis will not exist long term in the vast majority of cases
2 platinum clownfish
Pj cardinal
Carpenter flasher wrasse
Cleaner wrasse they rarely survive unless they are the African endemic; have no value in parasite eradication
Ruby red dragonet

Zoas<br />
Sps<br />
Lps<br />
How's it sound?
Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit View Post
Hi Steve,

Ok, what about this.....

40B w/ 20L sump

Current inhabitants:
Randal Goby - pistol gone due to old age, will replace with a candy cane at some point alpheus randall
Helfrichi Firefish
Cleaner & Peppermint Shrimp
Various Snails

Proposed Additions:
Sexy Shrimp
Possum Wrasse
Pink Streaked Wrasse - added after the possum
Gold Assessor - DD just listed a trio, is this possible or in my best interest to only add a single fish? only one in your size tank
Tailspot Blenny or Barnacle Blenny - is it possible to add more than one Barnacle Blenny, I will not mix a tailspot with a barnacle blenny more than one is fine; I strongly recommend getting a barnacle for it/them
Gem Tang - just kidding I promise for that I would make a house call

Maybe I need a 240 in the kitchen (she asked what I would recommend for a variety of butterfly fish), bet I'd cook more lol As always, thanks for your help!

Always a pleasure. You cook????

So all I need is a Gem for you to make a house call, I'll remember that :) I like to cook, I make a mean paella from scratch for someone that's not of Spanish decent.

Ok so most likely I'll add the above. In the case of barnacle blennies, how many can I have, pair, trio? I don't want to over stock & break up another war. Also, where would one go to find a barnacle? I apologize if this is a "blonde" question.
So all I need is a Gem for you to make a house call, I'll remember that :) I like to cook, I make a mean paella from scratch for someone that's not of Spanish decent.

Last time I checked, I am not. But that dish is actually from Spain if my memory serves.

Ok so most likely I'll add the above. In the case of barnacle blennies, how many can I have, pair, trio? I don't want to over stock & break up another war. In your sized tank, I would like to do three. They are really a hoot.

Also, where would one go to find a barnacle? My source for most things is ebay followed by An ebay example.

I apologize if this is a "blonde" question.

You are "blonde"? Seriously?
90 gallon tank with filter and live rock. Not sure on specific equipment yet.
- lionfish
- snowflake moray eel
- urchins
- brittle sea star
- scarlet reef hermit crabs
- dwarf zebra hermit crabs
- nassarius snails
- nerite snails
90 gallon tank with filter and live rock. Not sure on specific equipment yet.
- lionfish
- snowflake moray eel
- urchins
- brittle sea star
- scarlet reef hermit crabs
- dwarf zebra hermit crabs
- nassarius snails
- nerite snails

Sorry Amelia, I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. Best to post your question here.
Thanks a bunch Steve!! I think a trio will be a nice touch to the tank. I will check Ebay & Amazon for barnacles. What was I thinking, you can find everything on Amazon, I contemplate ordering my groceries from there & having it delivered to the office lol.

Yes I am a blonde but color my hair red so people don't think I'm a bimbo. Red hair scares people & most times it fits as I also contemplate pulling airline employees over counters when my Cites decs are not ready in a timely fashion.
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